
Monday, January 7, 2013

Chocolate Mousse

A couple years ago, I gave up dairy. Several different factors prompted this decision, but the catalyst was getting my cholesterol checked for the first time and being told by my doctor in my mid-twenties that I had high cholesterol and needed to go on a diet (you can read more about that here). After I was off dairy for a while, I couldn't believe how good I felt, so that made staying dairy-free a no-brainer.

Of course I cheat every now and then, but when I'm cooking at home I don't use dairy products. There are a few foods I definitely miss, and desserts made with heavy cream, like chocolate mousse, typically top that list. Yesterday I found a recipe for non-dairy chocolate mousse with a secret ingredient that really took me by surprise.

Chocolate-Avocado Mousse
by Giada De Laurentiis
Makes 4 3/4 cup servings

1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips (Ghirardelli brand in the gold wrapper is dairy-free)
4 very ripe (8 oz.) avocados, peeled and pitted
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 cup agave
1 T pure vanilla extract (I left this out and it was just fine)
1/4 t salt

Melt the chocolate chips. Place the melted chocolate, avocados, cocoa powder, agave, vanilla, and salt in a food processor and blend until smooth and creamy. Spoon (I used a piping bag) into cups and refrigerate for a couple hours, or up to 1 day.

Avocados! Who would have thought? When I first blended up all the ingredients and tasted to measure the sweetness, I was disappointed because there was a definite avocado taste. I put the mousse in the refrigerator for a couple hours then tried it again, and it was heaven. Thick, creamy, with a deep chocolate flavor and no hint of avocado whatsoever. The mousse was even more delicious sprinkled with chopped pistachios and pomegranate seeds.

Even David, who is very picky about non-traditional ingredients, thought this was really good and he couldn't detect the avocado at all. I suspect if I didn't tell him about the secret ingredient in the first place he would have thought I used heavy cream!

I really can't say enough how pleased I was with this non-dairy chocolate mousse recipe. Even if you consume dairy, you should give it a try. Avocados are great for your body, inside and out, and make for a delicious ingredient in this chocolate mousse.


Shared with Weekly Top ShotClever Chicks Blog Hop, Sunny Simple Sunday, Backyard Farming Connection HopTasty Tuesdays, Hearth & Soul Hop, Tweak It TuesdayDown Home Blog HopThursday Favorite ThingsCreative Things ThursdayHome Sweet HomeHealthy Vegan FridayLe Chateau des Fleurs, What I Am Eating


  1. Hmmmm - leave it to Giada, I just love her! And as I'm sitting at my desk right now eating an avocado with my lunch, I'm thinking this is definitely worth a try!

  2. Looks so good. I have a couple really ripe avocados on my counter now that I should try this with!

  3. Yep! I make chocolate mousse with avocados all the time. Just for me. My recipe is slightly different from yours, but it is all good!
    Farmhouse hugs,

  4. This is so interesting Tammy! I never would have guessed that you could use avocados! I'm going to try not only this recipe, but serving it in pretty little teacups too!

  5. Oh how interesting. My husband is lactose intolerant, so I bet something like this would be wonderful for his tummy!

  6. Oh. My. Goodness. This looks divine! Will definitley be trying this one! Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier!!

    Jenna @

  7. I was vegan for 3 years and did really well without dairy. Unfortunately, I got really low B-12 levels and had to see a neurologist for a long time afterwards. So that was the end of that. However, I still love vegan meals and I would adore your mousse. I've been on a total avocado kick lately!

  8. This is one of my favorite desserts to make for the kids! I have been trying to give up dairy for the last year. When I don't eat it, I feel better. I don't drink milk, but cheese is my weakness. My daughter doesn't do any milk or cheese, but loves yogurt, and my son loves dairy in all forms, so it is a fine line finding something that everyone agrees with. This is one of those things!

  9. I was just thinking before you said it, how wonderful Avocado is for your body, I love this recipe!

  10. Looks yummy and great photos ~ Got to have a 'treat' once in awhile ~

    (A Creative Harbor) aka ArtMuseDog and Carol ^_^

  11. I need to try this with my non-dairy-tolerant grandson. I am sharing this on my blog! Thank you!

    1. I think your grandson would love this! Thanks for visiting and sharing my post, Kathie!

  12. This sounds wonderful! I limit my dairy and this recipe definitely sounds like a keeper. Thank you so much for sharing it.

  13. Thanks for sharing this! Can't wait to give it a try!

  14. Avocados? Sounds wonderful! And they look so delicious.

  15. I have seen this recipe but was turned off by the avocado.Reading your review encourages me to try it. BTW, you tea cups & saucers are gorgeous.

