
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Tiger Moth

Today when I stepped outside the back door to go about the morning chores, I was greeted by a sweet visitor waiting for me by Sylvester's food bowl.

We have a lot of critters out here, and I've seen some really beautiful butterflies and moths. This guy caught my eye because of his striking graphic wing pattern.

After I snapped a few pictures, I pet him lightly on his wing and he stretched out a bit to reveal something even more breathtaking.

How gorgeous is that?! If I were a fashion designer he would be perfect inspiration for a garment (maybe I'm watching too much Project Runway?).

I've said it before and I'll say it again, nature never ceases to amaze me!


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  1. Wow. Just lovely. Thank you for sharing your find with us.

    1. You are quite welcome! No way I could have kept this to myself. Too beautiful not to share :)

  2. So beautiful! I'm glad I found you on TALU.

  3. Beautiful creature and photos. Thanks for sharing them. TALU

  4. That is really cool, but I honestly can't say it would ever occur to me to pet a moth LOL. Hey, see what I would have missed out on! :) [#TALU]

    1. Haha! Hopefully next time you see a moth you will give it a little pet :) Thanks so much for stopping by, Chris!


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