
Monday, July 2, 2012

Frugal Fashion

Though this is decidedly not a fashion blog, I thought I'd share a recent frugal find that I'm thrilled about.

I went to a local school's rummage sale with my grandma and by the time we got there, they were just wanting to get rid of everything so they didn't have to deal with it. They gave us plastic grocery bags and said, "Anything you can fit in this bag is $1." Now I love a great deal, but my sweet grandma was in hog heaven! No one loves a great deal more than she does. For the next week or so every time I called her she'd say, "I still can't believe the deals we got at that rummage sale!"

This dress was one thing that I fit in my bag, along with about 8 or 9 other items. So I guess this dress really only cost me about one dime! I didn't try it on and when I got home noticed that it was a little bit big, but I just belted it at the waist and I'm really happy with how it looks.

My photographer was making me laugh ;)

Of course I had to grab my favorite accessory...



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