
Friday, December 28, 2012

Feathered Friend Friday

Welcome to our series "Feathered Friend Friday." Every Friday I write a post with interesting facts, photos, videos, or funny stories about our chickens and guineas. If you need to catch up, you'll find all the Feathered Friend Friday posts here  

As I mentioned in my last post, we got snow on Christmas night. We didn't get near as much as was forecasted, but it was very windy and cold the following day so the chickens stayed in the coop all day long. Yesterday was not windy at all and a little warmer (the sun even came out!) so the chickens found it suitable to leave the coop and stretch their legs and wings a bit.

They quickly learned that the snow is very cold on their feet so they took advantage of any clear spots they could find, even if it was the bottom of a tree.

If they are forced to stand in the snow for a bit, they often balance on only one leg and hold the other one up close to their body to keep it warm, alternating legs after one is sufficiently toasty.

Once they are done exploring the snow, they high-tail it back to the coop. It always seems to happen when one of the chickens who has been in the coop for a while is ready to come out and play. Traffic jam!

Apparently Ellie wanted to investigate the snow outside the run, because even though we clipped her wings after this debacle, she still found a way to escape! Clever little girl. I caught her and chased her back towards the run and she just started at me in defiance, refusing to jump back inside. Ugh. Eventually I managed to coax her back in.

Do your chickens like to play in the snow? Or do they hide out in the coop if there's snow on the ground?


Shared with Farmgirl Friday Blog HopCamera CrittersWeekly Top Shot, Clever Chicks Blog Hop, Old Time Party


  1. You got some great shots of your chickens in the snow. They are so flippin' cute, too! Let's just cross our fingers that it's all the snow we're gonna get this year, though :)

  2. Our chickens will go out in the snow, but most of them don't like it very much! They are used to it, though because it snows LOTS in Maine in the winter!

    Sonja :)

  3. Beautiful shots! Stay safe and fingers are crossed this is all the snow we get this year. =)

  4. I think I dislike the cold and the snow as much as your chickens do. :)
    Farmhouse hugs,

  5. I wonder if that's where the phrase 'cooped up' came from! LoL!

    Just got another winter weather alert from 3pm today to 6am tomorrow morning for 2-4 more inches of snow in our area. Lots-o-snow!

  6. I find these photos so strange, as I've never seen chickens in snow! So my girls definitely wouldn't know what to do!! There are probably not that many chooks in NZ who get this experience, as our climate is so temperate. S:)

  7. Oh what cute pictures! Chicken in the snow what fun!!

  8. Today was their first snow exposure, and they opted to stay in the small area I'd shoveled, popping in & out of the coop to warm up. YOur girls are diverse and adorable!

  9. Adorable, I love the one standing on one leg, hehe!

  10. They looks so sweet exploring the snow!

  11. Nope! Our hens are just too spoiled I guess to venture into the snow! LOL We even cleared some paths with the shovel so it wasn't so deep. They preferred to be carried around by one of the kiddos. Now, the ducks with a little encouragement headed off to the brook for some swimming.

  12. I love how they hold one leg up to keep it warm! They are so cute, but it looks like they definately have minds of their own! xx

  13. Tammy, Your chickens are just adorable and I love seeing them in the snow. When you have a sec.. look at this post If the link doesn't work, search for FARM and "an evening at the farm" will come up. My girlfriend has chickens and other farm animals. She always tells me such interesting FACTS about chickens and I didn't realize what complicated creatures they are!! .. and they all have minds of their own ;)

    Hope you are enjoying these peaceful time of year and wishing you a happy New Year!


  14. Poor dears!! I bet their little tootsies get very cold with no protection in that snow!!

  15. You have the most beautiful CHICKENS in the world I think . and the luckiest .. They are lucky to have you guys for their PET PARENTS lol.......... I love the pics as always I feel like I have been over to your neck of the woods... Keep those snow pics coming sister.. LIVING thru you . .US texas girls dont get alot of SNOW drops ............. HUGS

  16. Your hens are beautiful. Especially the white ones are gorgeous. Your dog is also so cute with all the white fur.
    Thank you for visiting Polonica: Home Again.

