
Friday, November 30, 2012

Feathered Friend Friday

Welcome to our series "Feathered Friend Friday." Every Friday I write a post with interesting facts, photos, or funny stories about our chickens and guineas. If you need to catch up, you'll find all the Feathered Friend Friday posts here      

The temperatures have been dipping below freezing overnight this past week, so I have to chip away the ice from the chickens' waterers each morning. And for some reason, the chickens just love to eat the ice!

I guess they think it's some sort of treat? I don't know. But they will peck away at it until they get a good sized piece and gobble it down. Crazy chickens.

They really like it when you hand feed them pieces of ice. Red swiped this one quick.

And of course, if the chickens are eating something, Duchess has to investigate.

Apparently she likes being hand fed as well. I have spoiled them rotten!


Shared with Backyard Farming Connection


  1. These pictures are just adorable. Maybe it's like a snowcone for them? :)

  2. Sweet. It doesn't take much to entertain them!

  3. How cute, you have spoiled them. And I am sure they love their mommy. Great post and photos. Have a happy weekend!

  4. You are such a good PET PARENT my sweet friend. I love the pictures.. YOUR a great photographer too !!!!! Your DOG is so stinking cute !!! HE is loving the farm life ... Keep those great posts coming. I love being here .... Have a blessed weekend my friend....................... : ) GOD BLESS

  5. It sure doesn't take much to make them happy. Hope you have a happy weekend!
    Farmhouse hugs,

  6. I have never seen our chickens eat ice, interesting. Lately they have been so cold that most don't even leave the coop.

  7. So cute! I like the speckled one! Hope it warms up for you, this weekend. xx

  8. So cute - and interesting, I have to see if my girls like ice...

  9. I am such an olden CITY GIRL, I don't know very much about chickens...they tend to scare the pants off me.:) ...but, then, I am SUCH a titty baby. :))

    Yep, like you, I think a biscuit and jam is about as good as it gets. :))

  10. Unless they're cooling their beaks. Duchess is curious no doubt. How does Red take Duchess wanting to imitate?

    1. Red doesn't seem to mind! The chickens are happy as long as they have some treats to themselves as well :)

  11. Haha!! Our shepherds love to eat ice cubes, so I guess it's kinda sorta the same thing. :)

  12. I guess they are cheap dates, huh?

  13. That's cute. My husband likes to eat ice, too ;)

  14. LOL, that is so funny. Maybe they like it.

  15. Wonder if that's why there's a big hole in the iced over waterer this morning? I can't imagine the ducks being able to do it! LOL

  16. My dogs love ice too. Whenever I get ice out of the refrigerator door and some spills they run over and grab it real fast.

  17. Love your photos with your chickens and pooch!!

  18. We always handfed our pets too. :)

  19. That's pretty crazy that chickens would like ice...who would have ever thought?? Really fun pictures...I'm sure they'll be finding lots of ice coming their way all season to enjoy! :))

  20. Cute pictures! Ours eat the ice we chip out of the waterers too, on those RARE occasions when we get cold! ;)

  21. You are so good to your animals! I bet they love that ice!


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