
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Easy Cobbler

About a month ago I was catching up with my grandma over the phone, and she told me about an easy cobbler recipe she received from her sister's 95 year old neighbor, Evelyn. Grandma raved, "Tammy, this cobbler is delicious. You won't believe how easy it is. You put the ingredients for the crust on the bottom and the fruit on top, and the crust bubbles up during cooking."

The next couple times I talked to her, she brought it up again, just in case it didn't sink in how great this cobbler was. Last week I went to her house for lunch and she made peach cobbler for dessert using Evelyn's recipe. I finally understood what she was raving about all this time! I decided I had to try this one out myself.

Easy Cobbler
by Evelyn McCubben

1 stick melted butter or margarine
1 cup sugar
1 cup flour
1/4 t salt
2 t baking powder
2/3 cup milk (I used unsweetened soy milk)
1+ cup sliced peaches (I used frozen peaches from this summer, thawed) or other fruit of your choice with liquid (canned fruit also works if you don't have fresh or frozen)

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Mix butter, sugar, flour, salt, baking powder, and milk in a bowl until just combined. Pour mixture into your pan (an 8x8 baking dish works well).
3. Spoon the fruit on top with any liquid and bake until the crust has bubbled to the top and is a golden brown color, about 40-45 minutes.

Since peach cobbler is just about my favorite thing in the world, I was so happy to find a really easy recipe. It only took me about five minutes to prepare and get in the oven. Waiting is the hardest part! Towards the end of cooking the delicious aroma fills the air and you can almost taste that first bite. The wait is hard, but oh so worth it.


Shared with Home Sweet HomeTutorials Tips And Tidbits, Creative Things Thursday, Thursday Favorite Things, Farm Girl Blog Fest, Farmgirl Friday Blog HopHomespun ChristmasSweet SaturdayOn The Menu MondayMix It Up Monday, Tweak It TuesdayHearth & Soul HopBackyard Farming Connection Baking


  1. omg- this looks so delicious. fantastic job!
    lovely greets
    maren anita

    FASHION-MEETS-ART by Maren Anita

  2. Well Evelyn has me convinced to try it. Yummy B

  3. I'm keeping this in my recipe book. Love the old silver spoon.

  4. I love cobbler! Yours looks really good!

  5. Peach cobbler is my favorite in the world! I love my Aunt Helena's recipe, but I am not afraid to try a new one!

  6. Sounds wonderful! Cobbler is a great alternative to pie because it takes out most of the work. It's great you got your Grandma's recipe...a great memory too. Thanks for posting! :)

  7. Looks delicious and so easy. My kind of baking!

  8. I love these passed down family recipe's! They are always the best! This one looks so good - thanks for sharing. xx

  9. It sounds too easy to be be true!! I love easy when it comes to something good as well!!
    Thanks for sharing!

  10. yum! i love passing recipes to the next generation.

  11. You tell her thank you from me... I will be making this for a dinner for christmas eve and will bow my head and say a prayer for you guys and of thanks girl .......... I mentioned you on my blog today .. love this !!!!!!!!!!! and your blog always

  12. That's one of my favorite cobbler recipes...and it's so easy! Yours looks wonderful!! Try it with some berries too...Yum!!

  13. I definitely have to give this one a try...maybe with raspberries. Mmmm, raspberries!

  14. Would you believe that I've never tried cobbler, peach or otherwise. Your recipe sounds fantastic and it's easy enough, so I think one of these days I need to get busy making some :)

  15. Yum! This does look easy and so delicious. I need to try it!

  16. Sounds like a smart lady! This looks delicious and I think it would be the perfect thing to serve for an easy holiday dessert! Have a wonderful day :)

  17. I have a tremendous weakness for cobbler - this post makes me want to make some :)

  18. What a lovely and easy recipe! Tell Ms. McCubben thanks for sharing her recipe!!
    Your food styling is so beautiful Tammy! Love the old serving spoon!! :)

  19. Looks Lush and easy to, that's my kind of cooking ..Must try this thank you for sharing. Gran sure had some wonderful old recipe's .
    Enjoy your day.

  20. looks absolutely yum.Nice blog.happy to follow u.

  21. I love a good cobbler too and this one looks/sounds really delicious!

  22. I have made this before! I've just used self rising flour instead of the baking soda. And peach is my FAVORITE!

  23. Your peach cobbler looks wonderful--thank you for sharing the recipe! So nice to hear from you over at my blog, and glad you liked my holiday door basket!

  24. Yum, this absolutely looks delicious. Simply amazing.

  25. Fantastic. Love the history. Just pinned it.

  26. You had me on that all-important first word: easy!

    Looks delicious.

  27. Oh yum!! I have a recipe very similar to this that my mom gave me, and I have discovered that it's a great way to use some of my rhubarb. I love old fashioned desserts like this! My grandma's are gone now, but desserts like these help me remember them in the sweetest way:)

    And Tammy-thanks for your kind words on my last post:) xx

  28. This looks good - I do this version with a pre made cake mix (I'm a little lazy)Merry Christmas

  29. I've got to try it! This easy recipe will be very helpful for next week crazy cooking time! Thanks Tammy!

  30. I have had this recipe for years but haven't made it in a very long time. I can remember many years ago, when I was a young girl, I could hear my Dad saying to my Mom, "Mildred, can you make me something sweet?". Now mind you, this would be about 8 pm at night. But she always did and it was this cobbler that she would always make and she always used a can of peaches. Thank you for reminding me of that wonderful memory. I think I need to go make it. Thank you for visiting and your sweet comment. Enjoy the season. xo

  31. Going to have to try this...looks delish. Thanks for sharing!

  32. Wow!!!yum...making it! .thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things Hop xo

  33. I love this!! Your grandma's recipe is almost exactly the same as mine! I like to put the stick of butter in the pan while the oven is heating up then add the ingredients on the top. But I will try your way just to check it out! Yummy!!

  34. I heard about a cobbler like this from a friend a while back, it looks delicious and sounds so easy. Will have to try it soon! Thanks for sharing with Hearth & Soul Hop. :)


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