
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Blizzard Preparations

Before we went to bed last night, we prepared for the coming blizzard. We were under a blizzard warning and projected to get 6-12 inches of snow, so we didn't want to take any chances. Better safe than sorry, right?

First order of business was making sure the animals were protected from the wind and snow. We decided to put Duchess inside an enclosure under the carport with most of the guineas. She doesn't like to be cooped up, but with 45 mph winds and lots of snow, I didn't want her out in the open. I put lots of fresh pine shavings in the chicken coop and gave them extra food and water since I figured they may not venture out much the following day. I put the outside cat's house under the back porch where the snow and wind wouldn't get to it and left plenty of food. 

Then I began to focus on the human needs. If our power goes out, we don't have access to water since we get our water from a well, so at my mom's suggestion, we put several buckets of water in the garage for the animals the following day just in case. Then my dad advised us to fill up the bathtub with water for flushing the toilet if need be. We stored several pitchers of water for us to drink and decided to call it a night.

Luckily our power didn't go out and we didn't end up getting a foot of snow. But when we went outside this morning to check on the animals, we learned that in spots the snow drifts were pretty deep.

I mentioned that most of the guineas went under the carport for the night. The first flock we hatched this summer (ones we call the "teens") decided to brave the storm outside on top of the fence for the chicken run where they normally spend the night. I tried everything to get them to take shelter, but it's pretty much impossible to catch guineas who don't want to be caught.

We knew guineas were really hardy birds after finding our flock last year covered in ice one morning and they were just fine, but David was concerned the teens may not make it overnight because of the strong winds. Apparently the teens are just as hardy as their parents because they were all alive this morning!

Once we let Duchess out, she seemed to enjoy running around in the snow and wasn't bothered by the wind at all.

As of right now, the chickens are still in the coop. I saw a couple of the younger ones who have never seen snow before looking out the pop door wondering what was going on. They turned around and went right back inside! Our chickens don't care for the snow too much and really hate the wind, so today isn't their favorite day.

Did you get hit by the blizzard in your neck of the woods? 


Shared with Thursday Favorite Things, Home Sweet Home  


  1. Strangely, we have had very cold temperatures this year, but hardly any snow yet. The weatherman is calling for snow tomorrow, though- LOTS of it. Winter may have decided to show up after all. :)

    Glad you all made it through the storm safely!

  2. We got snow on the weekend, and are supposed to get hit again tomorrow with more. You need a little generator so if you loose power you can still have water - been there and it sucks! Glad everyone was safe and warm and you all made it through safely, winter is such an interesting time on the farm :) The guineas are so tough, it's unreal - they just look like they can tough anything out! :)

  3. Pretty snow. Sorry for the blizzard. I am so crazy I thought that was a dog face in that coat...I love your beautiful guineas and Duchess is too. I would love a white guinea...

  4. Glad to hear everyone made it through okay! We are supposed to get hit with the storm later today and tonight, but because we are on the coast it will probably start as snow then turn to freezing rain. There is also a high wind warning for later today and tonight.

    Several years back we put in a wood stove, one of the best purchases we ever made. It was originally put in to heat the house and cook on when for when we lost power, but we ended up using it as the main source of heat because it is so efficient and inexpensive compared to oil.

    Hope you had a nice Christmas! :)

  5. We are in TN and it is snowing now but the ground is too warm still for any accumulation. Our chickens are hunkered down still this morning because the wind is up here too. Happy Holidays!

  6. So glad you all survived the blizzard! We didn't get any snow here, but we had a blizzard a couple of weeks ago. We have just had cold weather here now. Around zero. brrrr.

  7. Glad to hear it wasn't that bad and you didn't lose power! I'm getting some snow right now, but there is not going to be accumulation, I'm happy about that!

  8. Oh, it looks like you lucked out. 6" isn't all that bad, but 12 would have been a bit worse I suppose. The year before last we got hit by 12" and then another foot a week or two later, so we didn't melt until April or so. I am hoping this year isn't that bad. Last year we didn't get any & that's my kind of winter.

  9. I'm glad ya'll didn't lose power, that is always such a pain. I can't believe the guineas just stayed on top of the fence all night, silly birds! Duchess doesn't look like she would get cold at all with all that fur! :)

  10. Yikes! Growing up in the south, that sure looks like a lot of snow to me. It's amazing to me how creatures can weather storms and brave the cold. I would do just like the chickens and hightail it back inside. Ha! Warm wishes, Tammy

  11. I'm with the chickens!

    We have snow coming down like crazy right now and I have to drive here in a bit to get to the airport to pick up family that is flying in (hour and a half drive on a good day). I hope their flight isn't delayed and the drive there and back is totally uneventful! I hate driving in it, bleh.

