
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Once Upon a Flock: Review and Giveaway!

I have been following Lauren Scheuer's blog Scratch and Peck for a while now, and have always adored her posts featuring charming illustrations of her flock of chickens. I was so excited when I heard the news that she would be publishing a chicken memoir complete with her own photos and illustrations! I couldn't wait to get my hands on it. Much to my delight, Lauren reached out to me asking if I'd like to receive an advance copy and host a giveaway on my blog for her new book. I jumped at the opportunity!

Once I received my copy in the mail, I dove right in. Immediately I knew Lauren and I were kindred spirits. Her love and dedication to her chickens is apparent from the very beginning, especially when she writes about her dear hen, Lucy, who is afflicted with a neurological disease and needs special care. When Lucy eventually has the desire to become a mother, Lauren goes above and beyond to make that dream come true for her sweet hen, even when things don't go exactly as planned.

I loved the story of Lauren's cute terrier, Marky, and how he learned to watch over the chickens and keep them safe from predators. I've learned myself with our dog, Duchess, that chicken guardian dogs are worth their weight in gold!

Once I started reading the book, I couldn't put it down and finished in a couple days. It made me laugh, it made me cry, and I loved it so much that I told David he had to read it. He was off school one day last week so he picked up the book and finished it off in just a few hours! He told his grandma about the book and she wanted to read it as well, and she also read it in the course of an afternoon and really enjoyed it.

If you keep and love chickens you will definitely find a little bit of your story in Lauren's book, and if you don't keep chickens, you will be delighted and intrigued and probably be convinced to get a flock of your own. Chicken owner or not, you will love this charming tale of Lauren and her flock of chickens.

If you'd like the chance to win a copy of Once Upon a Flock, simply leave a comment below. I will pick one winner at random at 11:59 pm central time on Friday, March 22. US residents only. If you can't wait to read the book, you're in luck because today is the official release date! You can find it wherever books are sold. Get your copy today!


Disclaimer: I was given a copy of the book for the purpose of this review. No other compensation was made and the opinions are my own.


The winners are...

smallfarminwoods and OSOTM! smallfarminwoods - please email your full name and mailing address to me at so we can send your copy out to you. Congratulations and thank you to everyone for entering this awesome giveaway.


  1. Oh how I love her chicken drawings. So cute! Thanks for the chance!!

  2. I don't have chickens.... YET! I am really looking forward to that next step in our adventure. Would love to read this book. :)

  3. No sense looking it up at the library yet then huh?!?! I would love it!

  4. Tammy one of the blogs I follow posted a post this morning about how her and her husband got two baby chickens and are not sure what do to LOL. I directed her to your blog as a reference if that's ok :)

  5. This sounds like an awesome book! I would love a chance to win!

  6. Would love to read this book :)

  7. I would love a copy of this book! It looks adorable!

  8. I love reading Laurens' stories on her site, would really love to read them in book form! :)

  9. I would absolutely love a copy of this book. Thanks so much for the opportunity. :)

  10. Oooo! Oooo. Pick me! Pick me! I would love a copy :)

  11. I would love a copy of the book!

  12. I found Lauren and her chickens through another blog I follow. I spent all afternoon reading her blog. Her illustrations just add that special something. I have been watching and listening to my girls a little more since reading her words. They really do have a lot to say and we can learn a lot from them.

  13. This little book looks just perfect to read to the grandchildren. Congratulations upon being published!

  14. Love Lauren's blog, art and finding Marky. My girls have definitely become part of our family. Our lab looks out for them when they are foraging in our backyard. It sounds like an enjoyable book.

  15. I can t enter the comp. as I am in Australia but thanks for the recommendation. I like what I see.

  16. What a sweet chicken book♥ Please enter me in the giveaway! Blessings from Kansas!

  17. I would LOVE to win that book!

  18. Even though I've already ordered the book from B&N, I would love to win this one so I can give it as a gift - I want everyone to read it!

