
Friday, January 18, 2013

Feathered Friend Friday

Welcome to our series "Feathered Friend Friday." Every Friday I write a post with interesting facts, photos, videos, or funny stories about our chickens and guineas. If you need to catch up, you'll find all the Feathered Friend Friday posts here   

I've mentioned before that I love to give my chickens oatmeal when it is cold outside, but recently I tried out something else that they went equally crazy for.

I've heard others talking about doing it, and I don't know why I waited so long to try it out! I put some of their regular feed (16% protein layer crumbles) in a bowl and mixed it with warm water until it was a porridge type consistency. Just plain old food mixed with water - and they thought it was a special treat! Especially Duchess, who had to come see what all the fuss was about.

It does smell a little stinky, but it's not too overpowering. The chickens didn't seem to mind the smell (check out this article, 8th paragraph for more on their sense of smell) or the fact that their faces got pretty messy!

Poor Roosty's wattles are so big, they are bound to get covered in whatever he's eating or drinking!


Shared with Farmgirl Friday Blog HopSunny Simple SundayWeekly Top Shot, Clever Chicks Blog HopBackyard Farming Connection Hop, Farm Girl Blog Fest


  1. Adorable post. They look like they thought it was a special treat indeed! I love Feathered Friend Friday :)

  2. Adorable! And, that's what my boys faces look like after they eat something messy, too :)

  3. What a great idea! This could be a warm treat on those cold days!

  4. I can just picture those dear sweet messy little faces, too! Animals are so cute-sometimes we mix dry food with water and our dogs think it's a gourmet feast!

    Love this post Tammy-very precious:)

  5. Oh my gosh, what a great idea! I hate how much of the crumble feed they waste and have wondered what to do with it. This will certainly help out on our sub-zero mornings (um, that's everyday this month). Thanks so much for sharing this, I'm going to give my girls some for their afternooner.

    Have a fabulous weekend,

  6. A great idea and they seemed to be none the wiser! :)

  7. How cute! Don't you love when you can give them a little excitement? I love watching animals eat. I know, I'm a little weird. I love all their different colors. Roosty is a very handsome bird, even with a messy face. xx

  8. I love these pictures, especially the last one. Roosty is very handsome!!!

  9. I so enjoy your Friday posts! Roo won't eat oatmeal, most vegetables, or fruit. Crazy bird!
    Farmhouse hugs,

  10. ...I know nothing of feeding chickens!!! My son likes oatmeal though, it's the healthiest meal I can get down that little tummy of his. :)
    Is your dog a wheaton (sp?) terrier?

  11. Magnificent photography of your 'feathered friends' and your furperson ~ (so cute) ~ Happy Weekend to you ^_^

    ( A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  12. Hi Tammy, Your pics are gorgeous. You captured your feathered friends beautifully. And your precious pooch is adorable. Looks like they truly enjoyed their treat. So nice to find your lovely blog from Country Whites Weekend.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  13. What a handsome rooster! Even with a messy face, he is pretty good looking.

  14. I like to mix some with the feed and they love it. Your girls look nice a robust. I have one finishing molting and she looks pathetic. Neither is laying right now but I am hoping the other one will start soon. Miss my eggs.

  15. I love your bird photos, they are always beautiful!

  16. I love reading about your chickens. :-)

  17. hi tammy, enjoyed reading your post! simply adorable
    and what a great idea!

    what a good-looking rooster too!

    lovely photos as usual.


  18. They're such a hoot & now they have a new treat... I honestly don't remember what we used to feed our chickens... We didn't have a lot of them, but some... I miss fresh eggs! =)

  19. warm their bellies and keep them hydrated. brilliant.

  20. It looks as if the chickens were well satisfied with their new meal. I cannot believe your dog gets along so well with the chickens. I guess it is all about how they are raised. Your rooster is a proud looking fellow. Enjoyed your pics of all your babies...reminds me of when I was growing up...we always had chickens.. what many would call free ranger Happy time visiting with you. Blessings!

  21. Beautiful photos! Duchess looks like such a sweetie. I've had a fly-over-the-fence-into-the-yard hen for three days straight and our crazy dog Keela has kept her distance - so far.

    Definitely trying your water/feed mixture tomorrow. Thanks for the tip!

  22. What beautiful chickens you have!

  23. Hi Tammy,

    Who wouldn't want oatmeal for breakfast? There are so cute and it doesn't matter if it's stinky. I SO want chickens.. don't know why, but it's kinda like cows.. they really grow on you. My girlfriend says they are so much work but she loves them:) You're a good mom and I'll bet the eggs are amazing.

    Have a great weekend!


  24. That's so funny that they thought their food mixed with water was a special treat!

  25. What a great, and thoughtful idea...Roosty certainly seems to have enjoyed it!

  26. We frequently mix sour milk with their feed for a special treat. :)

  27. How awesome for you to think of serving them oatmeal in colder weather. I never thought of giving chickens anything other than their regular feed. You have a mighty lucky bunch of chickens. :)
    xo bj

  28. I had to share this to our fb page, too. It is such a clever idea! I am trying it out for our flocks this morning. At near zero this morning, they'll appreciate the warm breakfast, I am sure!

  29. Oh Roosty is sure does look like you and your wattles enjoyed the porridge! I just caught up on your feather posts, all your birds have it made, you are such a good mama :)

  30. I gave my chickens some oatmeal last week during our cold snap and they loved it and, yep, my rooster had it all over his wattles!
    I will remember this tip too, thanks!! :)

  31. YOUR chicks are BLESSED sister !!!!!! You are such a blessing. I love your spirit and smile everytime I see your new adventures... YOU keep those pics coming... Because when you post .. I get to go on a farm.... Beaching it over here girl ... SO it takes me to new lands... LOVE LOVE LOVE (oh did I say LOVE ) I think i did .. LOVE IT ALL

  32. Roosty looks awesome, love him! We are heading in for a couple of nasty cold days, so I am going to try your treat for my ladies!

  33. I think of you every time I am shopping and see a rooster or a chicken item. :) Glad your lovelies liked their treat!

  34. Your critters are a hoot! No doubt they give you much enjoyment! Wishing you a wonderful day. Tammy

  35. I love your chickens and Mr Roosty is so cute even with the food all over him. Great post, have a happy day!

  36. Roosty and your chickens are enjoying your new recipe as Duchess watches the excitement.
    Nice shots, Tammy.

  37. I'll bet warm food of any kind would be a hit rather than cold feed any day... I'm so glad you came by to share on Weekly Top Shot #66!

  38. I read the following on a blog this morning and thought how much you would enjoy the story....:)

    xo bj

  39. I do this all the time, my hens seemed to be wasting so much feed, throwing it out of their feeders, so I thought, why not add some water, they love it. And they eat it all, no more waste. If I have scraps, I throw them in too.

  40. My chickens love warmed mash!
    I make it out of oatmeal, left over veggies that don't get eaten or used for stew...I've used left over pasta, bread crumbs,etc.
    The only thing I HAVEN'T USED? warmed feed for mash. Thanks for the tip.
    ~via SSS, Pat


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