
Saturday, December 1, 2012

Sweet Saturday Blog Hop

Happy Saturday everyone! I usually don't post on the weekends, but my friend Jessica at Healthy Mommy, Healthy Baby asked me to co-host her Sweet Saturday link party and I am excited to join her!

I am linking up my banana pancakes with honey and granola. They are the perfect weekend breakfast with your family and loved ones.

Go here to check out the recipe.

Now, onto the party!

There are just a few guidelines for this blog hop, so read up then get to linking up your posts -

1. Link up something sweet to really WOW us all - your blog, Etsy store, Pinterest, Facebook...whatever you want.

2. Link up as many posts as you'd like and please follow me and the hostess, Jessica @ Healthy Mommy, Healthy Baby. Leave us a comment if you are a new follower so we can follow you back!

3. Hop around to different links and say hi.

4. Please share the button or put a text link into the post you are sharing so others can join in the fun as well.

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="<Photobucket" target="_blank">PhotobucketPhotobucket />" alt="Healthy Mommy Healthy Baby" width="125" height="125" /></a>


  1. Looks great, Tammy! Yummy pancakes!

  2. Never thought to put granola on my french toast but you can bet I'm going to try it! I sprinkle it on a lot of things.

  3. Lots of lovely recipes!

  4. Ooooh, yum! There are a lot of new delicious recipes here for me to try :)

  5. The pancakes look really great!

  6. They look yummy! Great recipe ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  7. Thanks for hosting & for visiting & commenting on Saved by Grace! I'm following your lovely blog, & I hope you'll consider following Saved by Grace!
    Love in Him,

  8. omg, I'm drooling over this party! have to come back more inspired to check everyone suggestions :) happy day to you sweetie.. xxo

  9. I've got to go see the Snickerdoodle Cupcakes... and then likely share them with my mom!

  10. Oh I am with Ana this is the perfect party before Christmas. I am going to check this out. Thank you. B

  11. Tammy! morning! you have a cute saturday meme. i'll have to remember that. yes, dang it. i broke my camera. it was an accident but i should have been more careful.

  12. Thanks for hosting and leaving your lovely comment on my blog!

  13. You remind me that I should make some more homemade granola!


Thank you so much for visiting! We enjoy reading each and every one of your lovely comments.