
Monday, December 31, 2012

Clearing The Camera - Snowy Edition

We had quite a bit of snow last week, so one day after taking care of the morning's chores, I went on a walk with my camera. Sylvester followed along and we got some shots that we wanted to share (go here if you'd like to see more photo posts).

We hope you've enjoyed a slice of our snowy homestead!

~Tammy and Sylvester

Shared with Sunny Simple SundayHome Sweet Home, Farmgirl Friday Blog HopBackyard Farming Connection Hop, The Self Sufficient Home AcreBarn Charm, Country Whites Weekend    


  1. You received quite a bit of snow. Looks lovely!
    Farmhouse hugs,

  2. Such artsy shots - I love them. You guys got about the same amount of snow that we did, but my poor sister in law down in CT got nearly 18"! Eeeek.

  3. I envy your snowy woods. Our flat plains let it blow away.

  4. What lovely photos of that beautiful and deep snow. Jeannie Clemens said, our snow usually just blows away...however, seldom do we get as much as you got.
    You sure did a good job on getting photos....:)
    Happy New Year

  5. What beautiful photos! Looks like a lovely winter walk.
    Happy New Year!

  6. BEAUTIFUL snow!
    It's amazing how the snow can change the terrain so completely!
    Do hope that you don't have to go out in it, but can enjoy it from inside!!
    Have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  7. Could have easily been a walk around our place -- even the red pump is the same!

    Happy New Year to you and yours!

  8. So incredibly lovely! I love the one of your kitty in the snow! But I love them all! xx

  9. Very creative and beautiful photography ~ Excellent photos ~ ^_^

    Happy New Year to you and your family and all the animals ^_^

    (A Creative Harbor aka ArtMuseDog and Carol ^_^)

  10. The barn looks so pretty against the snow! I can only imagine what your surroundings look like in person. It looks stunning!


  11. That is a lot of snow. I really like the shots of the cat

    Happy New year

  12. That is a lot of snow! I love the log photo, beautiful! Happy New Year :)

  13. Wow, lots of snow! Beautiful pictures! I love Sylvester's pic, good contrast! :)

  14. Please swing by... Immediate Prayers Needed

  15. Oh I truly enjoyed this little walk through your piece of paradise. Happy New Year. B

  16. So many frame-worthy shots! Hope you're nice-n-toasty!

  17. Beautiful shots; the first with Sylvester has to be my favourite! Thank you for taking us on a little tour of your homestead. =)

  18. Winter is such a peaceful time. The white chicken and white snow.. they look so pretty together! I like the way the tree trunks look with the snow.

    Happy New Year!

  19. Very pretty walk around your homestead! Love the cute chicken! I wish you all the best in 2013. Happy New Year to you and your family!

  20. The snow makes for such beautiful scenery!! I really like the last picture, it could be on a calendar or card! :)

  21. Your kitty doesn't seem daunted in the least by the snow! Great pics, and happy new year to you!

  22. I love the picture of your cat. Happy New Year :)

  23. Sylvester is one brave little kitty to wander around out there in the snow. Jingles would freak out if she saw the white stuff. :) Wishing you a wonderful new year. Tammy

  24. I love that Cat.. Braveheart we should of named it !!! Love the land the pics the animals... Always feel like I have had a visit my friend... Hope that your 2013 is blessed girl

  25. Love this snowy wonderland filled with cats and chickens! I too have 2 black
    felines who decided to venture out onto the fresh new white world..of course I follow as they are indoor babies.I'm lovin g my visits!Glad that we connected!

  26. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing. I love the fence pic. Happy New Year!

  27. Simply beautiful my friend. So glad we met this year..
    Happy New Year..

  28. Beautiful! It was to cold here for me to go for a walk, wish I was tougher so I could have enjoyed the beauty of it!

  29. Beautiful photos! Thank you and Sylvester for them. I love winter for how pretty it makes everything look, every season has it's own beauty. Some just less cold than others!

  30. Your post just made me sigh with longing for the beauty and serenity, and a couple of the photos made me laugh (the guinea hen? and cat in snow)....happy new year!

  31. I love it, you're such a great photographer :) xxo

  32. Looks like our outdoors here in NH! Love your pics as always and your new header!!!

  33. I don't mind the cold or most of the snow, I just don't like the ice on the driveway or roads. Nice photos - snow is always so pretty to see.

  34. LOVE the red barn in snow! Be sure & link up next week, Ok? =)

  35. Love your pictures! What a beautiful place to live.

  36. It's a different view than what I see outside my door. It seems other-worldly to see snow. I love the images and especially the contrasts and between snow and the other characters and things in the landscape. Beautiful!

  37. Gorgeous pictures Tammy, and I am SO envious of all that snow! Please can I come and stay next winter?!
    Janie x

  38. It's so pretty when the snow is clinging to the tree branches. I can't imagine how the cats walk through the snow without freezing their little feet! Mine do it too, even follow us around.

  39. Quite stunning how snow changes a place. You've captured it beautifully!

  40. Wow !!that is sure a lot of Snow , Great pictures .

  41. Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos on the Winter on the HomeAcre Hop! Sylvester is such a cute kitty and he looks so regal in the snow!

  42. wow, glad you linked up to BC. great snowy shots. ( :

  43. Well where-ever 'your neck of the woods' is it sure is pretty. The barn pic is like a Christmas card and I love the snow on the pump handle. MB

  44. Sharing yours and Sylvester's walk makes me smile. Love the way a blanket of snow can make even the most commonplace scene magical. Sylvester surprises me--is it unusual for a cat to like snow? Only dogs around here!

  45. So glad you linked up! Look at all that snow... sooo beautiful! The temps have been in the upper 40's & 50's since w/ temps forecast to reach the 60's for the next few days & can you believe we still have some piles of snow here & there?! And, we didn't even get as much snow as ya'll! =0

    Love the peek thru the trees at this snow covered barn - Thanks for joining =)

  46. ps belly deep to a cat is a lot of snow for around here =)

  47. I'm surprised Sylvester was out following you through the snow. Mine wouldn't. Lovely shots you shared.

  48. Great pictures! Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home!

  49. Beautiful pictures of the snow at your homestead!!
    Visitng from the Country Whites Weekend.

  50. Hi, just came from Cindy's party.
    wow..beautiful white walking out photos
    I love the fence and wood covered by the snow amazing
    your Sylvester so cute
    warmly from Rome
    I am your new follower

  51. Lovely... the shot of Sylvester in the snow caught my eye but the white chicken in the snow made me smile... perfect for a 'white party'! :)


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