  19. Oh I wish I lived in the USA today:) That looks like a fantastic book Tammy. Love the bits you showed and shared. Love the illustrations. B

  20. Oh it sounds great. I'd love to read it.

  21. Sounds like a great book. I'm not currently a chicken owner, but years ago we had two hens (long funny story that I'll have to share on my blog sometime). Love the illustrations in this book!

  22. Great review. I am going to buy it for a friend. She would love it

  23. I am so looking forward to getting a copy. I love Lauren's illustrations, photos and stories on Facebook. Always puts a smile on my face, wonderful!

  24. I discovered your page on the Scratch and Peck Facebook page! I'm new to blogging and chickens and I'm loving both! Would love to win the book.

  25. I am picking up chicks this week! So anxious to see them running around in the pasture again. Would like a chance at this lovely book. As oft stated, such cute illustrations.

  26. Sounds like a wonderful story. Thanks for the review and I would love to enter your drawing. EileeninMd

  27. I would love to win the book...sounds
    like a fun read!

  28. I'd love to have to read a good book with beautiful pictures! We are getting chicks soon and can't wait!

  29. I Want to read this book so much, I love the images

  30. What an adorable book!! Would love to win it! :)

  31. You are right, the illustrations are adorable. She is a very creative person.

  32. This book sounds great. Please enter me and thanks for the review.

  33. I am interested in reading this book with such lovely illustration. Please enter me in the drawing.

  34. Lauren's book looks and sounds wonderful! I'm new to the chicken flock world, I've had my little flock of baby chicks for a couple weeks now, I would LOVE to read Lauren's book - please enter my name in the drawing! Thanks for the chance!


  35. I would love to be read this book! You have me wanting to pick up a copy right now, but it will be a while before we are back to the city with access to a book store!

  36. Oh I think that was quite fitting that you got an advanced copy of Laurens lovely book . It sounds like a good read and looks to have beautiful illustrations.

  37. Can't wait to read this!

  38. That sounds like a wonderful book. I love that there are chicken guardian dogs protecting the coop.

  39. What adorable illustrations and so creative to mix them with real farm photos. I'd love to win Tammy! xo

  40. what super cute illustrations...i'll have to check her blog out...sounds like her book is already a big success!

  41. Well...I don't officially have chickens, but I have Roo. Count me in.
    Happy spring and farmhouse hugs,

  42. Would love the chance to own a copy of this book, thank you!!

  43. I live in Plano, TX and we're not allowed to keep chickens, but would if I could. I think I would enjoy this book.

  44. It sounds like a wonderful book. I'd love a copy.

  45. It looks like a fun book, thanks for the giveaway. :)

  46. I live in Canada so I won't be entered in the giveaway, but I had to say how charming this book looks. I'll keep an eye out for it in our local book store. Good luck to everyone!

  47. Sounds like a sweet story. Thanks for the opportunity!

  48. Long live chickens!!! I would definitely love a copy! :o)

  49. Sounds like a book I couldn't put down until I had read it cover to cover. I would love to have a copy. Thanks.

  50. I found your site via The Hen Cam! I like it very much and would LOVE to win a copy of Lauren's book! I plan on visiting your site regularly! Thank you! Donna

  51. How sweet! I have said it many times, but I love the way you love your animals!

  52. Looking forward to reading all about Lucy!

  53. Sounds like a sweet read.

  54. super cute illustration lol, this looks like a fun book
    daniellex at gmail dot com

  55. I am quickly becoming a crazy chicken lady - I would love to read the new book!

  56. Your review really makes me want to read this book!

  57. What a great opportunity, Tammy! I would love to read it too!

  58. Oh sounds like a great book one I am sure that our grandson would love!

  59. This looks like such a great book. I'd love to win a copy of it.

  60. I met Lauren at the Northeast Poultry Congress and enjoyed her company immensely. I was so happy to discover her blog after our meeting and love her artwork and that she loves her little hens almost as much as I love mine! I'm thrilled to read her new book and know that I will thoroughly enjoy it! Thank you for hosting the giveaway! :D

  61. I wish I didn't live so far away. That sounds and looks like the sweetest book. Have a fabulous Friday! Tammy

  62. this book sounds wonderful. hoping to win.thanks for your blog.

