
Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Tonight at 6:00 pm, I said goodbye to my sweet girl Buttercup.

She had been sick for a very long time so we knew this day would come. It was a lot of back and forth with her, and I had already said my goodbyes several times before it actually happened.

Still, that doesn't make it any easier. I was glad that I was home when I noticed her slipping away and I was able to put her up on my lap and talk to her for about 15 minutes before she was gone.

I told her that I loved her, and I thanked her for changing my life. I can't even imagine where my life would be today if she hadn't been in it. Everything changed after we got our chickens. We found our passion, realized our dreams, and got up the courage to change our circumstances to live the life we imagined for ourselves. Without Buttercup, none of this would have happened.

The last photo taken of Buttercup

I think that's why it's so hard to let her go. She was so much more than just a chicken. She and the four other girls we have lost so far will always be in our hearts and I will always be thankful for them.


Shared with Farmgirl FridayWeekly Top Shot, Clever Chicks Blog HopBarn HopThe Backyard Farming ConnectionFarm Girl Friday Blog Fest, Tilly's Nest


  1. Sorry you lost your chicken. It's always so hard to lose a pet... :( Hope you have a good week.

  2. I am so sorry to hear of BUTTERCUP girl .. She is just beautiful and I can see very loved. It is a true blessing that you were there for her in the end. Like you said She was life changing. IT is a LOSS and you guys will be in my thoughts and prayers. I am so honored that you shared pics of her. She is just beautiful and She seemed to of blessed you guys so much ......... Hope that your week is beautiful and YOU know the next Pearly looking chicken you have to name it PEARL !!!!!!!!!!!!! for YOUR friend Sherry @ The Rusty Pearl................... HUGS .... I would give you a big ol hug if I were there ...That is sad LOOSING Buttercup : (

  3. I am so sorry sis,I didn't know she was that bad. I am so glad that you got to be with her....I believe she is in heaven with the other gals,and stormy,and of course, patches. Its hard to let go of family....even our pets. You and buttercup were lucky to have each you.

  4. Oh, so sorry for losing your sweet Buttercup! The love of our animal companions is so sweet and pure and a treasure in our hearts. She was very blessed to have such a loving home. xx

  5. I'm sorry to read this. It's obvious you gave Buttercup a good and loving home...sending a gentle hug.

  6. So sorry. It's amazing how our animal family can change our lives...for the better.
    Farmhouse hugs,

  7. I'm so sorry you are feeling sad. For such a small creature, she certainly had a big impact on your family's life. She served a noble cause. May she rest in peace.

  8. So sorry for your loss. Buttercup was such a cute chicken and may she rest in peace.

  9. I am so sorry to hear of your loss, Tammy. Chickens live short lives, but they touch us in a big way. Thank you for sharing pictures with us.


  10. I'm so sorry about your beautiful little girl Buttercup...she is a beauty..and brought that to you..and shared in your is one for the hearts memory to hold close.

  11. So sorry to hear of your loss. Hugs.

  12. Awww, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss! How good that you were there by her side in those final moments!

  13. Tammy,

    I am so sorry to hear about your dear Buttercup. I'm glad you were able to say goodbye and reflect on how she has changed your life. One never knows what may lie ahead.

  14. It's always hard to lose a pet.
    A hug coming to you this morning.

  15. So sorry :( I can tell she was well loved and cared for. Sounds like she has made an impact on your life and you will hold that forever.

  16. I'm sorry to hear about your loss, but it sounds as if Buttercup couldn't have left this world in a more peaceful or loving way. You were lucky to have each other. xo

  17. I'm so sorry for your loss. She was beautiful, and was clearly special to have so touched your life.

  18. Tammy, I'm so, so, sorry too. This is a difficult time for you, and I'm sending a hug. She was a beautiful girl and I'm glad you were able to have her in your life:)

  19. I felt so sad for you reading this! I'm sorry about your Buttercup.

  20. What a beautiful tribute tammy. R.I.P. buttercup :(

  21. Aww I'm very sorry. It's always hard.

  22. Buttercup was a beautiful chicken! I can relate; chickens have changed our family in a way I couldn't have imagined. I'm sorry you had to see her sick.

  23. Oh I'm so sorry to hear this, without our dear Pets where would we be. Whether it be a dog, cat , etc etc. Buttercup looks so Lovely I feel for you all.
    Best Wishes

  24. Oh, so sorry to hear about Buttercup. What a lovely bird.

  25. I'm sorry to hear about Buttercup. I hope all the little keets are okay. Choosing to live your life with passion is a wonderful thing. Happy Holidays ! I love your sweet and simple Christmas tree. Best wishes, Tammy

  26. oh i'm so sorry about your cute and sweet buttercup. she's so pretty and i love her eyes. i'm also a big animal and pet lover, at the moment i have five cats and i can't imagine to live without them.
    the oldest one was also very old and died this year in fabruary. it took a long long time for me to get back in the normal life...i still miss her.
    wish you the best.
    maren anita

    FASHION-MEETS-ART by Maren Anita

  27. Aaww, that's so sad. I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet Buttercup! It's always so awful to lose an animal that has stolen a little piece of our hearts.

    Take Care <3

  28. I am shedding a few tears for you. I do know how it feels. There are just some that touch your heart more. And she was very beautiful too.

