
Friday, June 8, 2012

Feathered Friend Friday

I thought it would be fun to start a new series called "Feathered Friend Friday." The plan is that every Friday I will write a post with interesting facts, photos, or funny stories about chickens. I'm a bit obsessed with my girls, so this is a good way to share my love of all things chicken! If you need to catch up, you'll find all the Feathered Friend Friday posts here.

After I get home from work and play with the animals for a bit, it's time for them to go to bed. When it's getting close to dusk, the guineas stick around the house because they know I'm going to feed them!

They go crazy for their food! Feeding them in the evening is a good way to make sure they come back close to headquarters to roost so Duchess can keep them safe by scaring away would be predators overnight.

The chickens tend to go in for bed really early lately. Our rooster, Cam, encourages his girls to go in early to make sure they are all tucked in and safe come nightfall. Of course they have to get a little snack to tide them over until the morning.

Once the feeding frenzy is over, things calm down and they all settle in for the night.

I gave the chickens a little bit of yogurt when I got home, and after I locked them up I was looking for the container to put in recycling. It was right by their coop when I fed them, but for some reason I couldn't find it. I figured I'd just look again in the morning until I stumbled upon it...

Duchess! She must have swiped it when I wasn't looking and licked it clean. She reminded me of that funny dog Denver!



  1. I love Denver! And I love that your dog snagged yogurt. And I love her summer hair do.

    1. She always snags the chickens' treats lately! It's so funny to see her quietly come up and drag stuff away in her mouth. Silly :)

  2. I can't explain it, but Feathered Friend Friday has become the highlight of Silas's week. He has to look at the pictures over and over and then he starts talking to the pictures and laughing. He just now told told the Duchess picture "sit down, drink it, eat it."

    1. Awwww, that just made my day! That's the cutest thing ever. I'm glad I could bring him some joy :)

  3. My Pearl wouldn't have just taken the dish away from the chickens, she would have shredded the bowl.

    1. Haha! Duchess isn't really too destructive, so that's good.


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