
Monday, February 4, 2013

Rosemary Olive Oil Cake

Sometimes I get very specific cravings. Usually chocolate plays a major role, but Saturday night I was craving something quite different. I was in the mood to bake a cake, but I didn't want it to be too sweet. I remembered some olive oil muffins that I had made in the past and searched online to see if there was a cake version. I came across this recipe for a rosemary olive oil cake and I was intrigued. I still have some rosemary hanging on in the garden, so I thought this would be a great recipe to try.

Oh my goodness, the cake was so delicious. The olive oil gave it a rich, fruity taste and the rosemary added such an interesting depth of flavor. Definitely not a sweet cake, but sweet enough so you know you are actually eating cake after all.

David and I devoured a couple pieces fresh out of the oven that night, then had some again for breakfast the next morning. It paired really well with a strong cup of coffee and made the perfect breakfast. It's even better sprinkled with a little powdered sugar and slivered almonds. David prefers a bit of honey on the side.

If you're in the mood for an interesting cake, give it a try! I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. Go here for the full recipe.


Shared with What I Am Eating, Clever Chicks Blog HopHearth & Soul HopTweak It Tuesday, Home Sweet Home, Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop, Backyard Farming Connection Baking   


  1. Oh WOW! That sounds amazing! Lovely photos too.

  2. That does look good. I'll try it sometime. Thanks

  3. Yum@! I love rosemary and have never thought of baking it in a cake. Sounds wonderful.

  4. That looks great. My favorite bread has rosemary and olive oil in it. Then dunking it in a extra virgin olive oil with fresh cracked black pepper. Yum. I could eat it as a meal itself!

    I will keep this recipe on file for my next brunch. I bet it would go over great with the powdered sugar and almonds!

    Your blog is so wonderful and Im following...I hope you follow me also:)

    If you want some cute swedish decor inspiration...check out my blog:)

    Have a great week dear

    LOVE Maria at

  6. I have never eaten a cake like this but it looks delicious and the ingredients sound intriguing. I think I will give your recipe a try. I hope it turns out as great as yours did.

  7. Tammy girl !!!!!!! Can we say YUMO.. I think I may try and make this .. SOUNDS different and HEY I like to color outside the lines LOL ... LOVE all your pics and the beautiful way you displayed the cake and dishes.. Just Fabulous my sweet friend.................. HUGS to a wonderful New week ... See ya again real soon at your neck of the woods.. YOU know I am your blog stalker LOL just kidding.. I get so excited when I see OUR NECK OF THE WOODS POST ... TOODLES !!!!!

  8. Looks delish! and so healthy ~ lovely photography ~

    Carol of: A Creative Harbor ^_^

  9. This looks awesome! Such interesting flavor combinations! I recently tried an olive oil rosemary shortbread cookie, which was awesome, so I am sure this would be just as delicious. Would love for you to share this at what i am eating!

  10. I bet the Rosemary does give it just the perfect amount of punch. It sure looks pretty.

  11. Sounds like the perfect cake for breakfast time! I've never heard of adding rosemary - or olive oil for that matter - to a cake, but I am definitely intrigued.

  12. It does sound interesting! I've never tried a cake like that.

  13. Sounds really good. I like the idea that you can add honey or powdered sugar to it if you need a bit more sugar too. Thanks for sharing! :)

  14. Olive and Rosemary! Two favorites of mine:) I imagine this is rich, moist and delicious and I will definitely try it. I use lots of Olive Oil (even on grouts/oats) ~ adds wonderful flavor.. and Rosemary is good on everything!

    Thanks for sharing!


  15. Hmmm...never heard of a cake like this. Really sounds interesting. I'll have to check it out. Thanks!
    Farmhouse hugs,

  16. Mmmmmm, this sounds and looks so interesting. You come up with some of the best things to try!

  17. Oh Tammy you always have the best recipes. B

  18. That sounds like something I would like to make...we have rosemary...and belong to a great olive oil club from Northern me thinking!

  19. I use light olive oil in most of our baking, as my boy can't have butter or margarine. Never thought of using rosemary in a dessert! Eating cake for breakfast? You're my new hero!

  20. I love great new recipes like this, Tammy.. Yours looks great.. Love your dishes, too.. smile.. xo

  21. Gal, that looks tasty! I pinned it, going to try it soon for Andy and me!

  22. That sounds just great my cuppa tea , delish!!

  23. Tammy, not only does this cake look delicious-but I LOVE the way you style your photos! Your white enamelware tray is so cool!! (Time for me to hit the thrift stores...) :)

  24. It looks really good but baking is not my forte! :) I love how you styled it!

  25. Tammy, this might be one I'd like - I find most cakes too sweet. Have a great week.

  26. oh yum! and i love your whole table setting, your coffee cup, your dishes and that tray!

  27. That's a beautiful cake and I imagine it tastes amazing!

  28. What a beautiful cake and I'll bet it WAS delicious for breakfast!! :)

  29. It looks delicious. And not too sweet is right up my alley. Even though I do love chocolate. Have a happy week!

  30. I use olive oil in baking frequently. It is a great way to cut down on the cholesterol from butter. Plus it tastes yummy :) Your photos look delicious!

  31. Oh boy - I would love a piece of your cake right now - it sounds so delicious! Pinning right now so I'll remember to make it! Thank you so much for linking up.


  32. Hmm, yes it does sound different - looks a little like "soft" cornbread.

  33. Sounds like a nice change of pace! I am so very jealous that you have rosemary still! I tried to move a few of my herbs indoors, but that didn't work out so well. So, until spring, thank goodness for the co-op! :)

  34. OMYGOODNESS...that sounds divine...never heard of an Olive Oil Cake but, hey, I love most anything with olive oil and I know I'll like this, too.
    Thanks for the recipe....
    xoxo bj

  35. What a beautiful looking cake, We are HUGE fans of anything rosemary over here. I often make a rosemary olive oil loaf perhaps I'll need to check out this cake. Looks delish! Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  36. I've not had rosemary in a cake before but I reckon it'll taste really good. Will have to give this a go for sure.

  37. Yum! This looks like another good one!

  38. Definitely have to make this, it looks like the perfect sweet treat. Paired with coffee, it sounds even more delicious!

  39. Hi Tammy,

    In Crete, rosemary and olive oil are major staples of the Mediterranean diet and the islanders treasure aromatic cakes, like yours here, which looks simply scrumptious! Lovely food styling, too! Thanks for sharing.

    Thanks for dropping by today!


  40. Hi Tammy, your food photos are always so pretty. I could never take anything outside to photograph because of all the dust. Heck, it's pretty dusty inside much of the time, too. Ha! That cake looks really good! Will definitely be checking out the recipe. Have a fabulous Friday! Tammy

  41. You cake sounds so intriguing - I love the idea of using rosemary. It really does look absolutely beautiful too! Thank you for sharing it with us at the Hearth and Soul hop.

  42. I love rosemary and olive oil. This sounds like focaccia which is a favorite of mine.


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