
Friday, October 5, 2012

Feathered Friend Friday

Welcome to our series "Feathered Friend Friday." Every Friday I write a post with interesting facts, photos, or funny stories about our chickens and guineas. If you need to catch up, you'll find all the Feathered Friend Friday posts here  

Since it is starting to get dark earlier and earlier each day, I have been making time in the mornings to hang out with the chickens. When there's plenty of daylight left in the evenings I usually spend more time with them after work, but around this time of year my chicken time shifts to the mornings.

First up, I make sure there's plenty of food in their feeder and they all get started with a big breakfast. This gives me a chance to check out their lovely, fluffy bottoms!

Duchess and Sylvester patiently await their exit from the coop after the breakfast rush.

It's fun to watch them peck and scratch around the run to see if they can find any bugs to munch on. Clearly breakfast is never enough!

Of course Cam has to crow his head off to make sure everyone knows he is there.

If I'm lucky, some of them will come over to say hi and hop up on my boots.

Still crowing, just in case I didn't realize he was standing on my leg

After a while, Sylvester gets bored with the chickens and heads off for another adventure.

I love mornings with the chickens. It's a really great way to start the day!


Shared with:

Farmchicks Farm Photo Friday


  1. I always enjoy your Friday updates. Thanks for sharing today!

  2. Love the pic of Sylvester and Duchess together! And I feel like Cam should have a fake cigarette hanging out of his beak or something. That would be funny...

  3. Thanks for linking up! I LOVE those photos. The rooster on your boot is hilarious!

  4. What great pictures! Chickens are so fun to hang out with! :)

  5. great shots!! Have a nice weekend!

    1. Thanks so much, Linda! Hope you have a great weekend as well :)

  6. Fantastic post and photography of all your adorable animals and chickens (especially their fluffy bottoms) ~ (A Creative Harbor)

  7. What a sweet farm life with all the animals! I'm hearing it's a really hard work :) Enjoy your Sunday!

    1. It's not work for me because I truly enjoy it! Hope you have a wonderful weekend and thanks for stopping by!

  8. I love your beautiful chickens (such gorgeous feathers).

    1. Thanks so much, Cheryl! I love their feathers, too. I collect them all when they molt so I have quite the beautiful feather collection now :)

  9. How cute! Love those crowing shots!

    1. The only good thing about Cam crowing non-stop was that I had plenty of opportunities to get a good shot! Thanks for stopping by, Brandi :)

  10. Your chickens are beautiful. Loved seeing your rooster crow. The kitty looks a lot like my Zoe, except that the white spot on her face is on her chin. Beautiful pets.

    Yael from Home Garden Diggers

    1. Hi Yael - your Zoe sounds very cute! Thanks for stopping by :)

  11. I love your photos. It does sound like a lovely way to start the day. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks, Nikki! Just got back in from some more chicken time this morning :)

  12. Love your rooster -- looks very much like mine. :)

  13. It looks so pretty where you live. Love the trees. Your rooster hanging on your boots. Aren't chickens the best company? I love hanging with my girls.

    1. Thank you, Elaine! We really love it out here. Chickens make great company. They are always so fun to watch!

  14. Great shots! Your rooster is marvellous! I'd love to have chickens.

    1. Thanks, Karen! Chickens are so much fun; I highly recommend them!

  15. I love how everyone one accompanies you to the chicks!

    1. Me too! Sylvester is usually waiting on the back porch to follow me down to the coop every morning :)

  16. Gorgeous photos. The clarity is amazing!

    1. Thanks, Rosemary! I recently got a new camera and I've been having so much fun taking pictures.

  17. love the dog and cat photo! Thanks for sharing at Your Sunday Best.

  18. Hello Tammi,
    I love your hens and Sylvester is gorgeous. He looks a little like my rooster Queenie. He got his name when he was a baby. He was supposed to be a hen. I am so glad you shared your Feathered Friend Friday on The Country Homemaker Hop. I will be following along from now on. Have a great weekend.

    1. Hi Heidi! We have another rooster who was supposed to be a hen as well. I guess it's more common than I thought!

      Thanks for following and stopping by. Hope you have a great weekend as well :)


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