
Friday, January 4, 2013

Feathered Friend Friday

My friend Heather is great at giving gifts. She always keeps in mind the recipient's interests and manages to find the perfect present. Case in point - for Christmas she gave me a bottle of wine. But not just any bottle of wine. Knowing my love of chickens, she got me a bottle with a giant rooster on the label!

I had never heard of this wine before, but of course I instantly adored it because of the cute rooster. I inspected the bottle and found that this brand is named after a legendary 47 pound rooster - HRM (His Royal Majesty) Rex Goliath. My biggest rooster tips the scale at about 10 pounds, so I can't imagine how big a 47 pounder would be! I was utterly intrigued and had to learn more about Rex.

On the wine company's website they explain the legend of the world's largest rooster -
"At the turn of the 20th century, HRM (His Royal Majesty) Rex Goliath was the treasured attraction of a Texas circus. People came from far and wide to behold the 47 lb. bird, billed as the “World’s Largest Rooster.” Our label replicates the one-of-a-kind vintage artwork from the circus banner that hung above Rex’s roost."

How cool is that?! Tonight I plan on cracking this baby open with my husband. I can't wait to try it! Needless to say, I will be saving the bottle :)

Have you ever heard of this giant rooster?


UPDATE: The wine was pretty good! A tad bit dry for my taste, but overall a good wine I'd say.

Shared with Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop 

This is not a sponsored post.


  1. Dang - a 47 pound rooster? That's crazy. I've never heard of this brand and I can't say that I've seen it in the stores around here, either. I wonder if it's any good?

  2. You'll have to tell us how good it is!

    47 pound rooster???? Oh my!

  3. I remember our roosters growing up as a kid on the farm. They were mean and attacked. Glad they weren't 47 pounds!!!

  4. I have tried the chardonnay. I wasn't a huge fan of it - but hopefully the red is better! I did love the rooster on the bottle!

  5. What a fun gift! I love giving crazy labeled wine as gifts...this year I started bringing Middle Sister wine to family functions because I am the middle sister! I can't imagine a rooster that big either...holy cow!!

  6. This is awesome! My sis-in-law bought some pinot grigio for us, it was pretty good. And it was purchased purely for the label :-) As far as a 47 pound rooster...hmmm...that would be seriously frightening!

  7. 47 pound rooster??? WOW. I wouldn't want to make that feller mad...

  8. Yep, saw the bottle last month at a flock friends and then Googled the Rooster. They bought the wine just becasue it had the colorful bird on it.
    I would like a mug with that photo of him on it.
    A 47 lb rooster would certainly be crushing some hens!

  9. Love that story but boy it would be like a dog. I have seen that wine before down here.

  10. Wow that is a very cool and thoughtful gift. Wow a 47 lb rooster is very interesting we have had 47 lb turkeys before. Enjoy. I have been know to buy a bottle of anything just for the bottle:) B

  11. Wow - a 47 pound rooster would be larger than many dogs! Enjoy the wine and keep the bottle, for sure!

  12. Wonderful friend so thoughtful and such an excellent gift for you ~ Enjoy ^_^ Happy Weekend ~

    (A Creative Harbor aka ArtMuseDog and Carol ^_^)

  13. Oh wow, His Royal Majesty sure was BIG! What a thoughtful friend you have! Enjoy the wine Tammy.

  14. I love it! Haven't seen that brand but how adorable. One of my favorites is a wine from NY called "Love my goat." :) Makes everything seem so much more special doesn't it? :) Enjoy the wine with your husband! Let us know if it's nice wine too :)

  15. Ha, a 47 lb. rooster would scare me! Enjoy your wine!
    Farmhouse hugs,

  16. That is the perfect gift! I have to say, however, if I saw a rooster that large coming toward me in real life I would RUN!

    Enjoy your evening and the wine.

  17. What in the name of Mike were they feeding that boy? Maybe you could start a collection and use the bottles (upside-down) to line a garden walkway.

  18. That would be one big rooster :) What a sweet gift, I love when people buy something that fits so well with the person they are giving to!

  19. That's one big rooster! I haven't heard of that wine. Enjoy it with your hubby.

  20. What a great and thoughtful gift! I have never heard of that giant rooster. I hope the wine is as great as the label - enjoy! xx

  21. Wow that is amazing! I didn't know roosters could get so large! Enjoy the wine!

  22. OMGosh! This is so fun and I will order a bottle. .. we are big wine drinkers and I have a brother that's a wine maker. I can't imagine such a large rooster! He must rule the roost to speak!

    Such a fun post! Have a great weekend!


  23. Hey there my sweet friend. NEVER heard of it .. Hope that it was good . WILL have to try that and I think that saving the bottle is perfect... Have a fabulous weekend . .Hope that the weather is being good to you guys... HUGS

  24. Maybe he was a tom turkey in disguise? No, I've never heard of him.

  25. I've seen that wine in the store and loved the label! Let us know how you like it! I agree with Janis, a mug with that picture would be awesome!! :)

  26. What a lovely gift! I have not heard of Rex or this wine, but I will be watching for it!

  27. How fun! That's a great gift. I have not heard of the rooster or his story. But I do love wine! Can't get any here though -- unless I make it homemade. (No alcohol allowed and yet there's more here than you can even imagine.) Enjoy! Best wishes, Tammy

  28. What a great gift!

  29. I see this wine all the time and have always wanted to try it.

  30. Gifts are so great when they are choosen with the recipient in mind and that label looks like it was made just for you. :-)

  31. Thank you for the kind compliment :-). Hope the wine itself tasted good!

  32. That is an unbelievable size for a rooster! Hopefully they stuffed him once he passed or else people would think it's the wine talking!! Can you imagine the poor hens that he would try to mate and IF they mated - the size of the eggs?? Poor hens in his chicken yard!!
    Enjoy your wine!! Bet that's one bottle you'll keep!

  33. What a nice gift. The label is cool and perfect for you! I like merlot too! Have a happy weekend!

  34. Never heard of this brand, but I love it when friends know you so well to give such appropriate gifts!!
    Thanks for stopping by, Mary Alice

  35. Nooo, never heard of the rooster OR the wine but bet it's good.
    A fabulous bottle to save..I can just see a cute daisy in it....:))

  36. Wow he was a big Rooster a one off I expect. Great hope you enjoy , and yes I WOULD save the bottle to.

  37. We have Red Rooster here in Canada. It is from the Okanagan I think. I live in Saskatchewan and get it at some restaurants. Haven't tried yours yet but I LOVE red wine. :)

  38. 47 pounds! Oh my goodness! That is one big rooster! That's bigger than my dog Kona! :)

    Can't wait to hear how the wine was, and the bottle is definitely cool!

  39. I haven't seen it or heard of it. It was a good gift idea though. You do have a thoughtful friend. :)

  40. I'm a big fan of the Rex Goliath (or as we call it, Chicken Wine) Pinot Noir. It's cheap too! They had a giant rooster on the display in our Piggly Wiggly and I almost asked what they were going to do with it when they were done with the sale...

  41. Love this label! Purchased this brand just because of the rooster on the front! Love that retro feel!

  42. My neighbors laughed at me last summer when I bought a bottle of white from the same brand. When they asked me "is it any good?" I said 'how should I know, I only bought it cause it has a rooster on it!'LOL Hope you enjoyed yours!


  43. I gave you wine for Christmas too. Have you tried any of it yet?

    1. Not yet! We're saving the big bottles for when we have a party :)


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