
Monday, October 8, 2012

Old Ladder Turned Display Shelf

I picked my grandma up last week for a family get together, and I arrived at her house pretty early. We had some time to spare, so I did what I so often do at grandma's when I have extra time - I browsed the attic!

Lucky for me, grandma has always been sort of a pack rat (I'm sure that's where I get it) and her attic is filled to the brim with so many treasures. She hates to throw things away because she has a memory attached to nearly every item she owns.

This time exploring the attic I found a fantastic old ladder. Grandma said it was the ladder on bunk beds that my dad used growing up. How sweet is that? I love when an item has a story behind it (I suppose I get that from her as well).

I decided to make a display shelf out of the ladder. I simply leaned it up against the wall and grabbed items I had elsewhere in the house to fill the "shelves."

Our rose bushes are still kicking, so I cut one of the roses off to place on the shelf for a bright pop of color.

For the bottom two shelves, I draped my BHG magazine over one of the rungs with a framed picture my grandma gave me after I took the ladder off her hands. I had to add my little piggy bank on the bottom! We put all our spare change in him. He has a guinea feather for no reason, really. Just because I have so many feathers laying around I want to display them however I can!

I really like how this turned out. The spot over by my closet was looking pretty bare, so this filled it perfectly. I'm sure I'll change out the items from time to time to give it an updated look. Can't wait to decorate it when the holidays roll around!


This post shared with:

The Chicken Chick
The Morris Tribe Blog Carnival


The Shabby Nest

Also shared with Repurposed Ideas Weekly Creative Things Thursday, Tweak It Tuesday


  1. Great idea! Super cute. And loving that you've included "The Hunger Games" ;-)

    1. I had a feeling that's what you were going to comment on, haha! :)

  2. What a great way to re-purpose the old ladder! It will be fun to dress it up for different holidays too! :)

  3. Oh time with Grandma is always special. I love what you did for this old ladder what a great idea. I would love to get into Grandma's attic too:)

  4. That is a GREAT idea. I love reusing and repurposing things. It makes me feel so clever! Two thumbs way up!!!!

    1. Awww, thanks Sonja! I love reusing things that have a history behind them.

  5. Very good idea. I like it. You know those very expensive shelves they offer from certain stores are built on the same idea...Glad you did that!

    1. Thank you! I've seen ladder type shelves for hundreds of dollars so I figure I saved myself a pretty penny!

  6. Hi, I'm visiting from Farmgirl Friday. I love this idea and am using it myself with an old ladder. I can't use the rungs for shelves as you did (an idea I love btw) because they are round, but I could hang pictures inside on the wall space between the rungs. Thank you for the idea!

    1. Hi Sue! Thanks so much for visiting. That would be great to hang the pictures inside between the rungs!

  7. this looks great and is a wonderful idea. I love old ladders. Thanks for sharing at Repurposed Ideas Weekly.

  8. Wonderfully arranged and such a purposeful ladder ~ (A Creative Harbor)

    thanks for coming by Monday and commenting ~ ^_^ ArtMuseDog says thanks too!

  9. That's like a dream come true out of books...Having an attic to go explore and find treasures in :)

    1. Exactly! I love exploring grandma's attic. Thanks for stopping by, Debra :)

  10. Great idea, especially for magazines.

    1. Thanks, Olive! It does work really well for magazines.

  11. I love this idea.. great new use for a ladder with memories attached and I love that pretty red rose as well! Thanks you for sharing it!

  12. It is adorable and I love that it was from your Dad's bunkbeds!

  13. What a cute little ladder...and I love the story behind it. Nice that your Grandma trusted enough to let her prized treasure come to your house.


    1. Yes, I'm happy she let me keep it! Thanks for stopping by, Pat :)

  14. Oh, what a great idea. We have two of those ladders out in the storage shed behind my house and I was trying to figure out what I could do with them. I hate to throw them away cause they're so cute. I'm going to make shelves out of them. Thanks.


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