
Monday, March 18, 2013

Creative Use For An Old Soda Crate

You may remember my post last month on my thrift store finds which included some old soda crates. I told my grandma how excited I was about the crates, and she mentioned that she had a couple soda crates in her basement that I could have. My grandma's house is like a treasure trove of antiques, and lucky for me, she is trying to downsize and declutter. Every time I visit her I come back with a new piece!

The crates she gave me had been previously painted a pretty light green color and had a great weathered look. David had been brainstorming ways to use our new crates and came up with a really clever idea, sort of born out of necessity.

He is always losing his keys and wallet, so we made the crate into a shelf to house everything he needs before heading out the door in the morning so he can just grab and go. He simply screwed in a couple of mug hooks (leftover from our project here) to hang our keys and then secured the whole crate to the wall.

To make it a little prettier, we placed a small vase of flowers on the shelf and displayed a lovely seashell - a birthday gift from my wonderful friend, Sherry over at The Rusty Pearl. Thanks again, Sherry!

I really like how it turned out and was so happy David had the idea. He's definitely my better half :)


Shared with  Tweak It TuesdayCreative Things Thursday, Sunny Simple SundayEco Kids Tuesday, Home Sweet Home


  1. Great re-use of soda crates! LOVE it! :)

  2. That is really cute and I love when people think outside the box. :)
    Now, that is one gorgeous cat.

  3. How creative! I love the way it is painted and it works great as a little organizing station.

  4. Very cute and a great remedy for a lost keys...great job!! :)

  5. Re-purpose for a purpose... what a great idea. I love it! Hope you had a great weekend.

  6. Wonderful handmade craft. I used to sell these and they sell well.

  7. GREAT idea!!
    You'll never have lost keys using this!!

  8. This is a great idea! So clever! Smart 'better half', Tammy! Thanks for sharing this cute idea.xx

  9. How very pretty and creative!

  10. Girl.. I was looking .. I said OHHHHHHHHHH I know that SHELL.. OMGOODNESS going to make me CRY.. SO glad that you loved a little blessing from the sea.. I feel special seeing that . I love the crate and This is soooooooo sweet NO thanks needed.. YOU have become such a sweet friend and inspiration to me. I am so blessed GOD crossed our paths.. Happy Rest of the week my friend ...............HUGS

  11. Brilliant! It looks so rustic and I bet it fits in perfectly with the decor of your home. I absolutely love it.

  12. Fabulous idea! One-stop shopping! Can't wait to see what else you bring back from your grandmother's place! ;0)

  13. Tammy this is one of the most creative ideas I've ever seen!!

  14. I love this Tammy! My David is my better half too! Nice job!

  15. This is really cool! I love using old things in the mix with decor.

  16. Very cool idea! Stopping in and giving a follow from Mail For Rosey blog :)

  17. I love this, what a cool way to keep all your things in one place!

  18. What a GREAT idea!! Kudos to David!! :)

  19. Great idea! We could use one of these as well! Your furry friend looks just like our Lizzy, is he/she part Siamese?

  20. So smart and crafty Tammy! I love it! I love finding new uses for old things!

  21. What a great idea! I love the way it looks too! :) Bet it saves loads of time having everything in one place instead of looking for stuff all the time.

  22. Great idea! I need to do something like that for my husband, he keeps on misplacing his keys and wallet!

  23. Fantastic repurposing. I saved a small wooden crate from fruit and put it in the windowsill with candles and little plants on it. So much can be reused and I feel guilty when I just throw things in the trash. Best wishes, Tammy

  24. Everything needed before you go out the door all neatly boxed and waiting ...great idea ! Luckily it could also be placed high enough that the little trouble maker terrier I just posted about couldn't reach anything I might put there too ;)

  25. Now that is what I call clever! What a great idea!! And if your grandma is taking applications for additional grandchildren, I'd like to apply...;)

  26. What a great idea! Love the way it looks and that you're using something old in a new way.

  27. What a clever and cute idea! We have a key rack, but the shelf area makes it so much more useful.


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