
Friday, November 9, 2012

Feathered Friend Friday

Welcome to our series "Feathered Friend Friday." Every Friday I write a post with interesting facts, photos, or funny stories about our chickens and guineas. If you need to catch up, you'll find all the Feathered Friend Friday posts here   

In our neck of the woods, most of the trees have succumbed to fall and dropped their leaves. Each morning I wade through a deep blanket of crunchy brown leaves as I head to the chicken coop to let everyone out to start their day. Our chicken run is not covered, so leaves fill up the fenced in area. A few years ago I discovered a fun activity for the chickens once lots of leaves have fallen and dried in their run.

Of course Duchess had to get in on the fun as well :)

Wearing my boots, I just kick a big pile of leaves together (of course you could use a rake, but I'm usually too lazy to pull it out, plus this gives my legs a work out!). I fill an old plastic cup with scratch, black oil sunflower seeds, and layer crumbles then sprinkle the mixture on top of a pile of leaves. I sit back and watch while the chickens go at it!

They love to jump on top of the pile and kick through the leaves to get to the yummy treats. I usually make 3-4 piles so everyone can get in on the fun, otherwise the older girls push the young ones out of the way. They had pretty much flattened the pile by the time I got a video, but I thought this was cute and wanted to share it anyway. Isis and Jobin seem to love the spotlight!

I usually save a little of the treat mixture so I can feed the chickens out of my hand. I love how they all crowd around and gently peck for the treats.

I also learned that playing in the leaves isn't just for the chickens (and Duchess). Sylvester also likes to roll around in the leaves. Silly boy!


Shared with Weekly Top Shot 


  1. Love the chicken scratching video.

  2. That gave me HUGE smiles today. Thanks! ♥

  3. Must be a lot of good grub under those piles of leaves, maybe more than the seeds you sprinkled.

    Have a great weekend.

  4. Hi Tammy.. Loved the video.. Reminds me of myself at a bring and buy sale.. grin...
    You take wonderful photos..
    Have a great weekend..

  5. Looks like everyone likes to play in the leaves! :)
    We throw the old hay that the goats don't eat in for the chickens and they scratch through it, it's fun to watch them!

  6. Oh my goodness that is so cute! Mine love to scratch in the leaves too!

  7. That chicken's legs move so fast!

  8. Looks like fun! I watched my great niece and nephew this past Wednesday and they had a great time in the leaves! Have a great weekend!

  9. what a delightful post, tammy!

    made me smile.

    lovely shots, too.

    happy weekend!

    big hugs~

  10. Makes me miss my chickens, have a great weekend!

  11. You are fun! I bet your chickens love you.

  12. I wanted to say thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment--it was so nice of you! (I was late in replying, sorry.) Then I saw your blog and love it! I'm now subscribing. Hope you found some good books too. Have a great weekend!


  13. How fun! Looks like the chicken's legs get a workout too! I enjoy reading about them...blessings! Nancy

  14. how sweet :) you treat your chickens like pets, I think it's adorable. cats play with everything indeed. and they're also so funny. I would love to meet your chickens, since not everyone love them as you do. happy Sunday :) xxo

  15. What a fun post, I would love to hand feed the chickens. And Duchess and Sylvester are cuties too.

  16. Your chickens sure are living the good life :-)

  17. What a fun activity for your chickens! We have flocks of quail that feed in our yard, and it is so amusing to watch their vigorous kicks as they scratch for the feed we put out for them. Our critters just don't realize how entertaining they are, do they? :)

  18. Awesome! I love that, and the eyes on the cat in the last photo - I so wish my husband wasn't REALLY allergic to cats!

  19. What a beautiful cat and great photo! His black fur looks lovely against the colours of the leaves.

  20. I would never have thought to create a foraging 'game' for chickens... wonderful! Thank you for sharing on Weekly Top Shot #57!


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