It's that time of year again.
Molting season has begun. I found a big pile of fluffy feathers under Buttercup's spot on the roost a few weeks back, so I knew she had begun to molt. She is still losing feathers, but I think she's winding down because now some of her wing feathers are falling out. Her tail feathers will be next, then her body will be in full feather production mode.
I have lots of feathers that I've collected over the years and I've always wanted to display them somehow. I decided this year to do just that with one of Buttercup's small feathers.
I bought a picture frame with a mat and wrote "Buttercup 2012" in freehand on the mat. I wanted to use a fine point sharpie, but we only had the wide tip version so that's what I ended up using. I had a piece of gray felt left over in my craft bin, so I used that as the background for the feather.
I really like how it turned out and may frame some more like this in the future. Until then, I'm on the lookout for other creative ways to display my feather collection. Any ideas, fellow feather collectors?

This post also featured on Stacked Stone Farm.