
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Love Of Animals

My love of animals started at a very young age when my parents surprised me with a tiny calico kitten named Patches. I can still remember the day I got her. I was so excited! Apparently I loved to tote her around and pose for photos because I found this in an old photo album a while back.

I had Patches until I was in college and we had to put her down. It was the hardest decision I ever had to make. My love of animals didn't end there, though. David got the cutest little kitten named Jasper while we were in college. Jasper is still with us today and a very important part of our family.

After we were married, we decided to get another cat. That's when the crazy Fitz entered our lives! (David is an animal lover, too.)

Up until a few years ago, I didn't realize how my love of animals would extend to include so many different species! After the cats, there were the chickens. Aster B was my chicken soul mate. We lost her last summer and it was such a hard time, I couldn't even talk about her to anyone. But now I can remember the good times and be happy she was in my life.

We got Duchess after moving to our homestead, and I learned how to love a neglected, shy dog and earn her trust and love in return.

Last year, we hatched out our first ever eggs from our guineas and I fell in love with the tiny keets.

We haven't had the pleasure of raising any other livestock just yet, but I have met a sweet little lamb and an adorable cow and was totally smitten with them.

I even got to play with a mini horse once!

While David played with the normal-sized horses (they kind of scare me!).

Once my grandma told me "You could make a pet out of anything!" and I believe it's true. It's hard to explain to someone who's not as crazy about animals as I am, but I definitely could not live without them. They add so much joy and richness to my life and make me a better person.

"Any glimpse into the life of an animal quickens our own and makes it so much the larger and better in every way." - John Muir


Shared with Farm Girl Blog Fest 


  1. I was born loving all animals, too! It wasn't long before I was begging for a cat and I had my first pet Frisky!
    I agree - life would not be the same without animals. When I was in college living in a dorm room and couldn't have larger animals with me, I rescued some of the rats from the psychology department to live with me! Yes, people thought I was strange but they are really so smart and wonderful companions.
    Of course, now I'm back to cats and am looking forward to our larger homestead to have chickens, and I'd really like a donkey!

  2. I LOVE all your animals. Sadly, I'm allergic to most of them. We had a dog for a while, but had to give him up because it got so bad :(

  3. I think we are born with it, Tammy. I started like you, very young loving cats. Then it was a turtle. I have lived my whole life rescuing and caring for cats and at 50 I adopted our dog, Kane who sat at a shelter. I guess it is something deep inside us that just grows with age. Love that you have so many wonderful photos to remind you of these precious animals. I, too, had a calico named Patches for 17 years. I hope you do continue to care for and love the needy ones. Hugs, Deb

  4. Oh me too, me too! The more animals the better ;-)

  5. What a great group of pics. The little keet is darling! I used to bring every stray home I found when I was a kid. My mom let me keep the first dog I brought home and we had her 15 yrs. :)

  6. I shall be hatching out my own guineas this year
    I only have the white angostrura left

  7. Your Grandma was right. I love the photos of you David and all your friends. Love the quote too. B

  8. Love you photos and I can definitely relate to your love of animals! I am itching for some more around here (turkeys this spring, would LOVE to have a dexter cow or two, and maybe a guard dog for the chickens). Aster B looks like such a sweet is so hard losing them sometimes.

  9. What beautiful animals!! Patches was adorable! Jasper and Fitz look so cuddly lol. Duchess looks like a furball of fun :)

  10. Wonderful pictures of all the animals - you haven't changed a bit from your younger years :-}}
    The love and care of an animal(s) tells a lot about a person. I can't imagine life without God's four-legged creatures!

  11. Such sweet photos! Your love of your animals is precious, especially your little chicken. I am an animal lover (as you know). There is no other love so pure and gentle as the love of an animal friend. They teach us alot about patience, kindness, unconditional love, and trust. I can't imagine my life without them! xx

  12. Animal lovers are good people! I had a friend who said that animals are really angels sent down by God.
    Farmhouse hugs,

  13. Beautiful pictures, beautiful animals! I used to be around lots of animals when I was young, my mom had dogs, cats, chickens, doves, bees, even some pigs! I don't have the space now, I miss them!

  14. I love animals of all kinds too...right now we don't have any pets...we lost our dear sweet dog a couple years ago and we both seem to still be day we will find someone who needs us...until then I talk and feed the wild birds in the yard...they seem to know me and wait patiently as I fill up the feeders...the jays will even take the peanuts from my hand! Have a great day!!

  15. That's really sweet - I love animals, too. There's just something so real about them!

  16. I love all of your pictures! It's obvious how much you love your animals! They are lucky to have you!!

  17. They say that Animals and Babies are a good judge of charachter.. WELL from what I see Those animals pegged you just right .. A beautiful SOUL... Love all the pics.....and all of your beautiful animals ... Have a great and (blessed ) week

  18. Awwwww...Duchess looks like such a sweet pup.

    I love farm animals. I don't know that I could live where I didn't have contact with animals (even if they aren't mine to keep).

  19. My dad (a veterinarian) and I were just talking about this yesterday. I didn't know he convinced his city dwelling parents to let him tend rabbits and chickens in the back yard as a kid. When I was a kid, he had cats, dogs, rabbits, cows, sheep, pigs, chickens and a horse. I think I got the gene to carry on that tradition.