  16. I have seen this recipe but was turned off by the avocado.Reading your review encourages me to try it. BTW, you tea cups & saucers are gorgeous.

  17. Sounds delicious! I tried making a dairy free chocolate pudding before but it also had bananas and wasn't really that good. I will have to give this a try. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  18. This. Looks. AMAZING. I have thought about going non-dairy myself actually.

  19. Chocolate and avocados? What's NOT to love. I'm pinning this one for later. I'm trying to scale back on dairy (I don't drink dairy milk) but want to cut back on cheese, specifically. Thanks for this recipe. Looks devine!

  20. Chocolate mousse is my all time favorite! Not sure I'd like it with avocados, but interesting the things people come up with. Enjoy! Oh, and thanks for checking out my story today and leaving me a sweet comment. I appreciate it!

  21. This sounds pretty good! Avocados really have a mild flavor so I will have to pin this recipe...thanks for posting!

  22. I couldn't have diary growing up, I had an intolerance. Luckily I outgrew it and somehow have great cholesterol levels even though I eat a lot of diary and red meat :) I think I lucked out with the genetics! Your photos and recipe look delicious! I love mousse, yum!

  23. This looks so delicious! Definitely gonna give it a try. Thanks for sharing.
    Shell @

  24. This does sound interesting and avocados are so good for you.

  25. This looks so rich and creamy! Avocado is something I would never have guessed as an ingredient. My daughter is lactose intolerant and now I will have a nice dessert to share with her! Thanks for sharing this! xx

  26. I have a similar recipe for chocolate pudding using avocados. Isn't it amazing! And actually good for you, especially if you use dark chocolate. Love the pistachios on top! Enjoy!

  27. Wowza, looks AWESOME! Will have to try this. I think we're going to have to put "food processor" on our list of to-buys.

  28. That looks so good -- congrats to you for finding an alternative ingredient that works. :)

  29. I've had to make similar changes for the same reason .. This looks wonderful and you are right, once you eliminate something you discover lots of other options.


  30. Who would've thought of using avocados in dessert! Looks fabulous! I pretty much love all Giada's recipes anyway. :)

  31. I enjoyed perusing your blog with all of the wonderful pictures. Having grown up with guineas, I can't say I'm a fan; but yours sure are photogenic!! Sally

  32. Wow avocado I would never have thought it was the secret. Cool I must try this. You know your photos are beautiful it is always a pleasure to see the way you display these recipes, I love it. B

  33. Great job giving up dairy!! This mousse looks really delicious!

  34. Oh thanks Tammi. I am sure it would be a much better for you recipe then cream... Neat...

  35. Oh this looks great. We have been off dairy for about a year now and really don't miss it at all. I will be trying this recipe soon!!

  36. I'm glad you put in the comment about David being picky about non traditional ingredients. I'm the same way. I love chocolate. I will try this because I'd like to sneak healthier foods into my diet. (and my families)
    Pinning to use later!

    Thanks for linking up with Katherine's corner
    We Three Crabs

  37. Mmmm, your photos make my mouth water! Thank you for sharing on Weekly Top Shot #64!

  38. I love the presentation of your dessert. It's lovely served in the tea cups and the garnishes are beautiful. I've been wanting to incorporate avocados into more of my cooking as they are so good for you and your recipe is a great place to start! Thank you for sharing it with the Hearth and Soul Hop.

  39. I love avocado and hate to mess up the taste of it with anything other than a dash of salt. But I might have to try this recipe. I made chocolate chip cookies over the summer with a secret ingredient -- chickpeas. They were pretty darn good. Heart disease runs in my dad's side of the family and he had bypass surgery when he was 45 so he has always told me to get my cholesterol checked. So far so good. I'm hoping the lifestyle change I made 8 years ago and my new way of eating will help me to stay healthy. Best wishes to you, Tammy

  40. Ganna try this tomorrow. I've been meaning too and it looks awesome.

  41. Your mousse looks incredibly delicious! I love the idea of adding avocado. Thanks for sharing your recipe with the Hearth and Soul Hop. I’ve pinned it to my Pinterest board.

  42. I am going to try this! I just bought those chocolate chips. I also had to give up dairy and grains due to allergies! Would love to have a creamy chocolate treat every now and then! Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home!

  43. YUM this looks amazing! It was the most popular recipe on Healthy Vegan Friday this week, congrats! Hope to see you again this week :)

  44. Omgosh! Marvelous!!!!
    This goes on my list do make!

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