
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Glove Bandit

A few weeks ago, I was tending to the chickens on a very cold day. I had to do something that required the use of my glove-less hands, so I took off my gloves and placed them on a stump in the chicken run. I went about my task and when I came back to fetch my gloves, they were nowhere to be found. At first I thought I was losing my mind, then I looked around a bit to see that Duchess had swiped my gloves!

It's always so funny to watch her do things that show off her personality. When we first brought her home, she was so shy and scared of everything. I've had to work really hard to get her to come out of her shell, so I always enjoy seeing her just being a dog.

I was curious if she would try to steal my gloves again, so I set up the scene once more to see what would happen. To my surprise, she took the bait.

Such a silly girl. We've bought her special toys to play with and she never warms up to them. Instead, I always discover her playing with the strangest things. I guess it's a little like a kid who plays with the box the toy came in more than the toy itself!

Do you have any animals with unusual quirks?



  1. what a big old fluff! love how calm she was in her thievery. :)

  2. That's so adorable!! Animals really do each have their individual traits that show off their personality don't they?? My cat Ruby has this quirk of sleeping in the bathroom sink LOL.

  3. Too cute, too sweet! Time for another pair of gloves...

  4. Duchess is so cute, I love that video of her! Our dog, Cadillac, doesn't go for the usual dog toy either. His favorite toy is an old T-shirt that we tied in knots for him. I guess he appreciates the "handmade with love" toys instead of rawhides or kongs.

  5. Tammy, Duchess is such a sweet dog!!!

    Kona is always asking for a biscuit, but then she doesn't eat it-she just holds it in her mouth like a cigar! It's hilarious!

    I sure love dogs-I can't imagine not having them in our lives:)

  6. She must love stuff that has your scent on it...true doggy love! ;)

  7. Oh, I just love this video. I love the way
    he casually strolls over and looks around to
    make sure no one is looking and then takes it back behind
    the shed! I am laughing.....have to show this to my husband.
    Thanks for sharing this! Corinne

  8. Love the way she casually walks up and takes the glove. Wonder what she was going to do with it. Just hide it from you.

  9. Ha-ha, cute video! Yes, I have a border collie that is obsessed with frisbees. He also LOVES to have someone blow bubbles so he can jump up and pop them.

  10. Ha ha she's so funny ( and so pretty too! :)

  11. That's funny! A neighbor's dog took everything that was not nailed down in our neighborhood. If something was missing, we knew where to find it.
    Farmhouse hugs,

  12. Oh that is so sweet. She is such a beautiful dog!

  13. I am sure she likes your gloves because they have your scent. I had a chocolate lab that loved my hubby's socks. Cute video!

  14. That is so funny!! I love these funny videos.

  15. She probably wants them because your scent is on them. Funny guy. Cali, who just passed recently, used to love to steal my girls Barbie clothes and put them in a pile in front of their bedroom doors. She was a whacky-doodle. Deb

  16. Haaha that's so funny and cute! I wonder where she took it?!

  17. Animal can bring such joy to our lives. Of course, they always want what they cannot have...they are just like!

  18. I love it! Playful, curious and determined! All good qualities :)

  19. Oh Tammy that is so cute and she did not even look back just like a professional glove stealer:) Love the back round music:) B

  20. How clever of you to catch her in the act! That was fun to watch.

  21. Haha!! I love it! Our dog Scout likes to run around the yard, full speed with a frisbee in her mouth. :)

  22. I love how she just nonchalantly walks away! So cute! xx

  23. So cute!! I will share some pictures of my Rusty, but he loves bath towels. He will wad them up and rest his chin on them.

  24. Dutchess is beautiful!! What kind of pooch is she? Did she come back for the other glove and I assume you followed her to see where she stashed it!! Why play with your own toys when you can have something that smells like "mom"!! She's a beauty and a sweetie!!

  25. So adorable! I'm glad you set her up to film it. She's so smart and is play-in with ya!


  26. Absolutely adorable. Lily, our goldendoodle, sings and dances for her supper...or, well, she bounces up and down and goes Ahhhhrooo, AHrooo, ahROOOO!

  27. How cute is that? I love when dogs get frisky & playful like that - it makes for some great fun!

  28. Ha so funny love her to bits... My little Lucy loves running away with my slippers .

  29. Ha so funny love her to bits... My little Lucy loves running away with my slippers .

  30. Hahaha! Didn't she see you stand there? lol So funny.

    I hear your guineas (I think) in the background. Sounds wonderful.

  31. LOL!! How cute!! Your gloves are soooo much better than some ol' store bought toy mom!! :)
    Our dog, Buddy, will drink your coffee if you leave it down where he can get to it!

  32. That's adorable. Our Sioux sleeps with one of my husband's socks every night. :)

  33. That was so!

  34. Gotta love our pups, huh?!? That is so cute, I love doggy personalities!


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