  17. I love the pictures. I find myself looking forward to what your chickens have been up to since my last visit. :)

  18. I'd be the chicken hiding in the coop! Not sure how long I could stand on one leg. Ha! Best wishes, Tammy

  19. Until I discovered your adorable blog, I had NO idea chickens had personalities. Just amazing...and they are so cute. :)

  20. My chickens don't like the snow either :) I have been tossing the old straw out the coop door to create a more comfortable area so they will go out. Of course, it gets covered with more snow :)

    I would love to have you share this next week on Wildcrafting Wednesdays! Please stop by to vote for your favorite post on our People's Choice Awards at:

  21. Wonderful photos ~ I always enjoy your hens and chickens ~ Love the one legged stand ~ reminds of a Yoga pose I do everyday ~ Happy New Year to you ) ~ Sunday post is up ~ you might enjoy it ^_^

    (A Creative Harbor) aka ArtMuseDog and Carol ^_^

  22. Since we never get more than an inch, our chickens just go on out! Great pictures!! :)

  23. I love the snow shots. Also love you snowy header.

  24. Your chickens are so cute! I love all your photos :)

  25. I didn't realize chickens could be so cute. Makes me wish I had some to play in the snow.

  26. Such a wonderful lesson on chickens. They are pretty smart to alternate their legs to keep warm. Happy New year from your newest follower, Linda

  27. Ours are in and out all day long, no matter what the weather. I guess they've acclimated to our cold winters pretty well.

  28. I don't have chickens but your photos are adorable!

  29. You always have such great chicken photos! Mine never stopped moving long enough to get the camera to focus. :)

    We live in coastal NC so I don't think they'll experience snow with any regularity. That said, we've had quite a bit of rain these last few days, and there is nothing that looks sadder than a wet chicken!

  30. We have snow on the ground, too. Mine like to come out and check out the great outdoors, but if it is too cold, they will go back in where I have their heat lamp on to keep them extra warm! They have all really grown in such a winter fluff of feathers, they look beautiful and warm! Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  31. Beautiful photos! My hens have always liked being in the snow - they don't like the cold but they do like coming out and exploring. I find the same with my turkeys, they love digging in it until they head for the run in shed to warm their feet with the ducks! :)

  32. Perfect poses they've given you! Thank you for sharing on Weekly Top Shot #63!

  33. I loved these photos -- I didn't know that chickens liked snow actually!

    Visiting via Camera Critters :-)

  34. I'm a city girl and amazed at the antics of your chickens!

    Happy new year!


  35. Well...I wish I had some chickens with personality like yours!

  36. Your birds are so beautiful! They look so well cared for. I want chickens too! How is your weather today? We are getting snow all day. It's fun! Happy New Year!!

  37. My chickens like to be in a little bit of snow, but when it gets deep they prefer to stay inside. But, sleet and freezing rain seems to be a fun day for them to play outside...very strange. This is our first winter with chickens, and living in Maine I was slightly concerned about how they would do (we don't heat their coop), and I have been very happy so far! This next week the temps are going to be below zero at night we will see! Thanks for following my blog! I am a new follower here!

  38. What adorable shots! Wishing you a fabulous 2013!

  39. Great shots of your chooks! My girls have a sheltered part of the run so they can come outside but they're so spoiled that they'd rather hang out in the warm coop. I had to coax them outside with some warm scrambled eggs this morning.

  40. I just love this post, all your pretty chickens. You take such good care of them. Great shots of your feathered friends.

  41. Thank you for educating me with this post and facts. I see a few counrty folk have chicken coops outdoors and I wondered how the snow affected their feet.
    I surely would LoVe to have afew myself but bylaws prohibit.
    My first visit here! Delightful!

  42. Your chickens are really clever! Here´s no chickens and no snow....

    Happy New Year!

  43. I enjoyed this glimpse into your life. Following over from For the Love of Pete.

  44. I don't have chickens but you sure have some cute pictures of yours. I'm visiting from Old Time Farmhouse. Pamela

  45. We have snow here too...and I agree with the chickens that it is too cold to be out in the snow. My only problem would be that I would most likely fall over if I had to stand in the snow on one foot.
    Visiting from the "Old Time Farmhouse" party.

  46. Thanks for boot scootin' on over to join in at the Old Time Party!
    Farmhouse hugs,

  47. The way you described the one foot trick brought back memories of when I had chickens. I had to smile. Well said. Now, I need to catch up on your posts! :-)

  48. What beautiful chickens! I'm getting the fever for some of my own--just can't decide. Maybe in a year or so, when other projects are finished.
    I always enjoy visiting your blog. . .
    Farmhouse Blessings,


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