
Friday, December 7, 2012

Feathered Friend Friday

Welcome to our series "Feathered Friend Friday." Every Friday I write a post with interesting facts, photos, or funny stories about our chickens and guineas. If you need to catch up, you'll find all the Feathered Friend Friday posts here      

First of all, I'd like to thank each of you who read and commented on our last post about losing Buttercup. We read every comment and truly appreciate all the kind words. You guys are the best :)

Our chickens stay inside an enclosed run (with our guard dog Duchess) for their protection because there are lots of predators out here in the middle of the woods. We made the fenced in space pretty large since we knew they'd spend most of their time inside and we also wanted to give Duchess some room to roam.

When we are home and are able to keep an eye on them, we will let the chickens out to free range. They stay pretty close to the run but enjoy nibbling on grass and any bugs they can dig up. One of my favorite things to do is sit outside and watch as they happily graze. I find that it really eases any stress or worry and makes me feel instantly calm.

No matter how bad of a day I've had, they can always cheer me up.

They have fluffy bottoms again after their molt!

Spending time with my chickens who are still here has helped me so much after Buttercup passed away earlier this week. Petting their soft feathers and having them jump up on my lap for cuddles makes me realize how much joy they bring to my life and how grateful I am for the time I have with them.

"When the heart grieves over what it has lost, the spirit rejoices over what it has left." - Sufi epigram

Today I am rejoicing, because I have a lot left.


Shared with Tilly's Nest 


  1. Your chickens are very sweet! I'm glad they brought you a little comfort over the past week :)

  2. their fluffy and so soft looking..Rejoice on! ..the heart keeps you & your little Buttercup safe and close.

  3. Watching my ducks play in the yard, or working with them in the garden brings me the same joy you mentioned. It's amazing how much animals touch our lives, and how comforting they can be!

  4. Interesting, I get a peaceful calm feeling when I visit you blog. Maybe your feathered friends help us all.

  5. I enjoy my Feathered Friend Friday visits here.
    Farmhouse hugs,

  6. I never paid much attention to chickens until recently as I tried to photograph them. They are certainly interesting and adorable little beings! Yours look very sweet - I'm glad they bring you a lot of joy!

  7. Oh Tammy, I'm so sorry about your Buttercup, it's never easy to lose them... I had to put my LiL MaN (cat) down earlier this spring... so sorry.

  8. Love your cute chickens, great shots! lovely quote. Have a great weekend!

  9. I love the chickens fluffy butts and I love the quote!
    Sorry to hear about Buttercup.

  10. Your posts always make me smile. I think that is one reason I stop in to visit so frequently! Today, was no exception. I love your pictures.

    I hope you have a great weekend.
    Sonja ♥

  11. Your photos are beautiful. I know taking photos of your chickens will make you smile they do for me. I have been taking photos of baby calves. They make me smile too. Hug B

  12. Your chickens are so very sweet.

  13. I'm missing my old camera right now, because of the zoom lens... mine now is a 55mm & i can't zoom. i'm looking just about everyday on amazon for a zoom lens & just can't decide, not to mention lack of funds, esp here at Christmastime! =0 I really wish all this camera stuff wasn't sooo dog-gone expensive!

    I miss fall colors, too... nope, it never lasts long enough, except the weather lately has been absolutely wonderful! I love these temps =)

  14. Sounds like you are helping each other through. Continued blessings...

  15. Tammy I am glad that the feathered friends are somewhat softening the blow of buttercup's loss. Also, I love the Sufi epigram quote!

  16. So glad to find someone else who likes chickens. I've always liked chickens and got a tiny chick from my Grandmother when I was very young and that rooster was still alive at my Grandmother's farm when I got married. He was almost human.
    So sorry about Buttercup. What beautiful feathers and your photos are exquisite.

    You must be very happy, living in the quiet with chickens.

  17. There is just something soothing about watching the chickens peck around and listening to the little noises they make. Mine are finally getting their fluffy bottoms back too! :)

  18. Chickens well they simply Beautiful and can understand why they give you so much Joy.
    Loved the quote :)

  19. I know what you mean. When I am with my chickens ~ just watching them run around and peck n scratch just eases the stress of the day. Your chickens are so precious ~ love them ;-)

  20. Lovely beautifully white chickens - cheerful to look at!

  21. This is a really nice post. I'm glad you are rejoicing in what you have, it is a wonderful attitude.

  22. You have made them look so lovely and fluffy. I like the angle you took too- showing us more of the leaves.

  23. Your little chickens are so sweet! I do love their fluffy bottoms! It is good that you keep them well protected. I can't have chickens for that reason. But I would love to watch them peck and scratch, it does sound relaxing! xx

  24. Tammy, I love that they hop into your lap for cuddles-that is so sweet! Once again, I can't help but think about the great joy that animals give us, and it humbles me to know that they ask for nothing in return except that we treat them with kindness. What a blessing your chickens are, fluffy bottoms and all:)

  25. Such a great quotation. And how can you not be cheered by those cute feathered friends?

  26. I'm so sorry about Buttercup - they are more than just chickens sometimes. I have a favorite that we've had for almost 3 years now - I look for her every day. Glad the chickens are cheering you up!

  27. Hi Tammy! Thank you so much for visiting my blog. We can commiserate about losing our sweet little feathered friends together! I am so sorry about Buttercup :( She was lovely.

    Your other chickens look lovely too :)

  28. Lots of healing hugs to you ~ hard to lose one you love ~ glad the other bunch is keeping you busy ~ (A Creative Harbor) aka ArtMuseDog and Carol ^_^

  29. Hi Tammy,

    you asked how i did the motion shot of the windmill... i thought I used the Focal Zoom in Picmonkey, but that wasn't a swirl effect like in my pic, so I'm really not sure how I did it... I'm gonna have to find it. =0


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