
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Grandma's Recipes

There's something I absolutely adore about old, handwritten recipes. I get so nostalgic when I see them and imagine the cook standing over a hot stove while referring to the little note card to get the ingredients or technique for a dish just right.

My grandma is a fabulous cook and has made many meals for me throughout my life. While I was in college, every Thursday I would go to her house for a spectacular homemade lunch. Each semester when planning my classes I would make sure I'd have enough of a break in between to get away for lunch at grandma's. I have so many treasured memories of our lunches together. Most of the time my two brothers and sometimes my father would join us, so that made it extra special.

I went to visit grandma after work today and asked if she had any of her recipes written down or if she just cooked from memory. I was surprised to know she still refers to her old recipes after all these years. She went to her cupboard and pulled out her recipe box to share with me.

Once I had looked through the recipes and grabbed the lid to put back on the box, I noticed this taped inside the lid.

Looks like one day I will inherit all these treasures. I pray it's one day in the very distant future.


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  1. You are so lucky that someday these will belong to you!

  2. This sure brings back wonderful memories of my beloved grandmother, Big Mama. The handwriting is eerily similar, and she used to put little notes with the grandkids' names on the bottoms of objects around her house. We didn't know she was doing it, but if she saw us admiring something, she would put our name on it to give to us after she passed.

    Give her a hug for me!

    Thanks for linking up with the TALU....

    1. Aww that's so cool! She sounds a lot like my grandma. I'll give her a big hug for you :) Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I saw a post somewhere by a guy who actually started collecting old boxes of recipe cards he found at flea markets, on eBay, etc. I thought that was such an interesting idea. It is great that you will someday have those treasured cards from your grandmother.

    Sadly, my grandmother cooked largely out of her head, so she didn't leave a lot of written recipes. What she did have written were more current things she had come across or recipes given to her by my Mom and others. After she passed, we did find a few small notebooks with recipes written inside. The problem? We're Armenian, and although my Mom and her sister can speak it, nobody reads it anymore! I'll have to see if I can scan a page or two and try a translator software to see if it works - not sure that would work on handwritten pages. Better still, while your grandmother is still around, ask her to take the time to show you some of her favorites so you can spend the time and make them together. I would give anything to be able to turn back the clock and be in the kitchen making stuffed grapeleaves with my Grammy! :(


    1. Oh no! So sad that you can't read the recipes! I'll have to cook with my grandma one of these days. She loves to cook for us and never wants us to do any work so it's hard to wiggle my way into the kitchen!

      Thanks for stopping by!

    2. Another thing you have to run by her is any changes she may have made but note written down. She might have tweaked recipes over time, but if she didn't make notes of it, and you go to use the cards someday, you'll be left wondering why the recipe didn't turn out right. ;)

  4. That is so wonderful. Sometimes in the digital age we live in, it's nice to get back to the basics. And like you, I love the handwritten aspect of it all. There is nothing like seeing someones own writing. Thanks for linking up at TALU this week!

    1. Yes, it is nice to see handwriting every now and then! Thanks for coming by and commenting, Debbie :)


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