
Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy Birthday Cake Pops

My birthday was last week and I got some awesome gifts, cards, phone calls, text messages, and facebook messages from thoughtful family and friends. They sure do know how to make a girl feel special. I've always loved my birthday and though I'm normally not one for being the center of attention, on my birthday I do enjoy all the attention!

David knows how important my birthday is to me, especially after forgetting it several years ago. Before he left for school, he hadn't wished me happy birthday yet, so I said, "You know what today is?" and he replied, "Jeans day!" because it was on a Friday and he got to wear jeans to school. I didn't say anything, I just let it go until later that night when he profusely apologized. I forgave him, and it's a great thing to hold above his head every now and then :)

On my birthday this year, he had to work at the basketball game concession stand after school, so he didn't make it home until about 9pm that night. I heard his car pull up in the driveway and he was taking longer than usual to make his way inside. I had a feeling that he had something special for me, so I waited impatiently. He rang the doorbell and I knew something was going on. I opened the door and he came in, got down on one knee, and handed me these.

"Happy Bday Tabes" - Tabes is his nickname for me :)

I immediately started to cry, because I remembered the week before when he told me he needed a dozen eggs to take to school. I didn't ask any questions, just made sure he had the eggs before he headed out that morning and I forgot about it. But I instantly made the connection that he had given our eggs to the person who was making the cake pops for me (his superintendent's wife, Carmel, who recently started up her catering business Carmel's Creations). He knows that I don't like to eat anything made with animal products unless I know exactly where the animal products came from, so he was in cahoots with Carmel to make these cake pops with ingredients that I would feel totally ok with. She also made them as low in sugar as possible and ordered in special ingredients just for my cake pops. Apparently they had been in talks for quite a while over my delicious birthday gift!

Then, after giving me the cake pops and while I was a blubbering mess (to my defense, I had watched a sad tv show right before he got home), he stayed down on one knee and read a poem that he had written for me earlier that day. The blubbering continued.

I felt so special that he went out of his way to arrange for a gift that truly fit me and what I love. I often feel out of place when it comes to food since I don't eat meat and don't like to eat eggs unless they come from our own chickens so I know for sure that no animals were mistreated in the making of my food. It always makes me feel so loved when my family and friends go out of their way to make special vegan or animal-friendly versions of my favorite treats so that I can eat them with a clear conscience.

I'd say after this birthday, David has totally made up for the "jeans day" debacle!


Shared with Tweak It Tuesday 


  1. He's a keeper! Happy belated birthday!
    Farmhouse hugs,

  2. Happy belated birthday. This was very touching Tammy. And I want like 20 of those pops!!!!

  3. sweetest and personalized gift ever. :) happy birthday to you, too!

  4. These are beautiful! What a wonderful present and an amazing birthday gift! (Happy Birthday too!)

  5. What a beautiful day! Love the cake pops, how pretty! And good job to David! Hope you had a wonderful day, and I'm glad you felt special because you are one super duper chickadee :-).

  6. Oh my goodness, Tammy I love this! What a wonderful post and a wonderful man you have there. ((cake pops)) are amazing aren't they. Enjoy them and happy belated birthday to you!

  7. That is so sweet! A memory to keep forever. Happy (belated) Birthday!

  8. Happy Belated Birthday! The cake pops are cute!

  9. How special and unique! It is just so nice to be reminded that we are loved!! x

  10. Such a sweet story! happy Birthday! It's the little things that mean so much!

  11. Adorable! And happy belated birthday.

  12. How sweet, he's a keeper for sure!! Happy belated birthday to you! :)
    My hubby forgot my birthday last year. Boy, did he feel bad! LOL!!

  13. Tammy, your David sounds extra-special..What a wonderful and very special B-day gift. This will be one of those you will never forget. I love the idea that he would go to extra special tasks just for you. You are truly blessed but so is he! Continue to cherish each other. Blessings!

  14. Happy ( belated) Birthday!! Best wishes for a wonderful year.

  15. Those cake pops look delicious!!! Happy Birthday.

  16. Happy B-day! What a great gift and what a wonderful husband you have. My B-day was last week too (the 13th). I always say the best people were born in February! :)

  17. How sweet is that?! Happy Birthday, Tammy!

  18. Happy (late) Birthday .. I love this post and your a good soul my sweet friend. Facebook me a mailing address .. I want to send you something for your birthday ... HUGS

  19. Happy, happy birthday! What a sweet story - it sounds like you day was really special. My husband forgot my birthday one year - it hurt at the time, but he has never forgotten again. At this point,I'm well over it. I'm glad you had a special day!

