
Monday, October 15, 2012

Hello Fall

We had a long day Saturday at a marching band festival (David's band won nine trophies!) so we both slept like rocks that night. The next morning I awoke and immediately was in a frenzy because I overslept about an hour and the chickens were still locked in their coop. I bolted outside to set them free, then came back in to feed the cats. I went back out after that to fill up the chickens' food and water, and stopped in my tracks.

Fall has arrived! While we were gone on Saturday, it was very windy and bright leaves had been blown off the trees, forming a blanket on the ground.

 Seemingly overnight, so many of the leaves had turned gorgeous, deep shades of yellow and red.

When I came back inside, full of energy after getting my fill of fall color, I woke David up and excitedly said, "Look outside!" and he agreed it was gorgeous. I've always loved fall, but living out in the woods being surrounded by nature's beauty makes me love it even more.

Looking at the beautiful scenery right outside my door I couldn't help but be overwhelmed with a deep feeling of gratitude that this is the view I get to wake up to each morning. Sometimes I still think, "Seriously? We get to live out here?!" I'm so very thankful that we are living the life we imagined.


This post shared with Barn HopSunday BestSunny Simple Sunday, Weekly Top Shot, Country Homemaker HopSimple and JoyfulHome Sweet HomeRural ThursdayFriday Thoughts and Down Home Hop


  1. Love your photos...they really tell your story! Fall is such a great way to transition into winter; the colors are amazing. My favorite colors to decorate with because they are the ultimate in cozy! Thanks for your post...blessings from Nancy at livininthegreen

  2. Thank you so much for sharing your beatiful slice of country with us. Your photos are fabulous, have a wonderful week!

    xoxo, Tanya :)

  3. We went out today and it was like our leaves turned overnight too! I love your dog!

    1. Crazy how that happens, Sherry! Duchess the dog says thanks :)

  4. What a fun weekend ~ Fantastic photos of 'Fall' ~ love your cat and dog, of course ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

    thanks for coming by and commenting ^_^

    1. Sylvester the cat and Duchess the dog say thank you :)

  5. Our colors are about done -- so glad to see yours!

    1. Everything just went crazy over the weekend! I'm hoping it lasts a while longer.

  6. Oh it is truly beautiful and yes you are very lucky. Love the feather with the leaves. Your dog is cute. Awesome photos. B

  7. You live in a bit of heaven! What beautiful scenery to enjoy fall. I got tired just reading about your morning ;)

    1. Haha, yeah the morning was kind of a blur! But I definitely slowed down to view the fall scenery :)

  8. Wonderful fall photos! Best time of year.

    1. Yes, I agree! Thanks for stopping by and commenting :)

  9. Love your awesome heart! Congrats on the wins! Happy Fall :-)

  10. I love your series of shots, the leaves and feather is just beautiful! Thank you so much for sharing on 'Weekly Top Shot #52,' my meme's first anniversary!

    1. Hi Madge, thank you for the nice comments! I enjoyed sharing at the weekly top shot; I'll definitely be back :)

  11. i made my way to a blog that i really love!

    aww, these are all excellent fall shots! beautiful scenery, to:)it looks like i could just step into the computer and be there!


  12. Congrats to David and his band! Your pics are very beautiful!

    1. They definitely had a great day at competition. Thanks, Lisa!

  13. Fall is my favorite time of the year, too. The lush greens of spring start to perk up my spirit after the long cold Maine winters, but Autumn's colors and the crisp air that begs for the first mugs of hot cocoa, roasted pumpkin seeds, and pies win my heart. Thanks for sharing your pictures today. They made a happy start to my morning.

    Sonja Twombly of

  14. Tammy-I love marching bands! I was a flag girl in high school years ago and every time I hear the sound of a marching band I have an urge to see if I still remember all of the old flag routines. (And always in the privacy of my own home...don't want to startle the neighbors!) Congrats to David as well!!

    Your gorgeous photos and this whole wonderful post are so timely, because just this morning I too looked out and was amazed and delighted to see that fall had arrived. All of a sudden-literally overnight it seems, fall color is everywhere!

    Happy glorious fall to you! :)

    1. Valerie - That is awesome! David and I actually began dating while we were both in marching band in high school (I played clarinet, he played mellophone) so it has a special place in my heart :)

      Happy fall! Thanks for stopping by :)

  15. WOW!! That beautiful fall scenery would have stopped me in my tracks too! What a lovely place you have!! :)

  16. Beautiful photos! I think fall is the favourite season for almost everyone who has it.

    I'm visiting from Tilly's Nest's Down Home blog hop. We've visited each other before :-)

    1. Glad you stopped by, Sue! I don't think I've ever met anyone who doesn't love fall!

  17. You are surrounded by beauty.

  18. Beautiful photos and a a great reminder to be grateful for all that autumn brings! Lovely.

  19. I wish we had those pretty fall scenes in Texas, they are beautiful.

    1. Yes I love fall here in Missouri. The weather is pretty crazy, but I'd rather deal with that if it means beautiful fall scenery :)

  20. Such beautiful photos! Where you live looks amazing.

    1. It is amazing! We absolutely love it. Thanks for visiting and commenting :)


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