  63. Love chickens and this looks like a wonderful book!

  64. Love Lauren's blog - such a talented artist. Hoping to win!

  65. I am pleased to find your blog and will be coming back.

  66. I am really excited about this book! Can't wait to read it!

  67. The book sounds absolutely wonderful!! I can't wait to read it! I'm sure I will feel the "kindred spirit" too. Thank you so much for the message to come check out the book! You are a sweetie!!

  68. Forgot to leave my email

  69. I would love to win this book! Thanks so much for the giveaway!
    cjay (at) iavalley (dot) edu

  70. Lauren is a talented bunny
    I have followed her for a while

  71. Tammy-what a fun book! I need to buy a copy and leave it laying around as a hint for my hubby;) I. Want. Chickens. Now!!

  72. I am so happy for Lauren and I would love to own a copy of her book.
    Thank you both for such a wonderful giveaway.
    I can't wait to get my hands on it!

  73. You know me...anything chickens! I love her illustrations and would really love to win a copy of her book!

    BTW I read your other post about being featured on her blog today, Congratulations! Love the illustration she did for you too.


  74. I would love this book! I love the illustrations from her blog, and I would love to own this book and see them. Thank you!

  75. A book I know I'd enjoy reading!!!! Thank you!

  76. I would love to win!! Especially, since I can't go see her in Austin. :( I have to wooooooork! :(

  77. Great review of a fabulous book.

  78. What a great book! I sooo want this book. It sounds wonderful. Thanks for the give away.. Blessings!

  79. I have a Wyandotte also, but my girl is black and white. Buttercup was very pretty!

  80. I would love a chance to win this book! I just know my three kids would get a kick out of it too!

    1. Congratulations, you have won a copy of the book! Please send me your full name and mailing address to so we can get your book out to you right away. Thanks!

  81. Thanks for the chance to win!

  82. Would so love a copy of the book. Thanks for sharing all your joys and sorrows of flock life.

  83. What a wonderful giveaway! Thank you!

  84. Love both your and Lauren's blogs. I am new to chicken keeping-I really never wanted to share my life with chickens. But after buying a small farm and becoming a reliable food source to one rescued racehorse, one rescued backyard horse, a playmate to five rescued dogs, a thing to be tolerated to a rescued mini Sicilian donkey and staff to a rescued cat, I decided, hey! what's one more species going to matter? So I now am friends with 4 wonderful hens and I find them eternally interesting. Even when they're not. I just lost one of my hens (after she killed and ate a frog?), and am replacing her with a Wyandotte (or two.). It is my hope she will be as lovely and as kind as your Buttercup.
    Would love to win Lauren's book, but even if I don't, please assure her that I'm buying several copies for my chicken and no-chickens-YET friends. Keep up the great work, both of you!

    1. Hi Lesli - Thanks so much for the kind comment! Seems like you've got your hands full but it sounds like heaven to me :) Sorry about the loss of your hen; I know how hard that is. Best of luck with the new addition(s)!

  85. Hello!! Here at our small farm, Windmill Farm we have our special flock of chickens so I am always excited to read and hear about other people who have chickens. I so enjoy both of your blogs, Our Neck of the Woods and Scratch and Pack and have them as my favorites on my blog Chickens do have individual personalities and also have favorite "friends" that they cruise around their pen and yard. Can't wait to hear more stories and see more of the adorable illustrations. Happy Easter-Paula-Windmill Farm

  86. i cant wait to read this book!

  87. I have also followed her postings and she is a wonderful artist!! Would love to win and share the book with my students!!

  88. I find it interesting how many people fall in love with their chickens, it makes me feel in good company.

  89. I can't wait to read this book!

  90. Oh I'd love to win a copy of this book!

  91. Thanks for sharing about this book! Hope to see you tomorrow at Eco-Kids Tuesday!

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