
Friday, March 1, 2013

Feathered Friend Friday

Welcome to our series "Feathered Friend Friday." Every Friday I write a post with interesting facts, photos, videos, or funny stories about our chickens and guineas. If you need to catch up, you'll find all the Feathered Friend Friday posts here 

There's something I love about watching my chickens as they enjoy a special treat.

When they see me coming down the hill with something in my hand, they know what's up. They all rush to the fence and line up waiting impatiently for me to make it down to them.

If I have a treat they've never seen before, they will eye it cautiously for a moment before deciding to take a taste. Usually they decide it's pretty good, so they chow down. If their treat is something messy or stringy, it's especially fun to watch them tear into it.

I observe as they methodically bite away at the treat, tails up in the air.

They usually make pretty quick work of special treats, and then go about their business. And so do I. But it's fun to take a treat break every once in a while, even if you're not the one partaking.


Shared with Weekly Top Shot 


  1. I think your chickens have it pretty good! LOL.

  2. Oh Tammy you have the most beautiful spoiled chickens:) B

  3. Those are some lucky chickens you have there :) I love that they gobbled it right up like that.

  4. I love seeing their apprehension at first - kind of like children trying something new.

  5. hmmm hmmm What a treat! Smart chickens, nothing left!

  6. Your hens look pretty healthy and happy. :-)

  7. Tammy, I bet they really love those fun treats-and they don't realize that in their exuberance to gobble them up they are so much fun to watch!

    Have a great weekend!!

  8. I could look at them all day! So sweet and yes, they do look very happy and healthy! xx

  9. I love the third picture haha. Is that a pumpkin?

  10. You're right, it is neat to see. They seem to like a nice variety of things, I really like that...and did not know it until Feathered Friend Friday came about. :)

  11. Oooooh ! Goodies for the chicks ~ they look very content and love their little tails sticking up ~ What a great 'Mommmy' you are ~ Great photos ^_^ ~ Enjoy the weekend ^_^

  12. Your chickens must love you, especially when they see you coming with the treats. They are so cute, Thanks for sharing your feathered friends. Have a happy weekend!

  13. How cute! I bet this is when their personalities shine...the bravest (or most curious) gives it a whirl first!

  14. That looked like quite a fun, big orange, stringy, seedy, chicken pleasing treat !

  15. I so look forward to stopping by here on Fridays to see what you and the chickens are up to, and today's entry definitely didn't disappoint! My Granny used to say her chickens went 'waggletail' when she gave them a treat and looks as though your girls do as well.

    1. Oh! Would you mind if I pinned the first photo to my Down On The Farm pinterest board?

  16. Oh! I LOVE that last photo with those sweet tails up in the air!

  17. They are so cute!
    Farmhouse hugs,

  18. Your chickens are so cute, I love the photos as always :)

  19. Chickens are so much fun to watch! Thanks for sharing your photos.

  20. So cute! I enjoy the fun of watching my ladies delight in treats too. I stopped at the grocery store on my way home today, and had to grab a cucumber for them. They were so happy :)

  21. Tammy.. Hey sweet friend. I have not forgotten you .. I had lots happen girl. Out of town right now and when I get back MONDAY mailing off your surprise. I have not had time to even blog. Helping my mom this weekend on her shop opening and if you checked out my FB business page : ( you can see what else has happend. HUGS and wanted to touch base............................Toodles

  22. They look so happy! I'm so glad for them!!

  23. Great shots, and these chickens are so lovely. Looks like they are having a great time!

  24. I sure love this series of yours! You are such a good chicken mama, your girls are livin' the life.

  25. They certainly are enjoying your present - old pumpkin? Know it has to be healthy for them too! You must have the greatest tasting eggs around! Have you ever noticed a change in the taste of your eggs by what you feed them?

  26. Excelentes fotografias de belas galinhas....

  27. I wish an old pumpkin would make me THAT happy! They certainly do look like a happy bunch of ladies, love it!

  28. I love chickens and your pics are wonderful.. xo

  29. Tammy,

    I love all the pretty colors of your chickens!

    A special treat for my hens is watermelon. They make very short work of cleaning up the rinds.

  30. What great shots - your chickens are adorable! Is that pumpkin they're eating?

  31. I come from the blog of Betty Manousos - Cut and Dry - and I loved your virtual balcony.
    If you do not mind I'd like to be a follower of your space.

  32. Look at em go! hehehe =)

  33. Thank you for coming by sharing your creative photography on Weekly Top Shot #72!

  34. It's fun to spoil "the girls!" :)

  35. Looks like true chicken bliss!! :)

  36. These chickens are so curious fascinating to watch I bet. :)

  37. If my life could only be as simple as a chickens. It's meditating to watch them sometimes. Almost like listening to a stream flow.

  38. I love this series! Not sure why....I know nothing of chickens...maybe that is why....


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