
Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Fresh Flowers

Last summer, we planted a cutting garden so we could have fresh flowers in the house all season long. We bought a packet of "wildflower mix" seeds for $0.20, threw them in the ground, and were rewarded with gorgeous zinnias and cosmos for months.

Now that the wildflowers are long gone, I miss having bright pops of color all over the house. Luckily, our local grocery store sells pretty bouquets for less than $5 so every once in a while I'll indulge.

I always end up choosing either white or green mums. I guess I just like the simplicity! I love to pull out my milk glass collection and put a stem in each vase. This way I can have flowers in multiple vases rather than just putting the whole bouquet in one big vase. One of my favorite places for fresh flowers is in the bathroom. It just brightens up the space and makes it feel instantly fresh and pulled together.

On top of my vintage cabinet - read more about that amazing find here!

I also love to put flowers in the living room so I can see them all the time. We use an antique wooden chest I scored from my grandma as our coffee table.

Of course once I put the flowers out the cats aren't too far behind. 

Thankfully, they aren't too bad once they get a couple sniffs. They will pretty much leave them alone after the initial excitement of having something new to smell. I feel very lucky because Jasper used to be horrible and always knock flowers over and eat them. I guess he's settled down a bit in his old age!

Do you like to keep fresh flowers in the house?


  1. Your green mums are so pretty. And I love the last shot with your Jasper.

  2. Love the color of your flowers, Tammy.. I do like having fresh but must admit I do not do it enough.. Your displays are lovely.. Our daughter collects milk glass, too..

  3. I love flowers in the house but have not had any luck keeping Audrey out of them. Your cat is so beautiful. Deb

  4. I love having the color of fresh flowers in the house. I miss that part of summer. I also have an old trunk as a coffee table. Great minds think alike :)

  5. I'm laughing cause as I started reading your post I thought about my cat getting into those fresh flowers. They're pretty though!
    Farmhouse hugs,

  6. The fresh flowers are pretty, and I really love the way you displayed them in the milk glass vases! - looks like your kitty does too ;-)

  7. Very cheery and Jasper looks fascinated! I will occasionally get fresh flowers but with three dogs who are convinced they are really Scooby snacks in disguise...well...lets just say I don't do it often.

  8. We have 50 year old wisteria on a fence completely surrounding our property. When it blooms the aroma is incredible! We usually cut the stems and bring them in along with lilacs and lily of the valley. Each year I want to plant a cutting garden but never seem to get around to it, maybe next spring! :)

  9. I like that you divide them up, there's more to enjoy that way! :) I always have to put mine where the cat can't reach them, he likes to eat them...

  10. Love fresh flowers! It seems that zinnias just keep going! Enjoy your bouquets!

  11. I can't do fresh flowers or plants because of my sneaky cats. They do look beautiful though!

  12. Yes, I love fresh flowers. And I have cosmos every year! They are wonderful!!! my kitty like plants and flowers like yours. He still wants to eat things sometimes. he is 3 now, and a very silly kitty!

  13. Very pretty! I love how break the bouquet up into several vases. I lucked out about a week ago and got two bouquets of fresh sunflowers for $1.15 each at my grocery store.

    Thanks for dropping by my blog!

  14. Zinnias are still going strong in our garden. And they have the most perfect fall colors---we go for the bright yellow, red, orange, and even hot pink! We just throw them in a glass on the windowsill when the mood strikes.

  15. Love the colour of those flowers. Cheers

    PS A big thank you for following Carole's Chatter

  16. Stopping over from "For the Love of Pete" and I'm enjoying your sweet blog.

  17. Oh they look so pretty I do love your cat just staring at them.B

  18. Love those mums! Mine (usually from Costco) go in old, small canning jars. I like the look of a single flower over a mixed bunch myself. Great pics!

  19. 'tis the season for mums, I'm seeing (and loving) them everywhere! Your flowers look great. I indulge in fresh flowers once in awhile, but I haven't grown my own for a couple of summers now.

  20. I love fresh flowers, but I don't often have them in the house. No time to pick them, I guess! What a shame. I think I am going to make a new resolution to make the time to pick flowers regularly come Spring and in the meanwhile, I think I will pop into the farmer's market to see are there any available for purchase. Thanks!

    Sonja Twombly of Lally Broch Farm

  21. You are brilliant! I never thought of making a cutting garden!!! I am doing this next in the Spring. Thank you for the inspiration. I ADORE fresh flowers in the house.

  22. Yes I most certainly do I love this little Flower and such a pretty colour.
    Got me thinking now for next Spring.
    Have A good Weekend

  23. I don't blame you loving fresh flowers throughout the home. Every so often I will splurge at the grocery store too and have them on my kitchen counter top to enjoy for the week. The lime green color is very nice.

  24. Tammy I love fresh flowers on the table. I also like them in the master bedroom. I love the color you selected! Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things hop xo

  25. I love to have fresh flowers too...although I don't as often as I would like to. My cat just loves to investigate too...or maybe even have a nibble if it is tasty. Love the pic with your cat investigating!

  26. Lovely! I just adore a bouquet of fresh flowers. They make me smile! Great photos, as always!


  27. Hi.. I am your newest follower... I just started a blog too .. Stop by and follow if you like . .I love your blog.. EVERYTHING is awesome and inspiring .. I think i will plant me a cutting garden too.. Thanks for sharing such awesome ideas and I love everything about your BLOG

  28. I love bringing the garden inside! Cute cat. Thanks for sharing at Repurposed Ideas Weekly.

  29. Pretty flowers. Your cat looks adorable staring at them!

  30. I generally can't leave them on the table ( due to MY cat who is not as polite as yours : ) SO they are usually on the kitchen counter or up somewhere when I have them : ) Your lovely kitty picture drew me right in..HAD to click...:)


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