
Monday, February 25, 2013

Kale Millet Salad

I try my hardest to eat healthy all the time, but it doesn't always happen. I tend to go in cycles where I'll get on a healthy kick for a couple weeks, then I break down and eat lots of sweets. I try to ignore my sweet tooth and convince myself I'd rather eat greens than a handful of chocolate chips (my weakness), but eventually the sugar beast emerges and before I know it, I've downed nearly a whole bag of chocolate chips.

Luckily I can usually get back on track after a sugar attack, and after a recent bout with a bag of chocolate chips, I used my kale millet salad as a mini detox of sorts to get me back on the straight and narrow.

Kale Millet Salad
Serves 3-4

8-10 big kale leaves (I used lacinato kale)
1/2 cup millet
8 oz button mushrooms, sliced
1/4 cup sun dried tomatoes, chopped
1/4 cup cannellini beans
2 T slivered almonds
1 T chia seeds (optional)
1 T hemp seeds (optional)
1/2 - 1 lemon, juiced
1/4 cup olive oil, divided
Salt & pepper

1. Strip the kale leaves off the stems and chop or tear into small pieces. Sprinkle with salt and drizzle with olive oil, then massage the kale until it wilts slightly and softens (a couple of minutes).
2. Mix in the millet, mushrooms, sun dried tomatoes, beans, almonds, chia, and hemp seeds. Squeeze about half the lemon over the salad and add more olive oil to coat the ingredients.
3. Add more lemon juice, olive oil, and salt & pepper to taste.

As with any salad, you can substitute the ingredients to your taste. This is just the taste profile that David and I prefer - bright and lemony with lots of different textures. The seeds and almonds provide a satisfying crunch while the beans and mushrooms give a wonderful creamy texture. The sun dried tomatoes top it all off with their slightly sweet, chewy goodness.

If you find yourself needing a mini detox or just want to eat a light, flavorful salad to remind you of warmer days ahead, give this dish a try. I think you'll enjoy it!


Shared with What I Am Eating, Backyard Farming Connection HopTasty Tuesdays, Tweak It TuesdayDown Home Blog HopThursday Favorite ThingsCreative Things ThursdayHome Sweet HomeHealthy Vegan FridayOld Time PartySunny Simple Sunday    


  1. Oh boy - I hear you! I go in spurts, too. I'll be so good - and I really do like healthy food - but then I'll really need a cupcake or cookie, and not just one! This salad looks delicious and healthy. I've never had millet before, I'll need to check that one out.

  2. Chocolate chips are my weakness too! I have been known to eat an entire bag in one sitting. Is that wrong?

  3. Tammy-I know the sugar beast all too well! Thanks for sharing this healthy recipe-I'm going to try it when I need to get back on track:) It looks delicious!!

  4. This would be perfect for my lunch and all I've got in the house that matches is lemon juice, almonds, and salt/pepper. It sure looks good though!

  5. Looks delicious and healthy. I agree, it's hard sometimes! But, I find that even if I "slip up" I'm better if I get back on track the next day! I have to try this, I don't often use millet and I should use it more often.

  6. That looks great Tammy! The older I get the more I crave "sweets"....I want them!!!! Your salad looks very yummy! I am determined to eat better and exercise more...My big get it started..get it done date...March 1st...Pray for me! It is going to be hard....Glad to visit with you as always! Blessings!

  7. Looks great! I'm putting this on the list of things to make this week. Thanks for sharing!

  8. The photos are excellent. I like the compositions. It looks like it's high in fiber too.

  9. This sounds delicious and I'd love to give it a try one of these days.

    I am the EXACT same way with the sweet tooth. I'll do so good for a week or two, but I always end up giving into the sweet treat at some point - and then once I have one sweet, I seem to keep at it until I get my fill.

  10. That sounds and looks delish , as well as healthy, and I need a healthy meal tonight Mountain Man will be out to the grocery with my list when he awakens. Thank you !

