
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Farm To Table Through The Year

I mentioned last week that I was a contributing author to an ebook titled Farm to Table Through the Year: 12 Months of Fresh Food from the Garden and I am so excited to share it with you all today! This project was headed up by Gretchen at The Backyard Farming Connection and she describes the book as "a culinary and gardening journey through the 12 months of the year with growing tips, first hand growing information, recipes, and photos to inspire you in your own backyard and in your kitchen this year."

To get your free download, subscribe to receive email updates from Our Neck of the Woods by entering your email address in my sidebar under "follow by email" or you can simply click the link below:

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The link to your free download will appear in your confirmation email. If you have already subscribed to updates via email and would like the link to your free download, please email me at and I will send it along. I don't want to clog up your inbox if this is something you are not interested in.

I was so honored and thrilled to work with Gretchen and the other writers on this project. This was a collaborative effort with 12 different bloggers who were gracious enough to share their own experiences and advice with all of us. To meet each of the wonderful contributors, please click here.

Feel free to comment or email me at with any questions or comments on my chapter about raising guineas and cooking their eggs. I'd love to hear from you. I hope you enjoy the ebook!



  1. What a wonderful thing to be involved in!

  2. I love this as I try to plant all twelve months.

  3. How awesome to be involved in such a project!

  4. Way to go Tammy I will be back later to check it out on my way to my Moms with no internet. Hug B

  5. This is an amazing project to be part of. Kudos! And may I say that offering it as a download is indredibly generous!

  6. Well, this is cool that it is available this easily. Thanks!
    Farmhouse hugs,

  7. This is very exciting! What a great project - I guess it's time to sign up.

  8. How are guinea eggs anyhow? I've slways wondered. Hope the book does well!

  9. Sounds like a great project, congrats!

  10. Congratulations! Such a great and exciting project Tammy!

  11. Good for you dear Tammy.. So looking forward to it.. Thanks..

  12. Tammy - thanks for all your hard work with this project. Your chapter is awesome and it was a joy to collaborate with you!

  13. Wow! I'm duly impressed. Congrats on being part of this amazing project.

  14. I've downloaded it and will be looking through it over the weekend. Best wishes, Tammy

  15. Just signed up. Sounds like a neat project and i'm looking forward to reading your chapter. I am lucky in that where I live I am able to garden all year. I am so lucky I know. Congrats again friend.

  16. This is fantastic - congratulations!


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