
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Five-Lined Skink

Yesterday I was on the phone in the driveway (that's one of the only places I can get cell reception out here!) and saw this lizard crossing the porch. The first thing I noticed was its brilliant blue tail. I couldn't believe how bright and almost neon-like it was! I slowly sauntered past him back inside the house to grab my camera. I hoped I wouldn't scare him off and that he'd still be on the porch when I got back outside. Luckily, he was still there!

Isn't he the most gorgeous thing ever? I wanted to know exactly what he was, so I googled "blue tailed lizard" and found out he is a five-lined skink, the most common skink in Missouri. Based upon his cobalt blue tail, he is under one year old. I guess he could actually be a female; not sure how to check that!

According to the Missouri Department of Conservation, they average 6.5 inches in length and munch on crickets and other insects. The females lay their eggs between May and July, which makes sense because we have been seeing tons of tiny little skinks out here lately.

Nature never ceases to amaze me.


Shared with TALU Tuesday


  1. That is really, really cool! We don't get lizards in Maine, but once in a while we will come across little black salamanders with yellow spots or green frogs in the yard.

    1. We get frogs and toads out here a lot and they are so fun to watch. The only thing I can't do is snakes! They give me the creeps!

    2. I looked it up and the only way to tell the difference between the male and female is to take them to the vet and have them X-ray'ed.
      I figure you can tell by which one is doing all the work and which one is sitting on it's butt drinking beer. LOL

  2. He's beautiful, great shot!I think he's posing for you! We have those in Missouri, I love photographing wildlife!

    1. Thank you Karen! I'm glad he posed for me so I could get the shot. I love photographing wildlife, too :)

  3. He/she is beautiful. Nature is amazing. (TALU)

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