
Friday, October 12, 2012

Feathered Friend Friday

Welcome to our series "Feathered Friend Friday." Every Friday I write a post with interesting facts, photos, or funny stories about our chickens and guineas. If you need to catch up, you'll find all the Feathered Friend Friday posts here   

Have you ever witnessed the activity that takes place when chickens settle in for the night? I remember back when I observed our chickens' first nights in their coop and I was shocked at the ruckus. It is not a calm event, let me tell you!

There's a lot of noisy shuffling, pecking, jumping and biting while they all try to get their favorite spots on the roosts. You can really see the dynamic of the pecking order at nighttime.

Our head rooster, Cam, is usually at the highest roost right in the middle surrounded by his harem. The girls fight for spots next to Cam, with the older girls usually winning.

Cam wouldn't stay still!

Isis, one of the new pullets, has a really funny tactic on the roost. She basically buries her head underneath the chicken next to her. Maybe so she won't be seen and outed as one of the young girls all up in the old girls' territory? Not really sure why, but it's pretty funny.

I used to worry about them at night and felt bad for the ones who were forced to the less desirable spots on the roosts. Now I realize it's just a normal part of their nighttime routine and it's usually pretty funny to watch and see who ends up in the prized spots snuggled up next to Cam.


This post shared with Country Homemaker Hop, Farmgirl Friday and  Backyard Farming Connection Hop, Raising Chickens Link Up


  1. I didn't know this about chickens, and it's so fascinating! I think I could watch them carry on with their night time routine and never get tired of it! Isis is cute with her head burying, too!

    Thanks for "sharing" your chickens-I have a dream of having some of my own some day:) I live in town, but there is a new law allowing us to keep a few. I just have to convince my husband that in addition to our 2 dogs, guinea pig and parakeet, we need chickens too:)

    1. I am in love with my chickens, so of course I'm going to say you should get some, too! They really are fun and not much work at all. And it's so cool to collect eggs from your own back yard :)

  2. Oh this is funny I miss having chickens we used to have a lot of laying hens. Barred Rock and Road Island Reds they are very comical.
    I love the one like an Ostrich with its head buried:) B

    1. They are very comical! So much fun to watch chicken tv :)

  3. Great photos ~ reminds me of teen girl pj party ~ (A Creative Harbor)

    ps. thanks for coming by and commenting ^_^

    1. Haha, I love that comment! It's so true.

      Thank you for stopping by! Have a great weekend :)

  4. This is so funny - I'm going to need to watch our girls settle in. One of our molting girls is sleeping on the floor - I do feel a bit bad for her with such a cold night ahead of us!

    1. Yes, you should watch it one night. I hate it when my girls molt in the cold weather! I wish they would molt in the summer when its 100 degrees outside!

  5. Some of those girls are sassy! It was interesting to watch their "getting ready for bed" rituals - thanks for sharing, gal.

    1. Yes, they are sassy! Especially the old girls, or the "OG's" as David likes to call them :)

  6. We have a camera in our chicken coop- I'd rather watch their antics at bedtime over television any day! LOL

    Thanks for the laugh.
    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick
    Clever Chicks Blog Hop

    1. Oooh, a camera would be awesome! Then I could watch from the comfort of my couch haha.

  7. We used to have chicks that would roost up high but now they all take their place on the lower roosts except for three that decided they wanted to perch atop the nesting boxes--which are angled. Strange.

    1. Hmmm, that is strange! Guess they were just ready to try out something new :)

  8. Thanks for your comments on my post! My chickens get pretty possessive about roosts, they've even knocked each other to the floor! Chickens are just like people - fighting about space, food and women...LOL.
    (My sister lives in Missouri, too...hollaback!) :)

    -Liz (momdrinkstea)

    1. Chickens are like people! So funny. Yay for MO! It's beautiful here right now. Thanks for stopping by, Liz!

  9. They are so funny... I've threatened to get a chicken cam... I just might do it after watching this! We have an all girl hen house.. I wonder if there's much excitement in there at bed time???Hmmm.

    1. Oh yes, the girls fight worse than the boys! You should check it out. I bet there's a lot of pecking and shuffling going on!

  10. Great post. My girls fight over the coveted spot next to my rooster too.

    1. My girls are kind of obsessed with our head rooster. It's like they've forgotten all about me!

  11. Awwwwww.....poor little Isis! Looks like she's looking for a hug or something. lol! Thanks for the cute video. It was fun watching your feather-babies in action. :)

    xoxo laurie

    1. I know! She just wanted a cuddle buddy :)

      Thanks for stopping by, Laurie!


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