
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Busy Day

Even though David is still recovering from getting his wisdom teeth pulled yesterday, we had a busy day today. The farm rests for no one!

First up - moving a shed from David's mom's old house out to our place. They are selling the house and said we can have the shed, so we jumped on it. We need a bigger chicken coop and were trying to figure out if we should build or buy one, but this shed is perfect. It's 8x12 and 10 feet tall so there's plenty of space for all the chickens. We'll just have to add some nesting boxes and roosts and it'll be good to go.

The rest of our day and night has been taken up by hatching guineas!

Much more to come on these guys in tomorrow's Feathered Friend Friday, but just wanted to give you a sneak peek.

It's been pretty magical to witness several of them hatching. I guess we're grandparents now!



  1. I almost called you grandma yesterday morning when you said a guinea had been hatched....but I didn't know if it was appropriate to tie that title to such a youngin' ;-). Also, it clicked yesterday the reason they're callled guineas....New Guinea! Thanks for educating me!

    1. Haha, yes I'm a young grandma :)

      I've been researching, and it looks like guineas originated in the plains of Africa, what used to be called the Guinea Coast of west Africa. New Guinea (Papua Island) is actually over by Australia. So they are from the Guinea Coast in Africa, not Papua New Guinea. Just wanted to get it right!

    2. Glad you clarified, because I thought it was Papua New Guinea!

  2. What did you do with all that junk? The guineas are so cute. Are they from that nest out in the woods that you left alone?

    1. David cleaned it all out and we kept some of it. There were some good metal shelves that we put in our garage.

      Yep, the guineas are from the nest that the one guinea has been sitting on for about a month.

  3. Awesome and Awesome! I can't wait to have time to read your full post about the keets!


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