
Friday, January 11, 2013

Feathered Friend Friday

Welcome to our series "Feathered Friend Friday." Every Friday I write a post with interesting facts, photos, videos, or funny stories about chickens and guineas. If you need to catch up, you'll find all the Feathered Friend Friday posts here 

Before we got our chickens, I would never have really called myself a collector of anything (of course there were unicorns and dolphins when I was a preteen, but I'm not going to count that). But nowadays, I find myself amassing a nice collection of chicken-related items. And I love it.

My favorite piece by far has to be this batik painting by my wonderfully talented friend, Holly.

Isn't it so cute and quirky? It has found a perfect home on top of our vintage bathroom cabinet. I love having such an artistic friend!

On top of the cabinet I also have a miniature hen on a nest. Last summer my family had a yard sale and one of my aunts held this back for me so no one else could snatch it up!

We have another piece of chicken art displayed in our bathroom as well (I like to keep the items I love in a place where I will see them every day). I picked this one up at a farmers market in town last summer. It was created by a great local artist named Dawn Melka.

Next to the print I also have some chicken and guinea feathers nestled in a vase. I have feathers tucked into just about every nook and cranny of this house!

On the Hoosier cabinet in the dining room is a chicken platter that I scored at a local antique shop. It does a good job holding some kitchen odds and ends, especially freshly laid eggs waiting to be sorted for the fridge.

My very first chicken item I ever got was this yellow sponge holder for my kitchen. It used to have red paint on the comb and wattles, but that has worn off over the past couple years. I picked up this one at a local antique shop as well.

Luckily David seems to be ok with my love of chicken decor. I think he realizes the old saying is true - "Happy wife, happy life!"

I'm curious - do you collect anything?


Shared with Farmgirl Friday Blog HopDown Home Blog HopHome Sweet HomeFarm Girl Blog Fest, Farmhouse Style Blog Hop


  1. That's quite a collection of cool chicken themed items you have going on. Your artist friend is very talented - I hope she sells some of her work.

  2. Tammy - I think that first picture is really good. Do hold onto it - it might be worth a lot one day. Hope the New Year is treating you guys well so far.

  3. Tammy-I love your collection of chickens so much! I especially love how you have those beautiful feathers everywhere, and how you place your treasures in places where you see them every day. I'm the same way too. I have to laugh as I picture my husband rolling his eyes over the question of whether I collect anything:) That's a big definite yes-and you've inspired me to share some of my treasures in future posts!

    Have a great weekend, my friend!!

  4. I collect antique woodworking hand tools, mostly for use in my workshop. I also have an extensive collection of chicken items like pictures, sculptures, kitchenware, carvings, etc. We also have quite a few decorated eggs (pysanky) that my wife and I created. It is our spring tradition to make them and give them away to family and friends each year. I was hoping out ducks were females to supply us with eggs to decorate, but they are both males.

  5. I, like you, collect chicken related objects. I can't help it, they are soooo cute! :D x

  6. If my mother were still here, I would love to show her this post as she loved chickens. She had quite a collection, some of which I held onto. As for me I collect glass and crystal bells and am running out of space for them.

  7. Your wonderful collection is understandable. You love your chickens! I recently saw a platter of a white rooster and thought I would like that for my kitchen. And I only thought that because of Roo.
    Farmhouse hugs,

  8. It was fun looking at your collection! I have a teapot one, but I had to stop years ago as I have NO room for anymore...Teacups too. It's always nice to be surrounded by the things that make us smile. Thanks for sharing. :)

  9. You have a very nice collection of chickens. They are so colorful and the real ones are so giving.
    I have a collection of clocks, a collection of Hummels, Steifs, and antique furniture. Kids are gone and we're now going in the other directions and we're passing our collections on to the kids or selling it if they don't want it. We're down-sizing!! You spend your whole life collecting -- then you uncollect. Now adays- I'm collecting memories!!

  10. Love that first chicken painting. I have plates with chickens on them. So cute.

  11. It's neat that you add the feathers to accentuate the items. I almost always get a coffee cup and a Christmas ornament if I'm visiting someplace new. I think that qualifies as collecting. :)

  12. That vintage chicken tray is divine. I love it all. I save some of the best feathers too.

  13. Love all your chicken items...what fun! Have a great weekend!!

  14. Hi Tammy.....thank you for listening to my daughter's new song and for such a kind comment. We are so proud of her. And you asked above about what others might collect and I have had many things that I collected over the years before downsizing and moving to a smaller home in my senior years. I used to collect beautiful cranberry glass and teapots of all shapes and sizes....still have a few of them I just couldn't let go of.....antique pitcher and bowls...still have a few of those too...lots of handmade Americana pottery and I still have that also. The good thing though is that I used it all just like you....I had my treasures every where and used them all the time....never was one to put it all away so no one could enjoy it. Things change and downsizing was really good for me...I have definitely changed to simplifying my life.

