
Friday, March 22, 2013

Feathered Friend Friday

Today I am so very honored and thrilled to be featured over at Scratch and Peck for Lauren's blog tour. In preparation for the post, she asked me if she could create an illustration of one of my chickens. I am a huge fan of her work so I replied with a very enthusiastic yes! I was so excited to have the chance for one of my feathered friends get her expert treatment. Immediately I knew who I wanted to her to illustrate - my beloved hen Buttercup.

You may remember from a post last December that I lost Buttercup after a long battle with illness. Her passing was especially hard for me to take, as I had grown so close to her in the final months of her life. When I could tell she was really struggling and the end was near, I brought her inside the house for her last remaining days in an effort to make her as comfortable as possible. I checked on Buttercup numerous times each day and tended to her every need. I knew my days with her were numbered, so I spent every moment I could with her. I was really worried that she might slip away while I was at work, so I prayed that I could be there for her in those precious final moments. And thank God, I was. Buttercup died while sitting in my lap and her last memories were that of my voice telling her how much she was loved and my hands gently petting her soft, gorgeous feathers. It was a peaceful passing and exactly how I hoped it would end for my girl. For that I am so very thankful.

I had all this in mind when asking Lauren to illustrate Buttercup, and I have been waiting anxiously to see what she came up with. As soon as I saw her illustration, I began to cry. Lauren perfectly captured Buttercup's sweet nature and she looks so happy and healthy with a lovely gleam in her eye.

Isn't it just wonderful?! My tears are those of joy and happiness because Buttercup meant so much to me and I am so lucky to have known her and called her my own. This illustration reminds me of her joyful times and sweet spirit and I will treasure it forever. Please check out Lauren's post here to get more insight into her process and how she came up with the direction and overall feel of the illustration.

Don't forget to enter my drawing for a copy of Lauren's wonderful new book, Once Upon a Flock: Life With My Soulful Chickens. All you have to do is go to my review and giveaway post here and enter a comment. Since I am featured on Lauren's blog today, she has agreed to give away two copies of her book! Just comment on my post here and I will choose two winners at random tonight at 11:59 pm central time. Be sure to comment on the giveaway post for a chance to win - I will not choose winners from this post. Good luck and check back tomorrow to see if you are one of the two winners!


Disclaimer: We are part of the Amazon Associates program, so if you click on the link above to Once Upon a Flock and make a purchase, we will receive a small commission. 


  1. that is really, really sweet. loved hearing about your beloved hen, too.

  2. That is sooo sweet and special. Buttercup sure sounds like a wonderful hen :)

  3. Tammy what a heartfelt post. The way you described those last days with Buttercup, including the moment of her passing, made me emotional. Animals touch us in so many ways don't they? There's an old saying, "if you've never loved an animal, a part of your heart has never opened". I truly believe that. Lauren really captured Buttercup's beauty in that drawing!!

  4. This was such a tender and loving post. A nicer person could not have been featured. *sniff*

  5. Tammy, I love this post about your loved Buttercup. She must have been a special hen! Thanks for sharing and I love the drawing. Have a happy weekend!

  6. This is adorable -- both your words about Buttercup and the drawing. xo

  7. What a beautiful illustration of Buttercup :-) I am going over to read the other post, and enter to win a copy of her book too!

  8. I love this illustration, it's beautiful! What a lovely post!

  9. You have brought tears to my eyes with your fond memories of your dear friend Buttercup. Your love and kindness will never be forgotten. Thank you so much for sharing your feelings about Buttercup. I am so glad you got to enjoy such a lovely experience.

  10. I love your heart! And what a cool illustration of Miss Buttercup!

  11. What a great way to help capture a memory - the illustration is perfect...thanks for sharing Tammy. :)

  12. You really can see your Buttercup in the illustration. This is terrific and it was very nice of her too!

  13. I adore this picture of Buttercup. It really looks like her.

  14. Oh Tammy, that is lovely.. I feel so bad as we lost Sammi today and I know how your heart felt.. I was with him, too ...The dear thing.. Love your picture.. xo

  15. Oh, what a touching tribute. May peace be yours...

  16. Oh Tammy, what a wonderful story. I just had to pop over while I am lying on the couch to see your Feathered Friend Friday.. Buttercup was a beauty and yes, the picture is wonderful. What a special treat. What a wonderful treasure. I just know I will enjoy chickens like that some day. Thanks for sharing the story. Makes me look forward to having hens. Blessing to you my Friend.

