
Wednesday, March 27, 2013


After sleeping in just a little bit too late this morning, I groggily threw on my heavy layers to go outside and let the chickens out to start their day. I walked out the back door, filled up a water bucket to replenish the frozen waterers, fed Sylvester, then marched down to the chicken coop. I made sure to give Duchess a quick treat to get her out of my way before I opened the coop door and a flurry of chickens came spilling out. Up until then I had my back towards the sun, so when I turned around I was surprised to be greeted by the most gorgeous sunrise.

All of a sudden, I was overcome with excitement and felt every cell of my being burst with energy. I told Duchess I'd be right back for another treat, then I bolted up to the house to grab my camera. The sun waits for no one. I wanted to capture the sun just as I had seen it, barely peeking up from behind the hill.

I snapped away and became lost in the moment, just me and the sun. I had to get back inside to pack David's lunch and make sure he had everything he needed before leaving for work, but I couldn't pull myself away from that sunrise.

Finally, I forced myself to say goodbye. I had other responsibilities to tend to. I didn't get to spend too much time with the sun, but it ended up being just enough. I can't think of a better way to start my day.


Shared with Skywatch Friday, Rurality Blog Hop 


  1. awesome! love the roosting guinea in the last photo. :)

  2. Beautiful! I love watching the sunrise, it happens a lot more since the time change :-)

  3. We had a beautiful sunrise too! And I'm just like you-I have to stop what I'm doing and just let my breath be taken away for awhile:)

  4. Love that first capture with the trees on either side.

  5. OMGOSH thanks for taking me there this morning. I looked at that picture and then closed my eyes and pictured it . JUST amazing.. YOUR so blessed and I love how you live life and when your spending time with the SUN that is amazing.. I think the world would be so much calmer if people would take that breathing space and just BE... That's kind of how I felt sitting under murdocks at the beach that day .. Just being .... The animals are loving the sun too I can just imagine... ONE day I will stop in and visit sister.. WOULD love to see your farm.. HUGS and hope that you and your honey and your PET family have an amazing and blessed Easter... TOODLES .(my word for the moment LOL )

  6. Gorgeous photo Tammy. I could feel the freshness of the morning!

  7. Beautiful! You certainly captured the feeling.

  8. Beautiful. Sunrises are glorious some mornings. Glad you were able to experience it!

  9. Oh the beautiful we have missed you! The pics are just beautiful!!! We actually had some blue sky and sun at times today...supposed to be in the high 50's...yay! Maybe Spring is on her way. Have a great day! Blessings!

  10. How nice! Yes, time stops when you see a good sunrise. Glad you took full advantage.

  11. A beautiful way to start the day! Lovely photos to capture that special moment! I love the last one with the guinea hen. So sweet. Enjoy your sunny day! xx

  12. Isn't is wonderful to start the day with a beautiful sunrise!?!
    Farmhouse hugs,

  13. I LOVE when I'm able to catch a sunrise in the morning, it's even better when it's by surprise!

  14. So beautiful! I tend to start my day so much more favorably if I catch a glimpse of the rising sun!

  15. Lovely. We have seen so little of the sun so it is a great treat.

  16. Tammy, beautiful sunrise! A wonderful start to your day, I hope you didn't forget to go back to Duchess with her treat.

  17. That is beautiful and a great way to start the day! :)

  18. What a glorious way to start your day, thanks for sharing it with us!

  19. Nice shots, I really like the last one with the chicken.

  20. Lovely! I especially like the last photo!

  21. Beautiful - what a great start to the day!

  22. So beautiful Tammy....I don't care how many sunrises you see every single one is amazing and it's really hard to pull yourself away for even one second when you see such a beautiful sight. Love your photos and everyday brings a new sunrise for all of us to see and to sit in awe of another brand new day.

  23. Absolutely lovely! Lovely pictures and a lovely way to start the day!

  24. Nice sunrise! It's been a while since I've been out that early with a camera/

  25. Oh wow! That is beautiful and stunning! A perfect way to start the day!

  26. Oh Tammy I seen the same sun and I understand the feelings you had it is wonderful to see and enjoy but there is work to be done:) B

  27. Hi Tammy, thanks for your lovely comment on my post, yes funny we were blogging about the same thing! Lovely photos, I'm the same running around outside with my camera in my pjs! If I miss seeing the sunrise the day doesn't quite feel the same to me. Have a lovely long weekend S:)

  28. I can see why you had to run back for camera - that is one beautiful sunrise!

    That last photo is awesome!!

  29. What a beautiful way to start the day! So glad you captured it.

  30. I think I enjoy the sunrises more than the sunsets...yours was beautiful! Have a wonderful evening!!

  31. It's gorgeous, and how wonderful that you take the time to notice these things!

  32. Ahhh, what a nice way to start the day :)

  33. Simply beautiful my friend.. Oh for your young energy.. smile..

  34. It's wonderful to appreciate every simple thing that happens around us.

  35. The late winter, early spring sunrise and sunsets are spectacular, what a great way to start your day! :)

  36. What a glorious feeling it is! Seeing the sun rise every day can make us complacent, but you captured it for the miracle that it is. Stunning.

  37. I LOVE sunrises. They are among my favorite things in the world. I love them more than sunsets. I get up early every single morning and I love watching the sun awake from its slumber :)

  38. Awesome!!!! see u Saturday.
    Aunt Bette

  39. Beautiful pics and I'm so glad you were able to capture them...a great memory to record. (I love the last one with your chicken roosting...priceless. :)

  40. What a lovely sunrise.

  41. That is a stunning sunrise you captured! It almost looks like a fire behind the trees.

  42. How gorgeous! I am NOT an early bird and rarely get to see a sunrise; sometimes I forget how amazing they can be! (Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love yours, and I'm passing it along to my brother and sister in law who are hoping to do the same thing you and your husband have done and move to the country to raise their own food and animals.) Take care, ~Heather

  43. Lovely photo's, beautiful sunrise, one would almost think the trees were on fire. Hope those chickens lay plenty of eggs for Easter.

  44. beautiful! you have such a serene yard!

  45. Beautiful- I love it when I can catch it either coming up or going down.

  46. Great landscapes, great forest!

  47. the best part of the morning! beautiful!

  48. What beautiful photos, your backyard looks straight out of a postcard! I just followed your blog on Google Friend Connect. I hope you can follow mine too over at Have a great night!

  49. Tammy I could feel your excitement, and totally understand that feeling. Great shots and good for you. I also loved seeing the white guinea still roosting and sleepy as the sun rose.

  50. Lovely photos, lovely moment. Thanks for sharing it!

  51. You got! Marvelous sunrise photography for Rurality ~ Wow! ~ ^_^

  52. Early morning is a great time to be outside, isn't it? Although, I hate getting out of bed, when I do, I enjoy it immensely. Great photos.

  53. Beautiful skies through the trees! Soon spring growth will obscure the early morning light. Thanks for stopping in at my sky. Enjoy your day.


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