
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Six Years

Six years ago today David and I said our vows in an intimate ceremony performed by my father in my parents' back yard. There were only a handful of relatives there. I didn't wear a traditional wedding dress and there was no processional or great fanfare.

It was perfect.

I'm not one for being the center of attention, so I knew a huge church wedding wasn't what I really wanted, even though my family hoped I'd change my mind. For both David and me, none of the tradition was important. What was important to us was just being married.

We also figured, why spend all our money on the wedding when an awesome honeymoon was what we really wanted? So that's what we did!

This was the last night of our honeymoon.

We stayed at the Ana y Jose resort in Tulum, Mexico and it was magical.

We spent our days on the beach and our nights on the balcony of our ocean front suite. We ate a lot of good food and enjoyed our time together before life as we knew it changed dramatically.

We got married just a few days after we both graduated from college. Right after our honeymoon we moved to St. Louis to start our lives together in the big city.

Fast forward six years and life is totally different. Along the way we discovered our dreams together and had the courage to make them our reality. And life could not be better. I can't wait to see where our dreams take us next!



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