  20. Happy birthday! Sounds like you are a lucky woman :-)

  21. Ahhh.. You have you a good man, Tammy..
    Happy Birthday, dear heart.. Loved your surprise.. xo

  22. Happy Birthday!!! Sounds like you have a very thoughtful husband who really pays attention. :) I love the poem idea, and the thought behind the pops, and they came out really cute too!!

  23. How thoughtful. I hope you had a lovely birthday - and that someone helped you eat all those cupcakes. Have a super week.

  24. Oh my goodness, don't you just love it when they do thoughtful things like this!? So sweet! This memory will go in your history book for sure ;)

  25. Happy belated Birthday!

    The cake pops look so beautiful - it must be the sweetest and most thoughtful gift.

  26. Happy Belated Birthday! That has to be one of the best birthday gifts ever! You are very lucky to have such a wonderful husband!

  27. What a guy! Happy Late birthday!

  28. That's so sweet! And these are so cute. Happy Birthday Tammy!

  29. Awwww - that definitely makes up for the "jeans day" incident I would say. What a thoughtful, sweet gesture and it would have made me cry, too. And happy belated birthday :)

  30. oHHH MY GOODNESS! What a wonderfull romantic, thoughtful husband you are blessed to have!!
    A Belated Very Happy Birthday to you!!

  31. Happy Birthday Tammy!! What a totally sweet husband you have-he made me cry too:)

  32. This is such a cute idea! Your husband is so sweet.

  33. That was very sweet and cute too!Happy belated Birthday to you!!!

  34. lol you are so cute, just like a kid, so excited about your birthday! what a super thoughtful gift! happy birthday!!

  35. Oh Tammy now I am blubbering your birthday was special. Happy Birthday I am so happy for your special treat. Hug B

  36. Happy Birthday and great cupcake pops ~ great photos ^_^

    thanks for 'visiting' and commenting .

  37. Happy belated b-day :) I love the cake pops, very cute!

  38. Happiest belated birthday, dear one.
    Now,those cake pops look delicious...and how sweet of him to do this for you. :)

  39. Love this! Especially since my husband has been known to forget or gloss over the big day. Glad your day was extra special!

  40. Aw, that is so sweet! I'm glad you had such a happy birthday. Also, don't feel too strange: you and I have almost the same diet/morals! We are not alone. :)

  41. Cake pops are among the coolest of new innovations. Unless they've been around a lot longer than I think they have. It's good to meet you, Tammy! :)

  42. Tammy, I love this story - what a cool birthday gift!!! Great guy!

  43. How wonderful for your husband to go through all the trouble he did for your birthday......the pops look delicious and you can enjoy eating them guilt free,

  44. I hope you are doing okay! I'm wondering how your part of Missouri is doing in this storm!

  45. Just letting you know that I'm hosting a Living Nature skin essentials pack giveaway at my blog, hope you enter:

  46. What a sweet, sweet guy, but you deserve it! Oh, and the poem, now that man is a keeper! I think this definitely erases the time he forgot. Happy belated birthday, Tammy! I am behind a little on the birthday wishes - I am sorry about that. I had to drive an hour and a half both ways to check in on my son's cat this week, twice, while he is out of town and my whole schedule is upside down. I hope that you had a lovely day. xoxo

  47. Happy belated birthday, Tammy! What a sweet thoughtful present he gave you!

  48. Oh it sounds like you had a wonderfully blessed birthday!! What a thoughtful thing for your husband to do. What a blessing!!

  49. Those are adorable! Happy belated Birthday and I suppose you should keep your hubby! :) he sounds like a good one.

  50. Hey Tammy! Happy belated birthday. I see that you received a wonderful birthday surprise, too. How so very sweet of your hubby to go into cahoots with Carmel to make you those lovely little cakepops. I was so surprised when we had to head back for forgotten items while at the bungalow with friends as I knew I had checked everything. Then they asked me to follow them to the garden and there they all were -- 23 of them, singing happy birthday and giving me the prettiest little cake. And believe me, it was no feat to get a cake out to the middle of nowhere, keep it hidden and then surprise me with it. I certainly felt very special, just as you did! Wishing you a wonderful year ahead. Tammy (I feel like I am talking to myself when I say Hey Tammy and then sign my name Tammy. :) HA!)

  51. What a thoughtful husband you have! and a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY


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