
Friday, November 23, 2012

Feathered Friend Friday

Welcome to our series "Feathered Friend Friday." Every Friday I write a post with interesting facts, photos, or funny stories about our chickens and guineas. If you need to catch up, you'll find all the Feathered Friend Friday posts here     

It has been one month since I found the guinea surprise in our back yard, so I thought I'd share an update on how the keets are doing. As you may remember, we managed to catch 11 keets to bring inside and left three with the mom. Every morning for the past few weeks I observed the outside keets closely following their mom around so I figured, against all odds, that they would pull through. But earlier this week, I found only one keet trailing behind the mom.

I searched for the other two babies but didn't find anything. I don't know what happened to them. I watched the mom and remaining keet for a while that morning, and noticed the mom had lost interest in her baby. I saw her lead him into the chicken run while the door was open for just a moment. They ate some of the chicken feed, then the mom jumped over the fence and went about her business, oblivious to the fact that her baby was still inside with no way out. The tiny keet tried his best to fly over the 5' fence to rejoin his mom, but he could only make it halfway up. After the frustrated baby chirped loudly for a while, the mom came back and coaxed him through one of the holes in the fence, visibly annoyed at his inability to fly.

I decided I had to catch the keet and put him with his siblings in the brooder if he was to survive. Catching a quick little guinea baby is much easier said than done! I managed to trap him in a corner and snatch him up just before dark. I put him in the warm brooder with his siblings and he seemed to fit in right away.

In his last morning outside with the mom and dad, I was able to get some video of him following them around. I'm going to miss seeing the cute little guinea family parading around the yard.


Shared with Camera CrittersBackyard Farming ConnectionDown Home Blog Hop, Farmgirl Friday


  1. Oh I love that video it made me smile ear to ear. I am glad you saved the little fellow. B

  2. I am so glad you got the baby in with its siblings ~ video is adorable ~ you are such a loving person ~ thanks ~ Have the best in the weekend ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

  3. Oh Tammy that was so neat.. I just loved it...

  4. Yep, I found that guinea moms are amazing at guarding a nest and hatching out Keets but terrible from there on. Our keets are always given to a chicken momma to raise and they have always done a great job. Not only do they learn to free range, but they also learn to go into the coop at night and always stay close to home.

    Good luck!

  5. So sweet! Glad you were able to rescue Kutie Keet and put it with it's siblings.

    We are planning on having chickens and guineas when we move to the country; I so enjoy coming here to 'study'.

  6. I love your story, Guinea Fowel are so cute , it's the first time I've actually one. We had a pair of Guineas visit out garden last Spring from our neighbours Land. The noise is quit loud when they got parted, and oh How I laughed when they tried to hide from the rain.
    Great Post

  7. That picture is adorable. How sweet.

  8. Love your feathered series! Hope you are having a good week.

  9. Wonderful pictures and video's! You know your animals well.

  10. Great post! Such a sweet little one.

  11. Poor lil baby... I feel so sorry for it! =0

  12. what a sad and happy story! thank goodness you brought the last baby inside, now he can grow with his siblings and your care. they're adorable! happy Sunday.. xxo sweetie :)

  13. Often we have to step in and help nature along! Glad the little one is safe.

  14. what a sweetie. Good to hear you came to the rescue. :)

  15. Ahhh ... so cute and I loved your video! I'm glad to hear the little baby is doing well.

  16. What a cute picture! I gave up on letting guinea mamas raise keets. I give them chicks now....they do much better!


  17. Visiting from the Chicken Chicks blog hop...

    I don't know much about Guineas ( just chickens) but your post inspires me to look into them come spring:)
    They are really interesting birds

  18. This actually got me a little teary. Thanks for sharing.

    Sonja Twombly of Lally Broch Farm


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