  15. Oh your friend Holly is truly talented. And the painting by Dawn is amazing.
    I love all your chicken finds and David is a very wise man and that quote is so true:) B

  16. Cute chickens!
    I collect otters and jars...

  17. I love all of these chickens dishes. So very cute. My favorite is the little hen on the nest.

  18. Thanks for sharing your collection with us. :)

  19. My Mamaw used to have something very similar to the miniature hen on a nest. She would have loved that :)

  20. I love your collection, Tammy, especially the art painted by your friend! What a nice gift! My Mom collected chicken things for her kitchen. She had a wonderful ceramic rooster soup tureen- that was my favorite. My sister has some of them now. As for me, I collect Franciscan ware dishes in robin's egg blue. And antique books. Especially children's books with pretty illustrations. I could go on, I collect too many things, but I love them all. xx

  21. Happy wife, happy life is so right! ;-). Holly is really talented, that's a cool painting!! I think the only thing I can say that I collect is kids' books, so when we have kids they have a little library waiting for them.

  22. I just Love your little collection , you are lucky to have such an talented friend to. My collections are Greyhound as I have had 3 in all the 13 years I moved to the Country. Enjoy your collection.
    Sheila :)

  23. You have a great collection of chickens. I remember having some of those glass chickens and nests as a child.
    I have a collection of lighthouses. But have stopped collecting them now as I don't have room to display them anymore.

  24. That batik chicken is lovely! You have a great collection. I collect lots and lots of things. Especially dust bunnies. HA! Best wishes for a wonderful weekend. Tammy

  25. How delightful
    I love the little glass chicken and the artwork
    Greetings from a Welshman in a tiny village here in north Wales
    Who had a field full of chickens!
    Best john

  26. Regarding your little glass hen on a nest: You probably know what they were used for, but then again, you may be too young. In which case I will leave the info for anyone interested. I will be 77 years old this year, and I remember them well. Before the days of multiple choices for artificial sweeteners, we had only natural sweeteners until the invention of saccharin. Saccharin came in the form of tiny white pills. They were kept in the little glass hen's nest just as she would have kept her eggs. These little chickens were set on the dining table along with the sugar bowls and the salt and pepper shakers.

  27. Such a fun collection! I really like the painting that your friend did! I have too many collections to mention (but among them are vintage seltzer bottles, old clocks, grain sacks, old bowling pins...told ya there's lots! :)

  28. Tammy, you have a beautiful collection!

    I was told once a while ago that the tiny clear glass hen on a nest was a salt cellar. My sister-in-law has a collection of them. (She gave me one of her duplicates made of carnival glass.)

    I see that the lady who commented before me, Barbee&#9, noted another use for them which sounds so much cuter! Pills of Saccharin would look like the hen was setting on eggs. How sweet! I must tell my sister-in-law.

  29. Hi Tammy.. Love your collection.. I like chicken dishes.. I actually made a trip to the Thrift store today to buy some soup bowls with chickens on the bottom that I chose not to buy the other day.. Sadly, they were gone.. smile..
    I also collect salt cellars...
    David is a smart lad... smile..

  30. Hi Tammy, love all the pretty pieces of the collection! Especially the painting on the very top! So pretty!

  31. Hey my friend.. I love what you collect !!!! >> me hmmmmmm Sea shells I think ... that is what I collect. That is what I have a lot of . I have used them to make the desk and different things. I used to collect OLD Rolling pins ..I am drawn to them LOL ... Have a blessed week

  32. I love all your chicken stuff. I do have quite a few rooster pieces. Other than that mostly I just collect goats... live ones! ;) LOL.

  33. Love your collection! My husband drew the line - he said everything chicken had to stay in the barnyard (except the eggs, of course!) Oh well. He had no idea how much cool stuff I could hang on the outside of the coop and the goat shed :-)

  34. I must confess I love your entire collection! So very cute...we do love our chickens don't we?

  35. Very creative post with so much wonderful art decor ~ Wonderful!

    ( A Creative Harbor)

    Always great to have you 'visit' ~ ^_^

  36. Lovely yard birds... I don't yet have any ( real ) ones.. But I have a few
    trinkets around...what a fun blog hop that would yard bird trinkets. It would be fun to see what we all have. Thanks for stopping over and having some warm from the oven rolls and a cuppa with me...

  37. Love the chicken platter, very cute! I have paintings in my bathroom also :)

  38. I love your chicken collection... and the art is all lovely! We save chicken feathers here as well...I collect china, furniture, and now vintage aprons for my shop as well as vintage linens. Lovely post!

  39. Beautiful artwork -- and love your vintage chickens.

    Not much collecting going on here nowadays. No room! :)

  40. I'm envious of your fresh eggs. And your friend Holly is very much a talent.

    The only thing I seem to collect is books, though I love quotes...and I have been known to clip images and stories from magazines and save them.

  41. What a great collection! I need to post a picture of mine once I finish the dining room and we can compare! Thanks for sharing it at the Farmhouse Style Blog Hop!

  42. Nice collection you have going...there are so many chicken/rooster things to collect...I did it for years. My favorites are plates, now that I am into tablescaping.

  43. So cute! Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home!


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