
Friday, March 8, 2013

Feathered Friend Friday

For today's FFF, I have some very exciting news to share! A few months ago, Gretchen from The Backyard Farming Connection asked if I would like to participate in an ebook focused on growing your own fresh food and getting it from farm to table. This is something I'm very passionate about, so of course I jumped at the opportunity!

The ebook is organized by month, with each chapter featuring a different blogger writing about a crop specific to that month. My month is March, and the chapter is a complete guide on how to raise guinea fowl, collect their eggs, and cook up a delicious meal (my guinea toast). You can find the complete list of contributors here - you may see some familiar faces!

The book will be released next Thursday, March 14, so be sure to check back here and download your FREE copy of this informative ebook!



  1. Congratulations! That is very exciting and I will definilely check out the book because lord knows, I could use some tips in that department.

  2. Exciting news Tammy, Congrats. I'll definitely check it out next week, I saw it on FB too. Have a great weekend!

  3. So exciting! I can't wait to check it out!

  4. How awesome! So excited for you and for this great resource...I'm sure it'll be a valuable project for a long time to come...a big congrats to you!

  5. Tammy, that is wonderful news!! I will be downloading my copy next week-and thank you so much for doing this!

  6. How exciting about the book! I hope it does very well.

  7. That's awesome! Congratulations :-) Definitely looking forward to downloading it!

  8. Can't wait tocheck it out next week and I to seen on my Fb wall !
    Have a Awesome & Blessed Friday and Weekend !

  9. FEATHERED FRIEND FRIDAY!! I always get excited when I see that title pop up on my blog list :)

    Congrats by the way! I look forward to seeing this next week :)

  10. Wow, you've been published. Now's the time to get started on your own book 'Our Neck of the Woods'.

  11. Very exciting!! I am so happy for you.. I will be checking back to see it!

  12. WOW! Congratulations Tammy! This is VERY exciting! I will definetely be downloading it next week - can't wait! Hope you have a great weekend my friend!

  13. That is sooo exciting! Congrats to you!!! My husband and I would some like to do our own (small scale) farming/gardening and animal raising. That way we know where our food is coming from and how the animals are being treated. I will be sure to download your book!

    1. Oops, I meant to say my husband and I would some day like....I don't proof-read! :)

  14. How exciting! I can't wait for this book!

  15. Congrats on being included in an e-book! That must be very exciting for you.

  16. Oh Tammy congratulations i am so excited for you. I look froward to seeing this book. Way to go girl:) Hug B

  17. Wow! Awesome and congrats! Even though I don't have much land, i like to do what i can to grow my own fresh food and herbs!

  18. Congratulations, this is wonderful! Can't wait to see it!

  19. Oh WOW! Congratulations, Tammy! I'm really excited for you!

  20. Oh how fun.....can't wait to download it!
    So glad to learn of other blog sites on the
    list of contributors too!

  21. Congratulations Tammy! What a cool thing to do!! :)

  22. Congrats Tammy ... I look forward to it being available soon :)

  23. This is great news Tammy! Congratulations! I'm all about sustainable and organic farming and this will help encourage people to consider family farming.)


  24. Ooooh! Congratulations! What an fabulous compliment to your life style, your writing and I'm guessing your photos too. I'm so excited for you! :-)

  25. Congrats!! That is so exciting. Looking forward to the release :)

  26. Tammi, will you give your guineas a chance to hatch those eggs at least once or a couple of times?

  27. Congratulations, Tammy! What an exciting adventure for you! So glad that you can share your wonderful lifestyle and expertise with others! Have fun! xx

  28. Congratulations I will take a look for sure.

  29. Good Morning Tammy....there is nothing more exciting than to be invited to contribute and be a part of a new book to be published. I'm so happy for you and look forward to seeing " The Backyard Farming Connection" and especially the month of March. You should be very proud to be part of something so worthwhile and I support organic farming in our community...I buy local produce all summer long. I am not a successful gardener so I am in awe of all of your is no small task to raise animals and to grow your own food...I am so proud of you. Congratulations !!!

  30. That's wonderful Tammy! Good for you!

  31. Yay....congrats, Tammy. This is awesome....

  32. Wow! That is very exciting! Congratulations!

  33. Congrats, Tammy! I will check it out! Happy for you and your Guineas!

  34. Congrats Tammy! I'm happy to see that you are being recognized for your commitment to sustainability and frugal living. Best wishes, Tammy

  35. Congratulations Tammy, What a wonderful project and so needed! I can't wait to check it out!

  36. Congratulations Tammy, What a wonderful project and so needed! I can't wait to check it out!


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