
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Our 2012 Christmas Card

The past few years I didn't send out Christmas cards. I wanted to, but didn't put it on my list so it kept getting pushed aside until it was too late. This year back in November, I heard an ad on the radio for 40% off photo cards. I said to myself, "This is the year." As soon as I got home I started our cards and ordered them right away so I could mark one thing off my list.

I really like how they turned out. I wanted them to be personal, so what better way to do that than to show my favorite photos from the homestead this year. I made sure to include a representative for each animal family (dog, cats, guineas, chickens) and of course had to include a photo of us.

As soon as my grandma received her card, she called me and couldn't stop talking about how much she loved it. When I went to visit her earlier this week, she had the card proudly showcased on her coffee table. I love seeing my card displayed in other people's homes!

Did you send out personalized Christmas cards this year? Or is it still on your list? :)



  1. Oh Tammy, you card is wonderful! I love it!!

    I'm sending mine out today...

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Love your card! What a wonderful idea! I did not send out cards this year, but I think I will 'copy' your idea for next year. Like the personal approach. Thanks for sharing!
    Farmhouse holiday hugs,

  3. Love your card! It's great :) I sent personalized cards for the first time this year, featuring just our dogs this year :) It's fun and I love the idea.

  4. love the card! we have sent personalized cards since the kids arrived. the first year our daughter was born, we were so busy with everything, we actually sent valentines day cards instead of christmas ones. everyone thought it was great.

  5. I love the way it turned out! I send out cards every year because we have family scattered all over the country and some of them are not on Facebook (gasp), so it's the only way they get to see updated family photos!

  6. Great card. I don't do personalised ones but do calendars with my own photos - usually from a trip - this year I did Adelaide. Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas.

  7. Oh I love the card it is so perfect. Grandma always knows best.
    I just sent cards out but now that I figured out my printer I have been giving calf Christmas cards they seem to be a hit:) Merry Christmas to you and your family. HUG B

  8. Love it!!!!! So cute that you had all your animals in there. I also love the message on the back. We did another "chicken" Christmas card photo again this year because two years ago we did one of us sitting on our porch holding the chickens and people just went wild- thought it was the funniest thing. I'm hoping this years is a hit too!

  9. What a lovely Christmas card! Beautiful! Merry Christmas!!!

  10. I love the card. I have it taped to my door. I started taping cards to the walls but they fell off, but the door is holding them good. So far I got two Christmas cards this year. Thank you. See you in 3 days.

  11. I love your card, it is a lovely personal touch! I sent cards but they were store bought cards. Have a happy day and a very Merry Christmas!

  12. Love love your Christmas card and I did get cards but not lovely personal ones like yours.. Good for you..
    By the way.. I also love your cupboard and your sweet appreciation for it..

  13. What a wonderful card! I'll bet your family thought it was worth the wait! ;0)

  14. Like you Tammy, this was our first year to do a photo card. I've always included a photo that was wallet size, but CVS also had a great sale and I was able to do it on line!! How wonderful that you were able to show ALL your animals!! Fantastic family :-}}

  15. What a perfect card! I'm terrible about cards and feel so guilty that I never send them out - I used to, but then one year I procrastinated so long that here it is about 5 years later. I love the way you did yours. Maybe if you post about it again next October, I feel inspired early enough to actually do it ;-)

  16. Your card is perfect, it put a smile on my face, love it! This is my first year that I haven't sent them! That's going to be my job tomorrow!

  17. Yes! We DID send a personalized Christmas card .. with photos :) Yours is perfect and the chickens are darling!

  18. Love the light color blue with your lovely farm photos -- very unusual and pretty!

  19. What a good idea! Your cards turned out great!! We always send out Leanin' Tree Cowboy Christmas cards but I think I'll try your idea for next year! :)

  20. Love it! I was disappointed that Shutterfly didn't do their promotion for bloggers to get free cards this year!

  21. What a GREAT card! It's perfect! But I'm like you - I never seem to get the cards. Maybe next year I'll plan better and start earlier and get them done! LOL Thanks for visiting Our Side of the Mountain! I'll try to get over here and see what's going on our your homestead more often. I would LOVE to have a homestead!

  22. What a Great idea , I to was rather late getting cards sorted. This may be a very good idea for next year, thank you.

  23. What lovely feathered friends in your shot!

  24. Great card....another way to show off your photograpy! :)
    I am still not on that bandwagon even though I LOVE getting the cards - maybe next year?!?!

  25. Wow! What an adorable card! I love all of your critters!

  26. I only send out about 20 cards, but not the personalized ones. I buy the beautiful Lang cards at 50% off after Christmas.

  27. That is a splendid card. I love all your critters on there and your grandma story. Too cute.

  28. I Love your Blog, I grew up having chickens goats and horses in Orange County, NY. 1.5 hrs form NY City. I miss my chickens and you always bring a smile to my face. I love you cards..
    You and Your Husband have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.. I enjoy reading your blog and keep us all smiling in our hearts.

  29. Love your card! We haven't sent out cards in a couple of years. But we have already been dreaming up a really redneck picture for one next year.

  30. wow! what a fantastic card!

    it turned out great! love it, and those critters look so adorable!

    have a merry christmas!

    wishing you and yours the best this holiday season!

    big hugs!

  31. thanks for visiting from the blog hop. Cute card! I sent out personalized ones also!

  32. We always do the photo cards too! Usually we do Shutterfly and I love them!! This year, I tried a new company and the quality was nowhere near as good, but everyone was just happy to get their card, so it worked out anyway. :)

    Your card looks great! I really like that you were able to grid the photos!

  33. Merry Christmas from my Little Acre to you in your Neck of the Woods!

  34. I love your cards, especially love seeing the colored eggs Merry Christmas.


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