  29. R.I.P sweet, sweet, beautiful Buttercup!

  30. This is breaking my heart! I am so very sorry that you lost your Buttercup, but what a blessing she has been!

  31. How sad, your Buttercup was a cutie. I am sorry for your loss. I love all the animals and it is hard letting go.

  32. So sorry to hear about your beloved Buttercup, she was such a lovely girl.
    Debbie :)

  33. I'm so sorry Buttercup passed away. We feel this way about our animals. They have made such a positive change to our lives. We are thankful for them. Many prayers for you and yours.

  34. Oh, Tammy...I'm so sorry you lost your beloved Buttercup. How beautiful she was...and how beautiful it was that you got to hold her and talk to her before she passed away.

  35. Dear Tammy, My family and I are animal lovers and are so sorry you've lost one of God's creatures that meant so much to you. I'm glad you got to hold her and talk to her.. I know it doesn't make it any easier at all though.

    We lost our 17 year old "Boo" kitty on the 25th of October.. He had cancer and we sure do miss him. We don't have any pets right now but will probably look for another kitty after Christmas.
    I found you via Brenda's Cozy Little House blog.. Welcome to the neighborhood.
    Merry Christmas !
    Hugs, Charlotte in Virginia

  36. I'm sorry to hear this, Tammy. I know the feeling so well after having just lost our Cali. I'm so happy you will have good memories of her and that she was with you when she passed. Gods Speed, Buttercup. Hugs, Deb

  37. I am so sorry to hear about Buttercup. I know how that feels. We have chickens and I name them all and even sing to them. They are a part of our family just like yours. It is hard to let one go and my thoughts are with you.

  38. Oh, Iam so sorry to hear about Buttercups passing...You were blessed by her for sure... she was your little feathered messenger!
    farmgirl hugs!

  39. So sorry to hear about the passing of Buttercup! It's difficult to loose members of our family! Many don't get it when there is a passing of a pet or animal that has been a part of your life!! It's their loss ---- they are the ones who have something missing!! There IS a heaven where we will all be reunited!!

  40. hi. i'm new to the blog hop. my husband and i have a cattle farm in alberta. i also own and operate a small paper shop from the farm. the shop like my blog is call Black Ink Paperie. my blog features stories about the farm and growing up in small fishing village in nova scotia. i would love for you to visit my blog and follow if you like it. i did a guest post last week called "a cow's tale" which tells the story about one of our cows and her exciting life.

    thanks and i can't wait to visit all the other blogs
    new follower bev
    ps sorry for your lose

  41. Oh I am so sorry I know how that feels "they are only cows" I do understand. They do make us happy be it a cute little chicken with the name Buttercup or an old cow named Bossy.

    HUGS B

  42. I am so sorry to hear that your Buttercup passed away. When I made the difficult decision to put down my chicken Blind Lucy is was so terribly hard. I cried all the way to the vet's office. Chickens have a way of stealing our hearts. Lucy couldn't see but when she heard me call her name she started talking non-stop. My mornings with Lucy were the best. I learned many lessons from the time Lucy graced our coop.

    Thanks for sharing your story. It was beautiful and heartwarming. Chicken folks are the best!

  43. What a sweet girl. Very sorry for your loss but glad that she has been such an amazing part of your journey. Sounds like she truly changed you. Pretty incredible.

  44. Oh poor little Buttercup. I am so glad that you were able to have her, love her and allow her into your hearts. She sounds like she was will be missed. I am sure so much of what you do, has come from her. Sending prayers, hugs and love!~Melissa

  45. Oh my, my heart goes out to you. We have chickens as well and I don't even want to think of the day that my little Rosie goes. Buttercup will be missed, but you are VERY luck to have had her. She was inspiration to you ~ I just stopped by from Cozy Little House and I am so glad I did. Be well ~

  46. Some people would not understand how a person could become so emtionally attached to a chicken. Its not like they are a dog or cat, but I and all those above here understand fully. Chickens are really cool animals and make wonderful pets. Buttercup...what a perfect name. Take care.

  47. Buttercup was a beautiful hen. What a beautiful tribute to her memory.

  48. They show so little sign of being ill till they are beyond help!

  49. I am so sorry to hear about your sweet Buttercup. It is amazing how these dear creatures can influence our lives and be such great companions. I know it is hard to see her go. We lost our sweet 12 year old cat (who probably wouldn't have been friends with Buttercup, but still a good cat). I have seriously thought about getting chickens, but have a hard time with those who get rid of the hens who stop laying. How can anyone do that?? Knowing how I feel about our dogs and cats and the birds we feed, I know that any chickens would quickly become pets.

  50. I'm so sorry. You were both lucky to have found each other in this great big world.

  51. I'm so sorry. Your post made me cry. Buttercup was lucky to have you too.


  52. We can build a bond with any other living creature, I'm so sorry for your loss... Thank you for sharing on Weekly Top Shot #60!

  53. aww, sorry for your loss.

    Garrett @TheGrowingPatch

  54. I'm so sorry for the loss of your dear pet. She was beautiful. RIP Buttercup. ♥

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick

  55. Oh no... I definitely understand the loss you felt! What breed was Buttercup? She was very beautiful!


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