
Friday, December 14, 2012

Feathered Friend Friday

Welcome to our series "Feathered Friend Friday." Every Friday I write a post with interesting facts, photos, or funny stories about our chickens and guineas. If you need to catch up, you'll find all the Feathered Friend Friday posts here        

When we ordered our first flock of chickens over three years ago, David was the one spearheading the process. I wasn't all that into it (I know, hard to believe, right?!) and he was really excited, so I let him take control. He decided it would be fun to get eight different breeds so we would have a varied flock and a colorful egg basket.

One of our original eight named Jobin is a Delaware, which is a cross between a Barred Plymouth Rock and a New Hampshire Red. The breed was created in 1940 by George Ellis of Delaware (hence, the name) with the aim of maximizing meat value. The Delaware was actually a very popular broiler chicken up until the mid-1950's when it was eclipsed by the White Cornish Rock cross. Since then it has steadily declined in popularity and today the Delaware is considered a critically endangered breed in danger of extinction.

As far as egg production goes, Jobin lays fairly well, usually 3-4 large, pinkish-brown eggs per week. Personality wise, she is so cool and laid-back. It might sound strange to say a chicken is cool and laid-back, but Jobin really is! She just goes with the flow and nothing seems to faze her. She is actually David's favorite out of all the chickens because of her personality and how she always chats with him when he goes out for a visit. If he is working on something outside, she is sure to be right there beside him clucking sweetly as if asking what he's up to.

She also happens to be my grandma's favorite of our flock because of the black spots around her neck. Grandma says, "It looks like she is wearing a necklace!"

It makes me sad to think that the Delaware could be extinct one day because Jobin has been such a great member of our flock. Hopefully other chicken keepers will be interested in saving the breed and maybe one day the Delaware will make a comeback. If you are thinking about getting chickens, I'd definitely recommend adding some Delawares to your flock. I think you'll love them!



  1. oh i love your posts so much. full of love, from the bottom of your heart <3
    have a good night.
    maren anita

    FASHION-MEETS-ART by Maren Anita

  2. Jobin is beautiful, it would be sad to loose this breed. I hope you have talked someone into adding the Delawares to their flock. I wish I could have chickens here. Great post and I loved the photos of Jobin. Have a great weekend!

  3. The first photo of Jobin looks like she is responding to your statement of beooming extinct. Like, "Say, WHAT?"

  4. Love your chicks and hope others will help save this breed..

  5. Oh your Gramma is right it does look like a necklace. It is a pretty breed. B

  6. I never really thought about chickens having such differing personalities, but your sure seem to! I'm also getting a kick out of how much you've gotten into it and how attached you are to them! Really great photos. Jobin does look kind of laid back and cool!

  7. Great post, I was actually just briefly researching them the other day, along with other breeds. Since I sold all my birds last year because we were away a lot - I'm really looking forward to adding more hens this spring. I love Rhode Island Red's, which I've always kept, but I'd like to add another breed or two. Lovely photos.

  8. So cute that she "talks" with David :-). Maybe you guys could breed them?? Bringin' 'em back from extinction the Barani way!

  9. How cute she is. My 2nd son would have named her and made a pet out of her. he used to have a chicken named Jerry!
    Have a Merry Christmas!

  10. I never thought I could fall in love with a chicken :) Darling.

  11. I never really thought about it but I guess chickens can have their own personalities just like cat and dogs. Cute how she follows David and talks to him.

  12. She is beautiful, I don't think I've ever come across delawares before. Shame we don't get them this side of the pond as I'm looking for an old fashioned meat bird variety.
    Janie x

  13. She is so cute :)

    I honestly didn't realize that there were so many different kinds of chickens out there. I am learning so much from you!

  14. She is a beauty! The different chicken breeds sure do all have different personalities.
    I'm lovin' my Buff Orpingtons after having Barred Rocks for several years. We had a Black Jersey Giant rooster for awhile and was he ever a sweetie. They were developed as an alternative to turkeys for smaller families. The silly Barred Rocks started pecking him and no matter what I tried, they wouldn't quit and he wouldn't fight back so I had to give him away. :(

  15. My father in law keeps chickens on his land in Iowa. I was there this past fall and was struck by how pretty the birds are!!! I never thought of them this way in the past. His crowd, while full of personality, though, didn't seem to be too smart.....they pretty much "cock-a-doodle-do'd" all day and all night. Confused bunch. Unless I'm the confused one and that is normal........