  17. Wht a beautiful post, to lose an animal friend is hard too. She was georgeous.

  18. Such a special post on a beloved pet. You expressed yourself so well that I felt the bond between you and Buttercup.

  19. What a great illustration of your lovely hen. She was a beauty.

  20. Tammy, I'm so glad you like the drawing! And I love that you've framed a feather to remember her by as well.

  21. Oh, Tammy ~ this illustration of Buttercup is a treasure ~ and you took such loving care of her ~ thanks for sharing this I so love your chicks ~ Have a great weekend ~ ^_^

  22. The drawing is so cute! Some people just can't understand the relationship I have with my girls. I'm glad I'm not the only crazy chicken lady. Fingers crossed I win a book!!!

  23. Oh wow! Buttercup was such a beautiful girl. I love the illustration of Buttercup, Lauren is talented!

  24. Aw Tammy what a lovely way for a chicken to pass into the great free range in the sky. What a special illustration for you to keep. Buttercup did not look like a very old chicken. And can I ask what breed makes such a pretty chicken?

  25. Oh Tammy you made me cry that is a beautiful illustration. B

  26. Buttercup was a lucky girl to be so loved:)

  27. This brought tears to my eyes, as it isn't everyone that understands the bonds we form. You and Buttercup were so lucky to have had your time together! I think it is so wonderful that you have such an wonderful picture of her to always have nearby :)

  28. Oh, Tammy, this is so sweet! So nice that you have this keepsake to remember your little Buttercup! A very nice gift! I understand your love for your sweet girl - I have a cockatiel and maybe not quite a chicken, but it is a bird and I do really love him. And I know he loves me, who else would preen my eyelashes so nicely? xoxo

  29. Oh wow - that came out SO good. She did a really great job with Buttercup's likeness :)

  30. Tammy -
    you are such a kind and gentle soul!! You brought tears to my eyes and a lump in my throat. Buttercup and ALL your chickens are very lucky to have you care for them!! She did do a lovely job of capturing Buttercup's soul! I'll have to go over and check out your write up!! She's next on my list anyway!

  31. Tammy, What a wonderful illustration! Lauren did a marvelous job capturing your sweet Buttercup-and not only that, I love the style of her work as well! She truly has a gift!!

  32. I'm sorry about the loss of your Buttercup. What an amazing gift that picture is! I'm coming your way because Rosey recommended your blog to me. I am about to embark on my own chicken coop journey, so I'm following along via GFC and looking forwar to your insights.

  33. What a sweet post about your Buttercup and Lauren did a wonderful job capturing her likeness!

  34. Oh my that's wonderful sweet Buttercup , I am so pleased you could be with her on her final journey.
    Gorgeous illustration great capture.

  35. The illustration is sweet and isn't it nice to have in Buttercup's memory.
    Farmhouse hugs,

  36. what a lovely post about your buttercup. what a beautiful illustration too.
    oh, tammy you made me cry...

    big hugs.

  37. I'm so glad that you got such a beautiful picture to help you remember your little girl. :)

  38. Congratulations on being featured, and what an adorable illustration of Buttercup. It's wonderful to have this to remember her by.

  39. What a beautiful illustration of Buttercup! I remember how hard it was for you, and I'm glad now you have her in this picture!

  40. Congratulations of being the featured blogger. Buttercup will be long remembered through this picture. How wonderful!

  41. How nice to have a portrait of Buttercup.
    I wish I could have something like that of my favorite hen

  42. I love chickens. Even though I am a city girl I want so bad to live in the country to have my own hen house. I read all things chicken. Thanks Suzie Jones

  43. How wonderful that Lauren created that beautiful illustration of Buttercup. So sweet! Best wishes, Tammy

  44. I had all this in mind when asking Lauren to illustrate Buttercup, and I have been waiting anxiously to see what she came up with. As soon as I saw her illustration, I began to cry. Lauren perfectly captured Buttercup's sweet nature and she looks so happy and healthy with a lovely gleam in her eye. buy pakistani lawn suits online , pakistani lawn suits online shopping ,


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