
Friday, November 16, 2012

Feathered Friend Friday

Last night I did a quick headcount of the chickens before I locked them in their coop for the night. I came up with 12. We have 13 chickens. So I counted again and still got 12.

"Ok, so who am I missing?" I thought. I checked everyone over and noticed Liliana was nowhere to be found.

Liliana is the one in the middle. This is where she should have been last night.

She is our smallest pullet and can fly really well. A couple times in the last week I had seen her outside of the run walking around. I got her to fly back inside and took a mental note to clip her wings. But I just never got around to it. She always stayed close to the run when she flew out, so I figured she would never stray.

Night was beginning to fall, but I walked around calling for her. Maybe she had gotten a little too far away from the run and was trying to make her way back but it got too dark? Of course a more likely scenario was that she was taken by a predator. I searched for feathers or any trace of her but came up with nothing.

I went inside feeling guilty and sad after calling off my search. I tried to make myself busy by preparing the pizza dough for dinner. But with each knead, all I could think of was her out in the woods by herself.

David finally made it home around 8pm after a very long day. I told him what happened and he could see that I was upset. Without hesitation he put on his heavy coat and boots, grabbed a flashlight, and headed outside to look for Liliana. This is why I love this man.

I stayed inside to finish dinner and tried to think of anything other than Liliana. After about 20 agonizing minutes later, David came back inside.

"How many chickens do we have?" he asked.

"13. Why?" I replied.

"Because there are 13 chickens in the coop."

What?! I had checked the coop and Liliana was nowhere in sight! I didn't believe him, so I grabbed my coat and headed outside with the flashlight. I eagerly ran to the coop and flung the door open. The chickens shuffled around a bit and voiced frustration at my interruption of their sleep.

I shined the light on each chicken, scanning every face, and there she was. Snuggled up next to our rooster, Cam, on the highest roost. Looking sweetly at me right in the eye, seemingly curious as to why I was bothering her so late at night.

I don't know how I missed her in my count; all I know is I'm so thankful this story has a happy ending. Early this morning as I watched the blazing sun slowly rise over the tree line, I did so with a grateful and very happy heart.

First order of business tomorrow: clipping Liliana's wings.


This post shared with Farm Girl Blog Fest, Farmgirl Friday Blog HopFarm Photo FridayCamera CrittersYour Sunday Best 


  1. Glad your story had a happy ending! I fear losing one of my ducks to a raccoon or other predictor.

  2. Your story sure made me cry. I'm glad Liliana is OK. I just love your stories so much, I wish you would write a book.

  3. Replies
    1. Apparently, unless she's a magic chicken and can open a locked coop door, she was in the coop when I locked them up! I missed her in my count somehow. One side of the coop has a loft area, so I'm guessing she was in the far back corner up there (even though I did look and swear I didn't see her!).

  4. So glad you found her! When our chickens go missing, it's usually a hawk, coon or fox to blame. But we have opposums, coyotes, owls, and even fishers! It's a never ending battle. Our two geese help to chase away predators, and they set up a racket if one gets too close. Surprisingly, we've lost more in the daytime than at night!

    1. Wow, that's scary! We have a big guard dog (great pyrenees/sheepdog mix) who has kept our chickens and guineas very safe so far.

  5. Phew!! So glad she's safe...I admit I love stories with a happy ending!! Pets are like so like an extended member of the family and it's really hard to part with them. Have a great weekend! Blessings, Nancy

  6. Oh maybe she sneaked out had a date and sneaked back in you know how that wild side comes out sometimes. :) B

  7. It's like having 13 children and one's missing at bedtime. Panic! This is one story that Liliana is keeping to herself.
    Farmhouse hugs,

  8. Wow! ~ Liliana is a sly one ~ huh? How do you clip wings? Glad it all ended well ~ CArol (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

    1. Basically you just clip off a small part of her longer wing feathers so she can't get as much air :)

  9. Glad she was safe and sound, even if she did make you worry! Did you get her wings clipped yet?

  10. What a stinker! I love chickens, and lots of other animals, but chicken are fun. I rank them right to top with my favorites.

  11. I'm so happy for the happy ending and I think is so sweet you named all of them! like sweet feathered pets. wishing you a beautiful weekend :) xxo

  12. Oh my, Liliana is a little stinker for scaring you like that! So glad everything turned out okay for everyone. =)

  13. I can just imagine how you felt, Tammy.. What a relief....
    Have a great weekend...

  14. I can empathize with how worried you were thinking she was missing and alone for the night. I am glad you found her safe and sound.

    Have a great weekend, Tammy! ♥

  15. I know ours can't get out of their area and it still makes me nervous enough to count them when I'm putting them up for the night! I know how you felt. One of our little cats has been missing for several days so I am assuming the worst! Maybe she'll surprise me. Glad your chicks are all present and accounted for.

  16. AWow! I worried for you as I was glad she is safe and sound! Have a great weekend!!

  17. I love happy endings! Having lost a dog for nearly 3 days, I understand your anxiety.

  18. Phew! so Happy she is safe I got a bit worried reading this.
    Have a Good Weekend
    Sheila x

  19. Bless your heart...maybe she flew away for a little while and then flew back before your honey went out to check ?? ANYway, so glad she was nestled all snug and warm in the hen house. :)

  20. Maybe she just needed a vacation? How did the clipping go? Hope you are having a wonderful weekend my friend!!!

  21. What a wonderful story! So glad she is safe! I admire your devotion to your animals!

  22. Thank you for visiting my blog. I have been in your shoes regarding missing chickens, alway scarey. Glad she was safe and sound!

  23. Such lovely shots - what delightful hens all in a row.

  24. Hooray for happy endings! Love the pictures.

  25. How nice to read that she is back home safe...
    Beautyful chickens b.t.w and lovely photo's!

    Have a good week,


  26. Oh my -- don't you hate it when they are right? :) But I'm happy Miss Liliana is safe and happy.

  27. This blog makes me totally want to change my entire lifestyle :)

  28. Awww that your husband went right out!! I'm glad you found Liliana. :)

  29. Well they can be just like family...I don't blame you for being scared! Happy Thanksgiving to you this week.

  30. Happy endings, my kind of tale. Glad she was safe.


  31. Iloved reading this and ... I love happy endings !!!!!!!!!! Clip those wings girl !!!!! I also meant to tell you .. I love the profile pic with one of your chickens...........Too cute..and the Cat already has a fan base....

  32. I'm so glad you have all your chickens! I know this could be very scary. I only have 5 that are 28 weeks and are just starting to lay. I know each one so well and would be devastated if I lost any to a predator! I think my coop and run are pretty safe but I always worry.


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