  12. Forgot to say I'm glad your teens were a-ok!

  13. I wish we had been hit by a blizzard here :) I am rather envious!

  14. Oh my! Glad your birdies are ok and survived the blizzard! Hope you had a Merry Christmas :)

  15. No chance of a blizzard in these parts! We did get some much-needed rain today, though. Whoo-hoo!
    Y'all stay safe, y'hear?

  16. Hi Tammy.. Loved your post and thought of how we do the same as far as water goes when a storm is forecast.. We are to get some snow tomorrow but the last few days have been lovely..
    I always fill my washer with water and then if I don't need it I just add clothes and use it that way..
    Take care...

  17. I have seen guineas before, their plumage is very colorful. We had about 1/2" an inch of snow in Boise today, I wish I had had a video camera. Our chickens came right to the edge of the coop, they just looked, then they put one foot out. They did this off an on all day. They never did come out until it started melting.

    I am a new follower of your blog as of this afternoon. I have a photography blog, and my Wife has a homesteading blog.

    1. Thanks so much for following me, David! I tried to find your blog but was unsuccessful. Let me know where to find your blog and I'll check it out :)

  18. I'm glad to hear the guineas survived ok. I didn't know they were so cold hardy!

    As for toilet duty...have you ever read about sawdust toilets? You can google it some day when you have a few minutes. My friend who lives off the grid uses one and says it's been the easiest thing to adjust to with off grid living.

    I'm gathering supplies to make one to keep on hand for power outages. They sound really easy.

  19. Your snow preparations are very good ideas and so thoughtful for your dear animals! Isn't it funny how your guinea hens refuse to come in even in the worst weather! I've had stray cats that refused to come inside no matter how bad the weather or how hard I tried to coax! Love your fluffy pup dog! xx

  20. yes, oh yes, we have so much snow and its still coming down. Stay safe and warm and know that you are sent warm hugs!

  21. Always love Seeing your pics Tammy! The guineas look just as happy as can be! We are being hit the 8-16 band and my hope is it stays in the 8 band :) one thing is for certain, my girlies are itching to get our!

  22. Wow - I'm glad you and your animals made it through the storm okay!

  23. So glad you're all right. That first shot is a bit scary!

  24. Time to haul out the fur coats - stay safe and warm!

  25. We are lucky that the snow is staying in the mountains around here until next week. Next week we are supposed to have snow though, right as school starts back :) I love all your photos! Thanks for stopping by my blog, following you now :)

  26. Tammy,

    So glad to hear you didn't lose power from the blizzard! We received some snow last night, but nothing like what you have. The guineas don't seem to mind the weather and Duchess has a pretty nice fur coat :-)

  27. I'm glad you're holding up through the storm. Great photos! Visiting from the hop. Have a wonderful and safe holiday. :D

  28. I was wishing for a white Christmas! It didn't happen but is probably better that way....I want at least ONE day this winter to play in the snow with my son and see the snow covering the trees. So beautiful.

    I never thought of the work that would be involved with getting the animals sheltered from the outdoor elements! I hope the guineas are still doing well. They look so cute, and stuborn, perched up there on the fence!

  29. Gratefully not snow but very high winds and lots of rain ~ love your photos and your hens and chickens and your cutie dog ~ Great photography ~ Happy New Year to you ^_^

    (A Creative Harbor ~ aka ArtMuseDog and Carol ^_^)

  30. I am so glad the storm was not too bad for you and the chickens. We have a well also with everything running on electric. It is a pain when the electric is out. I love you cute chickens and your pretty dog. We had a few inches here and they are calling for more on Saturday!

  31. We just got a little sleet and that was all.

    We don't have running water when the power goes out either. It's definitely not fun.

    I thought I was already following your blog - but I guess I wasn't. I fixed that!

  32. No snow here in Georgia. :) But next year, we're moving to Bleecker in the Adirondack Mountains and building a mini-farm. Bleecker got smacked real good.

  33. Well no snow here but more poor chickens had two inches of water the other day in their run as we had the longest downpour of rain. So many worms and grubs came up that they are still just laying around out there. The chickens had their fill. Glad all is well.

  34. No blizzard; 5" of snow. We do all that prep which guarantees we NEVER lose power and minimizes snow fall!

  35. Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home!


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