
Friday, January 25, 2013

Feathered Friend Friday

Last weekend I witnessed one of the funniest, sweetest, most heartfelt things I have ever seen. One of our original hens, Jobin, has come off of her molt and has lots of new, beautiful, fluffy feathers. Last week I noticed her comb had turned from a dull, pale color to a bright waxy pink, so I wondered if she would start laying again soon.

On Sunday I let everyone out of the coop and spent some time with them since I don't get to see them much during the week. I noticed Jobin was being very chatty and running to and from nesting boxes. I watched her behavior for a while and noticed our head rooster, Cam, was by her side the whole time. Almost like he knew something was going on and wanted to be there to comfort her. Jobin has always been a noisy layer and seems to be annoyed by the whole process, so I knew her tell-tale signs of an impending egg (I call it "egg frustration") and apparently Cam does as well.

The longer I observed them, I noticed Cam acting like he was trying to help Jobin out and remind her where to lay her egg. He was being very vocal as well and standing by a nesting box, almost like he was telling her, "Get in here woman and lay your egg!" She wasn't getting the picture, so he led by example and climbed right into one of the nesting boxes! Jobin ran over to see what he was doing, but never got the hint. Eventually she ran out of the coop and the loyal Cam followed. Luckily I caught this all on camera!

I went back out to check on them a little bit later, and noticed they were both somehow crammed into the same tiny box. Cam was basically on top of Jobin but she didn't seem to mind.

How's that for moral support? I guess it worked because she eventually laid an egg that afternoon!


Shared with Sunny Simple SundayClever Chicks Blog Hop, Backyard Farming Connection  


  1. glad they are using their nesting boxes
    Aunt Bette

  2. Now that is such a sweet story. Don't you love chickens? I keep thinking my one girl will lay as she too has reddened up on the comb and is more vocal. Alas no egg today.

  3. You were able to capture some feathered friends fun! Thanks for sharing! :)

  4. What a great rooster. Thanks for sharing.

  5. LOL...that is so cute! Don't they just put a smile on your heart?
    Farmhouse hugs,

  6. awwww, poor girl! love the 'eggs frustration!' - or even eggstration! lol =)

  7. That's adorable! I love that picture!! :)

  8. This is so cute! What a nice little man you have there making sure his girls are okay. Chickens are SO funny. My Americauna started laying again this week and did the same darn thing. I don't have any roosters but I stayed and watch for a while too. I super LOVE the video, such a great idea. Have a great weekend!

  9. The dear things... grin.. Enjoy your egg....

  10. They make a handsome couple. LOL

    Glad it all worked out.

  11. They are so sweet and funny...and positively operatic in their vocalising! Thanks so much for the smile! (And btw, your hair is gorgeous, not boring!)

  12. Loved this! You make me want to try having a Rooster again. Such companionship!

  13. aweeeeeeeeeeeeee >> so the new egg ( our new little chick ) we know her name already .. PEARL LOL .. .......... LOVE this and your so good at what you do sister... I love you have it all on camera.. And that pic of them together .. YOU could frame that .. HUGS my friend.......................

  14. Cam really is the man, isn't he?! Cute :-)

  15. Cute video. Very cool that your rooster was trying to help out.

  16. Loved this! My daughter was able to watch the video too and we laughed hysterically. Cam is the MAN and how smart is that..leading by example:) He knew what had to be done! So glad the egg "came out" .. and I'm sure it is just beautiful!


  17. How funny! I can't imagine how they both crammed themselves into the nesting box. Sweet! Have a great day. Tammy

  18. Aw, he did look like he was trying to help her in the video. I love the picture of them bunched up together happily in the box. :)

  19. How lovely Cam looks like he is a real Gent...Lovely picture of them together.
    Enjoy your Weekend..:)

  20. My goodness I loved the video! They really are smarter than we give them credit for! How sweet that he was trying to help her out!

  21. Oh that is just the cutest thing ever!!!

  22. Adorable and awesome!! Sometimes we could learn a lot from chickens :)

  23. What and eggcellent partner he is! :) Such a sweet story!

  24. I love this, so cute Tammy! What lovely friends!!!

  25. Oh how I wish I could keep a rooster here! Adorable story, thanks for sharing.

  26. Tammy-this is priceless! I could easily watch-and listen, to Cam and Jobin all day long! Thanks so much for sharing this!

  27. That was just DARLING! How absolutly chivalrous!

  28. Oh my word! That is the cutest thing I've seen in awhile! I like how Cam kind of got louder when Jobin left the coop, like "Hey, get back here!"

  29. How cute. Animals are the coolest.

  30. That lower photo is just adorable, love it :)

  31. Wow! What a priceless movie and the final photo shot is fantastic ~ your feathered friends always intrigue me !

    Carol of: A Creative Harbor

  32. What a cute story! I like that this man was standing by his woman. Adorable photos and video!

  33. How interesting. My mom raised chickens when I was a kid. But all I remember about those days, was how much I hated gathering eggs. The chicken pecked at you when you reached under them. I liked it better when they were out of the coop to gather the eggs. Thanks for sharing.

  34. Cam is the greatest!! Love your movie story and you have such an interesting chicken box type apartments!! Cubicals!

  35. Ah - how wonderful!

  36. What a great story! Thanks for sharing with us.

  37. Great video! I had no idea a rooster would try to be helpful in the egg laying business.

  38. Now that's a loving mate--standing by, trying to lead by example--and not pushing her! Great video and story!


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