
Friday, March 29, 2013

Feathered Friend Friday

Welcome to our series "Feathered Friend Friday." Every Friday I write a post with interesting facts, photos, or funny stories about our chickens and guineas. If you need to catch up, you'll find all the Feathered Friend Friday posts here   

For a while now, I've been trying to figure out the best way to store our eggs so we know which ones are fresher and which ones are older. We have a couple of ceramic egg crates and for a while I would just put the new eggs in the front and move the old ones to the back. Then, when the crates were full, I'd fill up egg cartons so that we could sell the eggs.

Well, that didn't turn out to be the best method because sometimes I'm not as organized as I'd like and eggs just get left all over the place. Sometimes I prefer to keep eggs at room temperature for baking and other purposes (more on that here), so with the eggs on the counter, in the ceramic crates, and in the egg cartons, I was getting confused.

One day, I saw a photo on Farmhouse 38 showing that Kate had written directly onto her eggs who laid them and the date they were laid. Genius! I have too many brown egg layers to know exactly which hen laid which brown egg, but I figured at least I could write the date on the egg so I would know precisely how fresh it was before I cracked it open. I didn't want the date to be too conspicuous, so I decided to just write it on the very bottom of the egg, where it rests in the egg carton.

I finally feel like I have found the perfect method of controlling our egg inventory. No more guessing at how old an egg is when it's written directly on the bottom. All I have to do now is turn it over and see for myself!

Would you prefer to have the dates written on the eggs you buy so you know exactly how fresh they are?


Shared with Clever Chicks Blog Hop


  1. If I had that many eggs I think I would do that too!

  2. I think this is a good idea. How long do eggs stay good for? I am an expiration date stickler but I have a friend who eats them LONG after the expiration date has passed.

  3. Where did you get those beautiful egg cartons?! I've been thinking about making myself some ceramic cartons, and I love the look of yours!

  4. Genius! YES! I would love if they were written on - no guesswork! Have a wonderful Easter Tammy :)

  5. wonderful colours. the pictures are so nice.
    happy easter.
    maren anita

    FASHION-MEETS-ART by Maren Anita

  6. That is genius Tammy! All those beautiful colored eggs from your hens remind me of an Easter egg hunt! Happy Easter, my friend!!

  7. Eggs are stamped with dates here in stores in Ireland so I would have no problem buying eggs with dates handwritten on them

  8. great idea - and beautifully presented! Have a happy Easter, Tammy!

  9. That's what we do too - just write in pencil the date they are gathered. It works well.

  10. That's a great idea. Which leads me to my next old is an old egg? In my childhood I don't think that was ever an issue. I do remember that fresh eggs can be kept longer that factory produced eggs (probably because those travel all over the country for days). Do you happen to know?

    By the way, I have created a second blog ( that I am going to use as sort of my chicken diary. It will help me keep all of my chicken related information in one place and will be kind of fun to look back in a year to see the progress I am making. Again, you are my inspiration!


  11. Wonderful idea and love the photography ~ Your loving hens and chicks have been busy ~ Happy Easter to you ^_^

    Thanks for visiting and commenting.

  12. What a great idea for you and for the person buying the eggs!

  13. Yes, that is a very accurate way of doing it! I was also using a date just on my cartons, but then they don't always lay in sets of 12's now then, do they? a colored dot that is different for each day works if you want a less conspicuous :date: but be sure to put the colored dot on the coordinating day on the calender. All in all, I like the date penciled just like you are doing. And when in doubt, you can always put the eggs in a bowl or cup of water. Eggs that sink are fresh, eggs that start to float are still usable, eggs that float are old. This is good as sometimes an egg may break down faster than another.

  14. Yes, wouldn't it be nice for us that have to buy eggs to see the date on the egg?

  15. That's a clever way to keep track of your egg inventory. Wow, looks like the chickens lay a ton of eggs. Lucky you!

  16. Very clever and a great idea. Do you dye eggs for Easter? Have a great weekend and a Happy Easter!

  17. hi Tammy
    That is a wonderful idea, I might do the same. I love the colors on those eggs. Thanks for visiting my blog. Now I'm your follower.
    Happy Eastern.

  18. What a great idea, a pity more people don't do that!

  19. Such a lovely mixture of different colored eggs!! Great idea of dating the eggs as well. Our grocery store has dated eggs - not all - but one of the brands does this. One of my neighbor freezes her eggs as well. In the summer or late fall she'll freeze two eggs per zip lock bag for cooking in the winter when her hens molt and stop laying.

  20. What a great idea!! I'm so going to do that too!

  21. The eggs are all so pretty. All colored for Easter without even dying them. I think it's a great idea to write the date on the egg.
    Have a Happy Easter.

  22. Fantastic idea! With my growing flock, this will come in helpful :) I am curious about the ceramic egg crates, I did not know there was such a thing. I am going to google this now!

  23. What a brilliant idea! So simple, yet so effective :)

  24. Looks like the best way to keep track. The simplest ideas are usually the best!

  25. That is a great idea! Have a Happy Easter!

  26. Bloody hell
    Your eggs are so clean...
    I sell mine with all the sh*t still on em

  27. Wow! That is a wonderful idea! And you have such an array of egg colors, you don't need to dye any for Easter! :) They are beautiful! Happy Easter!

  28. Perfect idea! I do wish all eggs were marked that way! Love that photo of the eggs in the crate. That would make a great framed print! I love the blue egg. Happy Easter Tammy!

  29. happy easter!!

    love, love your photos!


  30. What a great idea, I love it! As of of now I am pretty on top of the eggs we get but this next weekend i'll be picking up a few more chicks and once they start laying I will definitely need a system. Great photo too :) Happy Easter Tammy!

  31. Tammy, just letting you know that you are in my Featured Personal Blog sidebar for April/May on Carole's Chatter. Have a great week.

  32. That's a great idea! Beautiful blog.

  33. That's a great idea! My husband solved that problem for me - he gave me a couple of Egg Skelters for Christmas! Not only did it solve the problem, but they look great in my dining room!

  34. Tammy -- I don't write on my eggs as there is a theory that the ink permeates the shell. Not sure that's an accurate thought, but in any event, I use those round garage sale stickers to mark my egg cartons to show the date the eggs went into the fridge.

  35. My mother in law and her husband have land in Iowa and my mother in law is often traveling there and back. She brings eggs from the hens on the property. I would love to have the dates on the eggs, just so I feel more comfortable giving the eggs to my sons.

  36. What a great idea! Beautiful pictures, such a variety!

  37. I will store this idea in my memory so when I finally have more than 3 eggs a day I can use it! Right now I can remember who laid what and when. I cannot wait for more eggs! Thanks for sharing.

  38. I think this is a great idea. I just got my chickies so whenever it is a problem I'll know how to solve it!

  39. WHat a wonderful idea however with just my 3 hens I am thinking I will do ok. the eggs will be gone sooner than later.


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