    So....when are you adding a rabbit to your brood?

  20. Oh my gosh, Tammy, you are still as cute as you were when you were little. So sweet. I love animals too, but it is so hard because they don't live as long as we do. I think I might consider a tortoise! ;P

  21. All the pictures of you with those sweet animals make my heart melt. I'm an animal lover, too. We share our home with three indoor kitties who are our fur babies. I would love to live somewhere where we could have some outdoor critters, such as chickens, lambs, donkeys, a cow...

  22. This post made me smile :) I agree with you so much. I never thought I would feel that any animal outside of my house pets where truly "pets". How wrong I was! Thanks for sharing!!

  23. Wonderful photos:) I too had a calico kitty when I was little girl. I named her Sally (after my favorite babysitter). Sally would go for rides in the white basket on my bike and I had a leash for her. My parents let her have a litter of kittens and the memory of that experience is a lasting one. My FIRST kitty was actually my neighbors at the time. It was a little gray and white kitten that spent its days locked in a garage. One day I saw a corner of the garage door that was open and I grabbed the kitten. I kept it in my closet (Lol! I can't believe I am sharing this!) The neighbor came over a day later.. and I had to give the kitten back. The End:)

    Your farm animals are so fun. Chickens are not as easy to raise, and have produce eggs as people think. I admire what you and your husband have done. It's lots of work!


  24. Love all the photos of those sweet animals :-)

  25. A lovely post. You live in just the right place for an animal lover.

  26. I love your farm and to hear your story about this love. My daughter, Riley (now 8) is following in your footsteps. I think she'll have a farm similar to yours when she grows up! How wonderful that your husband shares your passion!

  27. How Sweet! I have always loved animals. As a matter of fact, I think you can tell a lot about a person by the way they treat animals...Proverbs 12:10, " A righteous man cares for the need of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel". Even the Word of God says it is good...and that means it is good enough for me...I love your heart and am going to follow along with you.. Hope you will stop and visit and follow along with me too. Blessings!

  28. What a great picture of you and Patches! :)
    I love all our critters too and can't imagine life without them.

  29. Now that Jasper is one handsome cat! I love him without having to meet him :-) Animals are wonderfully and marvellously made, and I believe, much more intellegent and empathetic than people give them credit for!

  30. I feel exactly the same way, Tammy, and I really loved seeing all of the critters in your pictures! I can't imagine life without animals-both the pets we have, and the wild animals who find a haven in our yard. They give so much to us and ask so little in return:)

  31. Very cool blog. Interesting posts. ;)
    Nice atmosphere guests with you here on the blog. ;]
    Yours. Have a nice day. !

    Follow me on facebook fanpage
    I'm very concerned about this, please. :)

  32. Our puppy is a member of our family! She is quite connected....she can ALWAYS sense when I'm not feeling quite 100% or something upsets me...she is at my side within seconds trying to comfort me!!!! It's amazing. I always want to do the same in return for her.

    Thanks for sharing!

  33. Great post, Tammy. I am an animal lover too. I have had dogs all my life and can not imagine being without one. I love your pretty Duchess. Wonderful photos of you with all your pets and the farm animals.

  34. You are so cute, Tammy.. smile.. I love animals too and wish we had more.. All we have is dear old Sam... xo

  35. Aww Tammy what a super sweet post. Animals do make better people, I think anyways. I love the photo of you and Patches as well as you and Astor B. It is hard when we lose them but the joy they give while with us is such a blessing.

    BTW I made the salad recipe you shared the other day and holy smokes was it delish. I do have fresh greens and citrus from our property so this was a perfect fit. Everyone loved it too, thanks again for sharing it, I think it will be a regular meal around here.

  36. What a beautiful post and what a beautiful heart you have for all of your creatures great and small that you love and care for. How lucky they have you and your husband to care for them and take care of them. You are both very special people and you could and would be an inspiration to the rest of this crazy world we live in. Thank you Tammy for sharing all of these lovely, sweet animal photos. You are a blessing to humankind. Thank you also for your lovely comments.....I really do love your are definitely an inspiration to me in so many ways.

  37. Hey sis...This is my favorite post ever! Patches was so spunky..I think that is a better word than ornery :) I never got to see Jasper as a kitten he was so cute but that doesn't surprise me because he is still so cute! I am glad that that you live the life that you live...I know that you are happy..I know you will eventually call me back but you are busy living so it might be a week which is totally ok! I love you and keep doing what you are doing!

  38. I am the same way. We have three dogs and three cats :) My husband and I have had animals since we were first married and our dogs are older than our kids now. They are a definite part of our family! Great post!

  39. A gal after my own I write this in fact I am wedged in my king bed inbetween my two dogs who insist that there is no such thing as "close enough". Glad to have stumbled upon your blog!

  40. Yes I totally agree the World wouldn't be quite the same , this post is fab.
    Your pets past and present are all beautiful.

    Best Wishes

  41. So many cute pictures! I've only owned dogs, snakes, and fish, but would like to have a couple of horses if we ever own a lot of land.


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