  16. Love the chickens! I was raised on a farm and my parents always had chickens. I love all of the different varities that they have now. Have you seen the chicken coops on Williams & Sonoma's site? My brother is building his wife one for her chickens.

  17. She looks like a great hen. I don't know if we have had any Delawares in the past or not.

  18. Fantastic photography of your hen ~ such expression her face ~ (A Creative Harbor) aka artmusedog and Carol ^_^

  19. Aw, your Jobin is a beauty. I hope the Delawares don't become extinct. :(

  20. What a lovely post! Jobin is a pretty lady! Grandma is right, she is wearing a necklace!:)

  21. Before we got chickens I had no idea how people would want to raise them instead of just getting their eggs from the store. Now that I have chickens I can't imagine how I ever got along without them. They are so easy to raise and are just a pleasure to have around.

    Your Jobin is a great example of the wonderful personalities that chickens have. You are lucky to have had her in your life!

  22. Thanks for sharing a great story! It was fun getting to "know" your flock just a little bit more...have a great week!

  23. I had a Delaware hen a few years ago and she was so pretty! Jobin is a lovely hen.

  24. She's sweet!

    At my wedding reception, they had guinea hens walking around the grounds and my dad said, "Wish I'd brought my shotgun"!

    He was a hunter - so forgive him! He now says he wonders how he could have ever have shot anything. Live and learn.


  25. I can't have chickens here in town, but I'd really like for mom & dad to get some at their farm... I'd LOVE to have fresh eggs! I might have already mentioned this to you, but we had some chickens when we lived in Broseley many years ago & I sincerely miss the fresh eggs! =)

  26. Nice post. I like the fact that people are taking an interest in keeping chickens again.

  27. Wonderful idea to have a regular post on the subject of chickens. Seems so many folks own chickens these days and the chicken coops are over the top! My girlfriend has chickens and I always enjoy when she offers me fresh eggs. They are delicious!


  28. Hey girl.. I love this post. And I find myself looking at the coop and how you have it set up ...all the surroundings.. IT takes me to your Farm sister !!! I love those Deleware chickens and I agree with Grandma..SHE does look like she is wearing MMMMMMM I DONT KNOW PEARLS !!!!! Have a blessed week and Talk to you soon .. YOU know I am at your blog all the time.. I do the happy dance when you post ............... BLESSINGS

  29. Jobin is so beautiful! Kind of reminds me of a chicken that my mamaw and papaw used to have when I was younger.

  30. I think Jobin is a sweety! Isn't it funny how attached you can get to certain chickens? They just seem to stand out from the others? I love her coloring as well.

  31. Jobin is a gorgeous chicken and by the way you write about them I find myself loving chickens as pets. your love shows in your words sweetie. I'm back! hope you have a great Sunday. xxo

  32. Jobin is very pretty with her 'necklace' of black spots! I am sitting here now with my pet cockatiel. I can't have chickens (too many predators), but I love having a 'birdy' friend. They really do add something special to our lives! xx

  33. We are renting until April. At that time we want to get a house with some property. I am loving all of your animal posts. I definitely want some chickens.

  34. Tammy-I love Jobin's necklace too, and I love that she chats with David when he is working. If I ever get to have chickens some day, I'll definitely have a Delaware:)

  35. What a little Beauty , don't you just adore Chickens.
    Sheila :)

  36. Hi Tammy,
    I have a Delaware rooster now and I think it will be one of the breeds I order when I need replacements, although that is a ways off :)

    I would love to have you share this on Wildcrafting Wednesday tomorrow. It won't be up for a while, but you can visit my blog at:
    Hope to see you there!

  37. Hmmm...never considered Delawares before but we'd like a white hen. Hoping to get 4 chicks in the springtime.

  38. He is stunning!! Thank you for linking up with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop again this week!

    Merry Christmas!

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick

  39. What a beauty... chickens are interesting creatures... Thank you for sharing on Weekly Top Shot #62!


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