
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Like Us On Facebook!

After several requests from friends and family, I made a Facebook page for Our Neck of the Woods. I will link all new posts to Facebook so if you like the page, you will see updates right in your news feed. This way there's no excuse not to read! :)

To follow us, you can go here and hit the like button, or simply click the like button in the right sidebar here on the blog.

See you over on Facebook!



  1. Cute pic! And I'm liking the Facebook page!

  2. Thanks girlie! I finally broke down and bought a straw hat. My grandma said I need one now that I'm a farmer :) hehe

    1. I'm not letting the city totally leave your veins; how about we put a cute little broach on that cute farmer's hat? ;-)

    2. Haha. Great idea! That would be cute :)


Thank you so much for visiting! We enjoy reading each and every one of your lovely comments.