
Monday, March 25, 2013

Clearing The Camera

Here are some recent photos I've taken that I wanted to share. Go here if you'd like to see more photo posts.

My sweet Rhode Island Red rooster, "Roosty Roo"

Favorite way to spend an early weekend morning.

Sylvester staying warm in his house.

Lucy preening her beautiful feathers after an evening of free ranging.

Stormy skies.

You talkin' to me?!

This photo gets me every time.

Hope you've enjoyed a slice of our homestead.


Shared with Clever Chicks Blog Hop, Eco Kids TuesdayTuesday MuseRurality Blog Hop, Backyard Farming Connection, Down Home Blog Hop, The HomeAcre Hop, Home Sweet Home    


  1. sweet! love the rooster and chicken pics - very handsome. the cat and dog are adorable. :)

  2. All the photos are beautiful, but the one of Roosty Roo is award winning - it's very visually stunning!

  3. What a wonderful bunch of friends you have. Lovely shots.

  4. And what a lovely slice it was -the photos are fantastic. That stormy skies photo almost looks like a forest fire - fabulous shot!

  5. Roosty Roo is so beautiful!! I also love the stormy skies pic.

  6. What special photographs you take! I can really emphasise with Sylvester at the moment, too cold for adventures.

  7. Beautiful day in the life! Love the one of Lucy preening with the little flock close by and your sweet dog peeking through his bangs! So cute! xx

  8. Smashing Photo's to enlighten my heart,, Rooster he's gorgeous and the Lovely sunset.

  9. Gorgeous photos Tammy! I never get tired of seeing your world, through your eyes:)

  10. These are great. I love the stormy skies shot.

  11. I love stormy skies! When I was little a friend and I would meet at the park to watch the storm roll in, then run home just as the skied broke. Love the fresh smell a storm brings.....

    Coffee and a book is the BEST in a morning. I have to start waking before the boys and do that more often.

  12. Love all your shots, but especially like the one of your dog.

  13. Awww...I want your puppy! Such a sweet face!
    Farmhouse hugs,

  14. You can see that all your animals are comfy cozy in their home.

  15. Oh Tammy I love your cleaning the camera and that last shot would get me every time too:) B

  16. These are all great shots! I really love the stormy skies photo...gorgeous!!

  17. Very peaceful around your place -- well, at least your photos make it look that way. :)

  18. Tammy, breathtaking photos. Thank you for sharing.

  19. Wonderful photos. I enjoyed them so much.~~Dee

  20. Your photos are so good, but that last photo needs a frame and some space on the wall!

  21. I love the photos - the last one is my very favorite! What an adorable pup! Hope you are having a wonderful Monday my friend :)

  22. Love all your pictures! Picture two looks heavenly. I cannot wait for the snow to melt, unleash my kids outside, sit and read on a weekend morning. Bliss!

  23. Love the dog, love the chickens, love the cat, love the landscape - love it all! Made my day :-)

  24. Beautiful, each and every one! Roosty Roo is so handsome. He makes me want to try having a rooster again!

  25. Tammy those are some absolutely wonderful photos. You can tell each one of the animals are very special to you. We are having snow and cold days here...looks wonderful there..Enjoy! Blessings!

  26. I love your camera clearing - and the way you like to spend early weekend mornings :-)

  27. Love seeing the pictures from your neck of the woods. Mr. Roosty Roo takes first place though.

  28. Your pup's photo - melting my heart.

  29. Oh! I love seeing all the photos! Your Roosty Roo is a handsome fella!

    Beautiful photos!

  30. One more thing: I got a Liebster Award and wanted to pay it forward to you, too. Below is a link to my blog entry to explain more. Scroll to the end because I babble a lot before then, haha.

  31. I love your photos Tammy...glad you shared them before you deleted them from your camera. I especially love your kitty...soooo cute and your doggy too. I also wanted Thank you Tammy... for your kind words on the post that I wrote this afternoon. I decided to take it down ... I guess it's hard for me to put that much information out into the public for everyone to read. Sometimes I have a difficult time getting the words together and making them come out right. I think it's best for me to keep my troubles to myself and work them out on my own and to just put good things on my blog to share. You were so kind and sweet and you made me feel better. : ) Hugs and Thanks !!!

  32. Tammy, these are great shots. I love Roosty Roo , Lucy and the Duchess are all my favorites. The last shot of Duchess is fantastic and a keeper. Have a happy day!

  33. These are all great. I love the first and last best, but I have to say that coffee cup is awesome. I've never seen one like it, and relaxing with coffee and a good book is just my thing. :)

  34. I always really enjoy your photography- You do a fantastic job of capturing your animals personalities with your camera.

  35. Great shot of Sylvester! Love his white whiskers.

  36. Oh my, these are wonderful photos. They remind me of my childhood days in the country.

  37. I love those animals. HUG them for me. LITTLE SYLVESTER is presh girl . I was out shopping the other day and saw this wooden purse very vintage and it had Chickens all over it.. I NEARLY bought it for you . I said this girl will think I am crazy LOL >> so I smiled and say HEY Tami .. I am thinking of you.. Hope everything is blessed at your neck of the woods sister... HUGS

  38. I always love it when we get to see what you've found when you clean your camera ! Roosts Roo's comb and waddle are VERY impressive I must say .

  39. Great photos! My favorites are the stormy skies and your pup peeking out of all that beautiful fur!

  40. All great images, I love the rooster!

  41. Your chooks are beautiful! Love that photo of your little puppy dog too.

  42. Great photo's! I love the last one of your doggy the most!

  43. Oh my gosh! I love that last photo! So cute! Looks like things are trying to warm up over there. Hope you are having a great week. Best wishes, Tammy

  44. beautiful shots. something about the rooster or the stormy skies just calls me ... wow, amazing work. beautiful country where you live. take care. ( :

  45. Great pics Tammy! I would love to have you share this on The HomeAcre Hop tomorrow!…iveaway-winner.html

  46. I always love your clearing the camera posts :) Love all the photos!

  47. Fabelous photo's, that cat looks so comfortable and relaxed, the dog too, but keeping an eye on you, lovely homely photo's.

  48. The best I liked is that book with a cup of tea. What can be more relaxing than that.

  49. Gorgeous photos. Love that last one. Have a great week.

  50. Did you like the beekeeping book? I'm putting off beekeeping for one more year...but I want to have bees so bad! Thanks for sharing this on The HomeAcre Hop! See you Thursday on the next hop!


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