
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Thrift Store Finds

Over the weekend we went to a nearby town to run a few errands. There is a thrift store in town that I've seen before and always wanted to check out, but we usually just keep driving. This time, I decided we would stop and see what the store had to offer. I'm so glad we did, because we found some cool items and got some incredible deals!

There was a lot of junk at the store, but we managed to find some diamonds in the rough. The first thing to catch my eye was a pitchfork. We've been on the lookout for one for a while now to help mix things around in our compost bin, but all the new ones I've seen are $25 or more and I didn't want to spend that much. This pitchfork didn't have a price tag, so we asked the guy who was selling it and he said it was only $3! It's in good working condition, so we snagged it.

I continued on to the kitchen section (my favorite part) so I could look for things to use in my food photos. I saw a couple of neat items and couldn't believe the prices - a white enamelware platter for $2, and a cute porcelain bowl for $2. Such a steal! You can see the enamelware platter in a photo in my last post :)

A really cool old soda crate caught our attention the most out of all the items in the store. No price on it either, so we found the guy selling it and he said he'd take $8. I was floored! Then he brought out another crate he had in the back. He said we could have this one for $8 as well and he even threw in all the soda bottles in the crate for free.

All in all, we were only out $23 for this shopping spree. I'd say we got some bargains! Few things I love more than a good deal. You can bet that the next time we're in town, we'll stop at this thrift store again - no more drive-bys!


Shared with Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop 


  1. I love thrifting. You did score some great finds!

  2. How exciting - especially as you'd bypassed it previously! I imagine you'll end up being good friends with the owner some day soon, and he'll lay things aside for when you pop in.

  3. Love that enamel platter! Thrift shopping is the only kind I like.

  4. It's amazing the price difference between new and used when it comes to tools, isn't it?? Congrats on your finds!

  5. I love shopping at thrift stores! You got some amazing deals, too! I love the crate with the soda bottles - so many possibilities!

  6. Great finds! I garage sale every weekend (in nice weather)-- but you seldom see such great items.

  7. Awesome! I never have any luck. ::sigh:: But you got some nice things!

  8. I love those crates! They'd make great photos for food! Visiting from

  9. Thrifting is always an adventure. Looks like you found some fun treasures!

  10. i loved that platter in your last post and wow, you really scored! what a great shop you found! i love hitting up flea markets/thrift shops/antique stores. when we lived in georgia, there were a few right by me that i'd visit a couple times a week! i haven't really found any great ones here by me in virginia :(

  11. Oh I am so happy for you what great deals you found.
    Laughed about the pitch fork and the line it was in working condition here on the farm it is all about the one holding it I am afraid:) It may look well and have all its parts but sometimes it does not work here:) B

  12. YEs, I would say you hit "bargain land". You need to check that place out on a regular basis....I love the pitch fork for $3.00..that was the big steal for the day..Garden tools are so expensive. I love to find old tools cheap! Love the the plates,..oh, I love it all and the price even more. Enjoy! Blessings!

  13. Coke bottles! I haven't seen them for ages and ages.

  14. WHOOT WHOOT !!! Girl got some Designs on a DIME !!! LOVE It and you got some fabulous finds my friend. I love it all. DONT you just love diggin thru it all and finding that something you just cant live without (at the right price of course ) Love it !!!!!!!!!!!! Have a blessed day my sweet friend .. HUGGERS

  15. Congrats! You scored some great deals. I LOVE those old soda crates. They remind me of when my dad would take me to Plocky's gas station for a soda.

  16. Nothing I love better than a great thrift got some awesome finds! I just read a post the other day where the gal put little colored flower pots in an old soda crate it looked so cute...Have a great day!!

  17. 8 bucks ea for the soda crates? I gotta know where you found them... all the ones I've found here were at least $20! Very cool finds! LOVE them =)

    Thank you for prayers for my dad, very much appreciated! =)

  18. ps it would be worth the drive to get them at that price, plus, snoop around the store some more! lol don't you live somewhere west of poplar bluff?

  19. Great stuff! I love to dig around thrift stores and always come home with something :)

  20. Super finds! I love finding treasures like that. My granny used to line old soda bottles up on the windowsill with one flower in each of them; lovely memories. =)

  21. $8 for the crates was a steal! Good for you! And that pitchfork price was quite the bargain. Your bowl is cute and will look great in photos. Great job treasure hunting!

  22. That sounds like so much fun! I usually drive by these places, too, but often want to stop.

  23. Great finds! A little time and patience and you can find some stuff. I like your enamel piece. Gorgeous!

  24. Love your finds, Tammy.. Thrifting is so much fun..
    Take care, my friend..

  25. You scored! You found such great stuff!!

  26. Let me get this would drive PAST a thrift store?! No no no. That's not okay. You must stop...definitely. I think with these finds, you've learned. :) You definitely hit the gold mine there...I would buy everything you just bought! I love thrifting and I love seeing what others find!

  27. Those coke bottles are so neat. They bring back memories for me and how cool you got a crate full for 8 bucks...What a score! Can't wait to see what you do with them.

  28. You really did get a deal - I've been wanting a Coke crate but they are steep around these parts... $25-$30 for one crate...

  29. Ok, Marble Hill - The Trading Post... Thank you

  30. I love thrifting and love what you found! So much fun!

  31. What a fun shopping trip! It is so easy to not make the time and just drive by little hidden gems like that store. Next time I drive past one, I will remember your finds, and make the time to stop!

  32. Great finds! I adore the enamelware tray - that in itself is a score in my book.

  33. Tammy, I'm so thrilled for you!! Not only did you score some incredibly great finds, but I'm oh so happy to know that I'm in such good company! My heart races at the sight of the very same kinds of things that caught your eye! And you can't beat vintage for quality-that pitchfork will last forever!

  34. GREAT price on the pitchfork, they sure are expensive new! I'm always looking for food photography props in the thrift stores too! :)

  35. Tammy, congrats on your great deals. Love the tray and dish. And the pitch fork sounds like a great deals along with the Coke bottles and crate. A great shop! Have a wonderful evening!

  36. I like those soda crates, what a great find, not to mention a bargain!

  37. One word here... 'Score!'

  38. Score! What I love most about thrifting is sifting through the junk to find treasures just like these.

  39. Wow! Sure is a wonderful thing when you spend $23 to get lots of stuff rather than spending $25 on any one item. You did good! :) Tammy

  40. Wonderful purchases and great prices! Great job! Lovely photos ^_^

    Carol of (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  41. the pitchfork! I think everything looks
    great just the way you have it pictured sitting there on
    the bench....great photos, Corinne

    1. Thanks so much, Corinne! So glad you stopped by and commented today. Come back again soon!

  42. Loredana - Yes, they are our benches on our front porch :) We got them at an auction a long time ago for so cheap! I really love them.

  43. We have a local thrift store that has bargains like this -- I used to stop in all the time. Now I drive by because I know I'll find something I just have to have, but don't need. We really need to declutter! :) Love your finds.


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