
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Dried Leaves

Earlier this week, David was cleaning up part of the woods since it is a mess after logging this summer. I went to check his progress and found a big branch with beautiful bright red leaves just waiting to be scooped up. I grabbed the branches and headed back to the house.

Since collecting and drying leaves is one of my favorite fall crafty things to do, I pulled off the best looking leaves and brought them inside to dry. Basically all I do is place the leaves in wax paper in between pages of a big, heavy book. Usually it takes about a week for them to be pressed flat and ready to use.

I love to collect leaves from different places that are important to me. When I was young, I'd collect leaves from my grandmother's house. More recently, I have dried leaves that I saved from our first home. I made a garland out of those leaves and every fall it goes up on our headboard (mentioned in an earlier post here).

Aside from drying the leaves, I think the branches make great decorations as well. It's a good way to bring the outdoors in and add a touch of natural fall decor to your home.

I'm not sure how long the leaves will stay good inside, but it will be beautiful while it lasts. As long as the cats don't get to it first!


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Repurpose My Life


  1. Love those leaves! Beautiful! And I like that your statue wears a hat ;-)

    1. Thanks! Yes, Sheila wears a hat :) And sunglasses most of the time.

  2. Oh I love this idea I would love to do this I could live in the forest all day, a place I enjoy so much.Your cat is very cute and I love the branch in that photo. B

    1. Thanks, B! I thought my cat looked like a statue haha. He was waiting until I turned away to investigate the branch :)

  3. This turned out so cute! I love it. Fingers crossed the cats ignore them, lol.

    1. Thanks, Lisa! So far, so good with the cats. Surprisingly enough!

  4. What a great idea! I wonder if you could preserve them longer with some clear coat sealant spray? As the leaves are at the height of changing color here in the North, I think I will be on the hunt for some perfect colored leaves to use for some decorating craft projects with the kids.

    Sonja of

    1. I was wondering about sealing them somehow. I'll have to look into that!

  5. My kids will love this project! I love the garland and the branch. I think I will put some in my big milk can. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Marlo! I bet this would be a fun project for your kids :)

  6. That is a lovely branch and how fun that you dry the leaves from different places! My cat would be eating them instead of just looking!! :)

    1. Haha. My cats are usually very mischievous, but they actually have been leaving the branch alone!

  7. Loved the leaves...especially the branch in a vase. I will have to scout out a nice maple branch for that idea. I have done the same with leaves in between books and also ironed them between waxed paper and then remove the leaves. It is a bit faster than pressing them in books. Great ideas! Thanks for sharing your fall photos. :)

    1. I've never tried ironing the leaves. That's a great idea! Thanks!

  8. Beautiful! Nature makes such great decorations! ;)

    1. I definitely agree! Fall is perfect for natural decorations.

  9. I love to use leaves as fall decor! And I've been wanting to press and dry leaves for decorations for a long time. Your leaf garland is so cool!


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