
Monday, October 1, 2012

Wedding Weekend In Alabama

Over the weekend we traveled to Montgomery, Alabama for the wedding of one of our best and oldest friends. David was in the wedding, so we drove all day Friday to get there in time for the rehearsal at 5:00 Friday evening. Even though we forgot our suitcase and had to backtrack, we somehow made it to Alabama with a little time to spare.

The rehearsal dinner was delicious and a lot of fun. The table settings had a nice southern touch with the mason jars. And, of course, there was sweet tea!

After dinner, I was excited to see a cute dog roaming around the back yard!

Being the animal lover that I am, I was excited to see Fred the dog. Then I saw a cat running around and got to get some play time in with him as well. He was so cute and looked like a cross between our cats, Jasper and Fitz.

On the wedding day, Fred dressed for the occasion with a bow tie.

The wedding was in the evening, and everything somehow became even more beautiful when the sun went down.

After the wedding, some people had the crazy idea to jump into the pool, fully clothed. I almost wanted to jump in, too! The ambiance was perfect.

Towards the end of the night the boys got silly. Who knows what they were pointing at!

It was nice to get away and have a change of scenery for the weekend. We had such a blast. Everyone was so gracious and we felt really welcome. I was loving the Southern hospitality!

Congrats, John and Samantha!



  1. Oh this looks like it was so much fun. I would have maybe been the crazy person in the pool depending how hot I was.
    Fred is very cool and the kitties are adorable but I must say you look great. B

    1. Thanks so much, B! So nice of you to say that :) The wedding was a lot of fun. It was pretty humid so I really wanted to get in the pool, just not in my dress clothes :)

  2. Ha Ha, I can't believe you forgot your suitcase. I've seen lots of pictures of this wedding on facebook but I have yet to see a picture of the bride and groom. Didn't anybody take any? I would have been in that pool in an instant.

    1. We didn't get any pics of them together because they were so busy saying hi to everyone. Maybe when they get their professional photos back John will post some on facebook.


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