  11. Oh this looks amazing! I love kale, I hope I can grow a lot of it this summer! I frequently go through healthy seasons and then unhealthy seasons. Take today, I had a wonderful salad for lunch full of delicious healthy ingredients, and then this afternoon I felt the need to make whoopie pies...I had one, but am sending the rest to work with my husband tomorrow or I will eat them all! I would love for you to share this at what i am eating

  12. This does look very healthy! I've never tried millet and wondered how it would be prepared. I will try this, as I've wanted to add Kale to my diet, too. Thanks for sharing. xx

  13. I inherited kale with my vegie patch but had no idea what to do with it. Does it taste like spinach or silverbeet? This looks very delicious. Popping over from the Chicken Chick linky.

  14. Looks great! I saw on Dr Oz that kale is a great kids put it in the juicer everyday with oranges and pine apple...its pretty tasty! happy Monday!

  15. Now this looks so lovely and delicious. I must try it. I have been trying to add more kale to our diet... I'm not a huge lover of it which is surprising since I love greens - but I am a firm believer we can grow to love things especially when we try new recipes with them. :)

  16. A nice use of kale and I have to say that I really like the photography too.

  17. Looks wonderful! Oh boy I can completely relate to this post. I never really had a sweet tooth until the last year or so and holy smokes...It's making up for lost time. I have to work hard at keeping it in check. Last weekend was a bit out of control we are out a lot. Ugh. so I am also cleansing and back on the healthy food from home wagon. I love all the ingredients here and will definitely be giving this a whirl, thanks for sharing. Happy Monday, hope you have a great week.

  18. Salad looks yummy, but I have to say your photos and staging of it are fantastic. You're a very talented photographer.

  19. That looks fabulous, I love everything in there! :)
    I agree with Lynn, what great food styling!!

  20. That really sound (and looks) YUMMY! I do the same, eat healthy and then slide...I need to quit that!!! :)

  21. Looks so good Tammy -- I think we all have our particular vices but it feels so good to eat healthy!

  22. Oh I need a serious detox too! I've been one week eat healthy followed by 4 weeks of sweets and ice cream!

    :) Linda

  23. I blame hormones for my chocolate issues. This sounds great.

  24. This salad looks so good!! I'm trying to get back on track with healthier eating. I think the winter makes me want comfort food that usually isn't all that good for you...on a regular basis anyway.
    Mary Alice

  25. The slad look delicious. And I love kale and sun dried tomatoes, I am just not sure about the millet. Do I need to start eating the birdseed? LOL! Thanks for sharing! Have a happy day!

  26. I feel healthier just having read this! Great post. Cheers

  27. Oh Tammy this looks and sounds delicious. I love your photos. Is it wrong even with the beautiful photos of a amazing lovely meal that I am still thinking of those darn chocolate chips?:) B

  28. It looks good and for sure healthy! Some ingredients I've never tried!

  29. That looks very appetizing! I have heard so much lately about the benefits of kale. I am little scared to try it, but this looks like something I would definitely eat! By the way, I am so guilty of eating out of a bag of chocolate chips too. I thought I was the only one! haha

  30. Sounds pretty delish! I've never grown Lacinato Kale, but it looks like one I would like to try. Love your photos too! :)

  31. I'm always looking for different ways to use kale. Thank you!

  32. Sounds wonderful, Tammy.. I need to give it a try.. Salads are my fave..

  33. Thank you kindly for boot scootin’ on over to the Old Time Party to share your salad! I have never tasted kale, but will be planting it in the garden this year.
    Farmhouse hugs,

  34. I have been known to eat a bag of chocolate chips also :) I love kale this looks great!

  35. Great salad! It was this Christmas when I made chocolate chip cookies every night for 4 days and ate them, that I finally realized I had a problem with wheat. I got so sick by New Years. Cravings can happen. :) Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home!

  36. It's so hard to be healthy all the time. I had managed about 6 months during this pregnancy as I simply can't tolerate unhealthy foods which makes it easier but did have a big binge last weekend, felt awful but really enjoyed my food! Thank you for sharing this with Healthy Vegan Fridays. Check back on Friday to see if you were one of the Top 3! We hope to see you again this week. You can submit a post from Friday to end of Tuesday:

  37. I am in love with this salad!

    So in love, I'm going to feature it on HVF this week :) Thanks for sharing, and I hope you'll come back this week!


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