
Friday, February 8, 2013

Feathered Friend Friday

Welcome to our series "Feathered Friend Friday." Every Friday I write a post with interesting facts, photos, videos, or funny stories about our chickens and guineas. If you need to catch up, you'll find all the Feathered Friend Friday posts here    

To get you ready for Valentine's Day next week, I thought I'd dedicate today's FFF to one of the cutest couples on our homestead.

These are two of the guineas that we hatched last July (go here for more on that). After they were old enough to be let out to free range, we noticed these two were quite fond of one another. They were often away from the other guineas doing their own thing. Over time, they have become so loyal to each other and are always together, no matter if they are foraging for food in the woods or roosting in a tree for the night.

Guinea fowl tend to be monogamous, with the hen choosing her mate and sticking with him for life. How sweet is that? Maybe this is so sweet to me because that's basically what I did. I started dating David in high school when I was only 16 years old and he was my first and only boyfriend I've ever had. I can't believe I got it right on the first try! I feel so lucky and blessed that we found each other so young.

But back to the guineas! I snapped a shot of them looking like they were kissing, so I just had to do this -

Aren't they just the cutest? I love watching them together. I hope my little lovebirds help to get you in the Valentine's Day spirit :)

Do you have any special couples in your life or on your homestead?


Shared with Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop, Weekly Top ShotClever Chicks Blog Hop, Rurality Blog Hop, Down Home Blog Hop   


  1. Oh my, that is the sweetest thing! Love at first sight, huh?

  2. Lovely.. We could all learn from nature.. smile..

  3. Awwww! They're beautiful too! Olive and Opal, our Pekin ducks, are quite inseparable too. They are always chattering to each other like "old ladies" or following each other around. They sleep together, swim together, eat together. I don't know what would happen if one should ever "leave"...They're certainly BFFs!

  4. Such a cute, cute post! You were lucky to find your "true love" so young! :)

  5. They are so exotic looking. What a couple.

  6. I love you photos Tammy....that is such a sweet story and how lucky you are to have found your soul mate and are living happily ever after. You are a shining example of love and marriage and taking care of the animals. You know I thought about your question for such a long time and there is one couple that I know that is special and that is my brother-in-law and his wife. Peter and Sheila. They met in high school, went off to college and while there in his 3rd year of college Peter was involved in an automobile accident. They didn't think he would live, he was in a coma for weeks and when he finally came out of the coma he couldn't talk, walk, eat, he basically had to be taught from age 0 all over again. Through it all Sheila was by his side the whole entire time and when he finally recovered as much as he could, he still to this day is partially disabled and has cognitive brain damage...but through it all they were eventually married and have been together in marriage over 25 years. They adopted a baby girl from Russia over 10 years ago and have a wonderful family and a life that no one ever envisioned that he would have. The power of love is truly amazing. Thank for sharing your photos and made me remember how special love is especially in our family.

  7. How adorable! What a beautiful pair.

  8. I don't think I've ever seen guineas before (I have a lot to learn, I know :)

    They look like they're closely related to turkeys. Is this true?

  9. I didn't know they were monogamous! Thanks so much for creating this post - it is no wonder that they are so special to you!

  10. OMG! The cutest post of the week and of course, my girls favorites! As always, what special photos!

  11. That's so cool! Thanks for sharing their love story, and yours!

  12. Awwww, they're so cute together. And so are you and my baby boy David.

  13. Love these pictures. I have thought about guineas for a while now, but have never had them.

  14. I've enjoyed learning about Guinea fowl! I think it's lovely what you've shared about your husband. I got married young, just knowing he was the right one, we celebrate 20 years in April.

    Hooray for love!

  15. That is just the cutest!!! Happy Valentines Day!

  16. They are so cute...I love how you framed the last picture! Such a sweet couple!

  17. If you check out my blog posting for today, it looks like we had a similar idea. LOL

    Your guinea fowl are ADORABLE!

  18. What a cute couple! They are both beautiful! Great shots, have a happy weekend!

  19. So adorable and great photography ~ lovely Valentine ~

    Carol of (A Creative Harbor)

    ps. thanks for your well wishes regarding our NEw England blizzard that is upon us ~ 'all hatches are battened down' and hope to stay warm and cozy with my little Yorkie ^_^

  20. Oh now this is so cute I love this happy happy post. I think My Hero and I make a beautiful couple:)we have been together since we were 18 and yes we are truly lucky you and I.
    Love the photos of true love. B

  21. awwwwww just too sweeeeet! =)

  22. I do believe that the pic of the guineas kissing is my fav Friday Fowl pic! I just love the idea that they choose a mate for life...Me too! My hubby was my first boyfriend and we have been together for 35 years.. It gets sweeter and sweeter! Love this sweet post! Blessings!

  23. I love the pair. I love their differences in their plumage.

  24. Just precious! Looks like you were lucky in love, too. It's a very special bond when you are together so young. xx

  25. How adorable!! But aren't they cold??? I have heard that the guineas won't go into the hen house!! they do look so cold!! must get awefully hungry too since they can't peck for bugs and the such outside in the ground!

  26. Very sweet! It's nice to see a reflection of love in the animal shows us how love is present everywhere. Thanks for the photos and the always great story!

  27. YES! They are SO SWEET:) and I might also add.. healthy and robust! Good job taking care of your feathered friends:) enjoy your weekend xxL

  28. I super LOVE this, so cute! I've also heard this about Guineas too. Very sweet in deed.

  29. I was sitting here reading blogs and said out loud...'Eek, I missed Feathered Friend Friday!' lolol Hubby who thinks I'm already addicted to blogging (he would be correct ;) ) is now laughing that we ('we' being bloggers) have specific names for weekly posts, lolol.

    They do look cute together. The second picture looks like a deliberate pose, or an inquiry as to what you're doing. :)

    How neat that you are w/your first and only love. I love that story.

  30. Oh that is so cute I just adore Guineas , sometime's have a few visit our garden from farm next door.
    You are blessed to find your partner so soon in life.

  31. How sweet!! I love how you always get the perfect shots!

  32. Now I feel sorry for our poor lone guinea -- he was looking in the window today at his reflection and I think he thought he was going to meet a new friend. :)

  33. Hi Tammy been meaning to get here an thank you for those suggesting you gave me as a new blogger Younsuggested I write about what I love I think I have been do a bit more of that lately the 6 photos I put up of my ponies todayThey were just really enjoying themselves playing in aftermath of the blizzard we had. I think I love sharing photos of my animals and putting a little laughter in the lives of other as well as being in the moment with friends . Thanks for your advice and hope you get to peek at the ponies!

  34. They are indeed a lovely couple!

  35. they are soo adorable and sweet!
    and i loved your cute post too!

    have a great week ahead~

  36. THey are rather adorable! I have never actually seen birds do this!

  37. Your Guineas are the perfect little Valentine couple! And I loved your own story of sweet romance! Hugs, Tammy!

  38. I agree, very sweet... you are blessed to have such a good guy on your first try... Thank you for sharing on Weekly Top Shot #69!

  39. Great pictures . Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop this week; I hope you’ll join us again!

    Kathy Shea Mormino

    The Chicken Chick

  40. tee hee. i see where nancy got her idea for her guinea. :)

  41. Love the guineas! I'm always amazed to hear about a couple who started dating in high school & it worked out so well. Congrats! I did know my hubby in high school, but we didn't start dating until later.

  42. The dressed in all their feathery finery... Thank you for joining in 'Rurality Blog Hop #2' Hope to see you next Wednesday for #3...


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